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• behind you, MWAHAHAHAHA
Member Since
• 2004-07-04
• Student
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• Dee
• cleaning my room
Anime Fan Since
• i saw sailor moon when i was like.....what? 7 or 8?
Favorite Anime
• I have no clue
• i really have no clue now
• oh so many things
• umm...being...stupid, or, me? idunno
| ravemaster13
Friday, August 19, 2005
b4 i get into the ARG part, i had another weird dream! this time, jon, and lauren from camp were related and i went over their new the beach i was at 2 weeks ago. weird....
just now i kept pressin the caps look button thinkin it was the enter so sleepy
ok, the ARG part. my aunt came over yesterday after work. shes in da army, so is my uncle. my uncle is 3rd in line 2 go 2 iraq, and my aunt wants 2 stay in da army, but if she does, shes gonna go sonner or later, if she doesnt, she wont, but she'll lose alotta money dat she needs. wutz a girl 2 do??? and my uncles son, aunts stepson, has problems. hes like, a pyro maniac (fire obsesser) and hes been 2 juvinille jail mulitiple times. we think itz cuz hes so small, he thinks he has 2 prove himself. so 4 a while he wasnt talkin 2 anybody. but wen we saw him earlier this summer, he was happy, and talkin away like he use 2. ok, so im tellin u this cuz i thin khe ran away. they dont tell me anything so i hav 2 take an educated guess. my aunt goes 2 my mom, hav u seen my son? and my mom was like, u havent seen him yet? so, i believe he ran away, and i want that triffeling jackass 2 get his ass home b4 he goes 2 actull jail!!!! gr....
ok happy time, my aunt sed she would get me a pair of her army boots, cuz i REALLY like them. they come up 2 like were the end of ur shin is, and they lace all da way up. and they're black. YAY!!
kk i gotta clean my room.
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