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myOtaku.com: ravemaster13

Saturday, February 18, 2006

otz like 10in the morning, and i have a basketball game at 9pm. im gonna be there until like, 10 30!!!
im kinda mad because im trying out for a new basketball team at 3. the tewam im tryin out for i hate because last year they gave me alot of shit for being the only black girl on an all white team, and they gave my friends shit for being white. so i got tottally pissed off and i almost got into a fist fight with a girl on the court, and i got a technical, so did a bunch of them but i was so effin pissed off. then, we won, pshhh white girls kick serious ass. XD when my parents told me i was goin to hav to go to a diff team to get better, i sed anyone but them. but no, im goin to their tryouts because my sisters old coach (who is so nice) is running that orginization now and sed if that ever happens, he will suspend them, so i sed ok. but im still lookin at like, 3 other teams.

anyways im gonna be playin basketball all day x.x gonna be sleepy tonight!!!

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