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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Disney Land in 2 weeks!!!
So I am going to Disney Land in 2 weeks and I guess it really didn't hit me till now that we are really going. OMG!!!
I am still loving Disgaea 2. I got my trashed kick by this boss and so I got my first game over. T.T then when I started it again I had lost an hour and half of training... .so naturally I quit playing.
I think I am going to make a new account if I can't figure out how to post on your guys sites soon. It is really really really really really really really really really annoying. So ya. I'll let you guys know what my new name is gonna be. So no worries. Well have a good night everyone I am going to eat my din din now! ^.^
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
For some weird reason. I can't post comments anymore so ya.. . That's why I haven't on any of your sites for awhile people. I've been trying to figure it out on my own but.. . .I can't sooo Any ideas would be nice.
Anyways. I am addicted to Disgaea2. I have played it for 20 hours and I am level 31. T.T crappy level I know. lol but I have gotten to the point where none of my characters die anymore so I would like to say I'm skilled. ^.^ Go me.
I don't know how many characters you can have at one time. Right now I have like 12-14 but when you fight you can only bring out ten of them.
I can't wait to beat it and play new game +.
I never even would have imagend me saying that. I've never played through and beaten any game twice... EVER.
Wow thats pretty sad. I've never liked a game so much before. I like it more than FFX or X-2. Which is kinda saying a lot, for me anyways.
Well that's everything I guess. I'm just working 5-10 all this week. Yay? I would like to hang out with you guys sometime this week before I go to work. ^...^ that would be awesome.
Me and Kayne hung out a couple days ago. It was awesome. We watched the new anime music vid DVD thing he got at the con. He played Disgaea 2 and liked it alot then.. we played DDR OMG I love that game. I can ALMOST beat any heavy song. Well ok maybe like Half the heavy songs we have but hey thats pretty awesome if you ask me.
Alright well i'm off to bed. It's freaken 2:30 am. Lol CURSE MY DISGAEA2 ADDICTION!!
oh ya there is also a Disgaea anime coming out in December which I shall be perchasing.. . .again. CURSE MY DISGAEA ADDDICTION. Lol Sleep well everyone see you laterz!!
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Well I got a new game today it's called Disgaea 2. It seems I have a habit for buying the second game even before playing the first but I am loving it right now.
Here are some picts of the main Chars. It is a Stragy game so it is really different for me. I have NEVER EVER!!! Played one before. So it was hard getting used to.
I would send all my chars out for all out attacks and then like half of them would get owned and die. I still had the RPG metality where who ever attacks first wins, but now I am better and none of my chars have died for awhile.. Well except for my whimmpy fire mage. >,< Why are all mages such cupcakes? Ah well I love him all the same.
Here are some picts of the main chars and a pict of the ninja that I have no idea how to get because every thing on every cheat site is WRONG!! CURSE YOU!! INTERNET CHEAT SITES!!
and the healer cause I think she's pretty except my has silver hair and I named her frost for the win. ^..............^
Second 2 top-Rozalin
Third to Top-Hacker Ninja
So ya enjoy. ^.^

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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Anime Banzai.
Yesterday was really fun. Except Swan really wouldn't make an effort and talk to anyone. So it kinda killed it for me. She's SUPER UBER shy.
Other than that I had a blast. ^..^ I wish I could've gone with you guys today instead but oh well.
Everyone who dressed up looked AWESOME!! Totally awesome. I can't wait to do it next year. ^....^
I got caught last night. My parents went to my work to bring me some dinner and. .oops I wasn't there but everything worked out for the better. Instead of asking my mom to do stuff. I have to ask my DAD!! YAY I'M GOING TO HAVE A LIFE AGAIN!! He's not nearly as stricked as my mom. So I'm gonna be seeing you guys alot more!!
Which makes me uber excited!!! Yay!
Well that's pretty much it for me. You all have fun today!! I'll see ya around.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Well I couldn't sleep last night. So I slept in till 9:30ish so I still got 8-9 hrs of sleep. So that is cool.
Me and Notoshia are hanging out today and I had her pick a bird name and she picked Swan.
I never would of thought of that but it fits her well. ^...........^ She is shy and quiet but she will attack you if she feels like you are theatening her friends/family. SO WATCH OUT xp
She is way cool and her stories are amazing. She is actually going to get one published. That is how good she is people. She has them online somewhere but I don't know where but they are usually romances. So I dunno if anyone would like to read them.
Anyways me and Swan are going to go shopping!! YAY I need some new clothes. No not really. I'm just window shopping today. So ya. Well that's pretty much it for today. I am excited to see her. Well see you hackers later.
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Monday, October 16, 2006
Not alot going on today. Just work from 4-10. I am excited for the maple Halloween events. I can't wait to collect all that awesome candy. ^..^ Oh heck yes.
I am still lvl 28 but with a whapping 16%^.^ go me.
That's pretty much it I was gonna go outside and watch my birds but since it rained I'm just gonna stay inside and watch them. lol. After I go back to bed. I went to bed late and got up early. Don't you hate those days. >,<
Yah me too. Well thats it for today. Peoples ahve a good one. I"m goin back to bed.
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
Bird Stalking?
So I put a bird feeder out in my back yard which is really kinda dumb since its fall and all the birds are gone but I was wrong there is still a few that are around. So I take out my blakey and my binoculars, bird books and a wad of paper and go outside and watch them. ^..........^
Yes I am stalking them.. .. I am just laying on my blanky for fun. ... outside.. watching birds... . all day.. ..
Man I am so weird.
The end.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
So last night I closed. With Krista she's cool but not nearly as cool as Toni(A.K.A. Jr.Bacon)
So Toni called and told Krista to tell me to do the WHOOPERLARGEFRIES!!! over the intercom. So I said um m .. . maybe...maybe later.
Then right before I left I grabbed the intercom and yelled it. Then I picked up again and in as sweet of a voice I could manage I said "who wants to let me out?" Then Krista came up and said Everyone told me to tell you. THANKS FOR GIVING US ALL A HEART ATTACK!!
Lol I Rofled at that one. ahhh good times good times.
I found the most awesome pict of the little mermaid done by YumeDust on Deviantart. It's beautiful!!

I have also started playing maple again. I am now level 28 yay go me!!
Well thats it for now. See you guys later. I hope you'll all enjoying your weekend!! I LOVED YOUS!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Well I have to go to work today. From 4-10.
So that will be fun. I'm on chapter 2 on FFX-2.
I love the game but somethings I'm just like. . ..>,< that was retarded.
Now I'm having some issues about who is hotter the fake Tidus(I don't know his real name cause it hasn't said it yet) or the real one. >,<
Umm m m mm. . .. I dunno what else to post about. So ya I hope all you people's enjoy your 4day weekend!! for the win!!! See yas.
I'm gonna go eat breakfast!
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Well I'm officially going!! I got my Schedule yesterday. So here it is.
Mon-MedicalTerminology 8:30-10:15pm
Tues-Collegemath6-7:40pmIntro 2 vettech8:30-10:10
Wed-MedicalTerminology 8:30-10:15
Thurs-Collegemath6-7:40pmIntro 2 vetech8:30-10:10
So I go everyday. Except the weekend which is nice so I can work on stuff all weekend long. That is awesome. I chose to do night classes cause my brain just works better then. On Tues and Thurs I have two classes with 50 min inbetween them. So Lots of time to doodle and mess around. . . .or eat. LOL
I uploaded somemore picts. Here they are one is a chibi Tidus. I thought it turned out well since he's hair is unbelievably hard. >,<

Well tell me what you think. See you guys later!!
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