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myOtaku.com: ravemaster13

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

camp was so funny. i came late tho, like 5 min b4 science ended cuz i had 2 go wit my dad 2 da doctor. AND KEON WASNT THERE!!!!! HE DIDNT FEEL LIKE COMING. but it was funny, nothing reall funny til swim. durin free swim fran wanted the SLow-Mos to annoy peter infront of all these girls. so we started annoyin him and jumppin on him. so we started talkin and said i was gonna get sent 2 the cafeteria and i go, "I PAY UR SALARY!!!" lol. then he said somthin about him not bein smart and i go, "i can tell, ur workin here" and our lifeguard goes "peter, ur job sucks" it was fun!
then at activity we wanted keons sn and cell # so we made up a bunch and out it on a paper, then asked keons friend darrin to write his and keons and he was like, no, u just want keons. so we followed him and started doin mash 2 him, but he ripped the paper. so we threw checkers and connect 4 gme pieces. it was fun!!! then arielle likes this dude named alex, so we wanted 2 take his picture but he kept hiding, so we chased him and took his hat and ran into the girls room with it. then we started lookin 4 darrin again, so me and christina went down the 4 stairs that all the girl sit on (they were at that moment) and arielle decides to jump over them, and clare sticks her leg out, and while arielle was in the air and she got caught and fell face 1st on the ground. i laughed so hard i almost peed myself!!! then like 10min l8r, i got alex's hat again and i ras runnin 2 the girls room and i saw best buddy, and other boys group, so i started screamin MATT!!!!!!!!! i started to run thur one door, that was closed. i thot i was unlocked, but it wasnt. lol. so i bounced off the door and fell, and ryan was behind the door crackin up, matt and ben were standin there laughin at me. lol.

OK, im really bored now, OOOO high school stories. very funny.


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