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Monday, May 8, 2006

ok the more I have thought about this the more I have come to realize that Since I am neither the offender nor the offendie. That I should not have stuck my nose into it. And that this issue is just between Dove and Joykaiba. So I shall post no more about the issue since it is not my issue to post about. Thank you.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006

Hospitals will be the death of me.

Okay on Saturday me and my mom and dad went to the emergency room because we thought I had Appendicitis. Which is really bad cause if it explodes it releases toxins inside your body and you pretty much die. >< So we went at 3:00pm and we didn't get home till 11:00. It turned out that it was NOT Appendicitis but that excess fluid had gathered around my right ovary. Which is painful but it can take care of itself and is not life theatoning. So that was good I really did not want to have to have sergery. ><

Alright so around 3 we went to just the normal doctor then they told us to go to the hospital. I got two I.V.'S stuck in my right arm. At first the nurse was going to put the second one in my left arm. So she grabbed it and twisted, lets just say that turned on the faucet that was already leaking.

So after she appolgized she stuck it into my right arm. Gave me pain medication that made me dizzy. It was really weird. Then we waited for 2 hrs for them to exray my organs. The x-raying only took 10 min. Then we waited another hr for them to tell me I was going to live. Then we waited for another 30-45 min for them to discharge me from the hospital.

It took forever but I am glad that we went and found out that it was really nothing. I am glad we went but I don't want to go to the hospital again for at least a year. So if I break anyother limbs or anything thats just TOO BAD!!

I hope all of you guys have spent your guys saturday in a more fun way. And if you took the time to read all of that. Thanx and if you ever need to go to the hospital you know who to call cause I kno EXACTLY how to get you there. :P

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Friday, May 5, 2006

Today I'm going to go 2 my sister's and brother-inlaws graduation. They r both graduating from medical school. My sister is going 2 b a regestered nurse or in other words an R.N. My brother-in-law is trying 2 b a docter so he just finished 4 years of college. He still has a long way 2 go but he's getting there.

We are leaving here at 7 am to be at the place by 8. For my sisters graduation. Then we r going 2 go out 2 breakfast. Then at 1 pm we r going 2 go 2 my brother-inlaws graduation. So im going 2 be gone ALL FREAKEN DAY!! Oh well I didntt really have any plans anyway.

ALL OF U GUYS!! should click on 1 of my eggs and paste it onto ur site. So if they don;t really hatch I'm not the only sucker :P So go get one please. :) My favorite is the green one of course.

Well i hope u guys have a wicked cool friday. And I'm off.

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Thursday, May 4, 2006

Got Eggs?
I got a really cool egg thing from killerbicuits site. U should maybe check it out. :) I posted the egg right above this post. :) I think I'm going 2 get them all. I wonder if they will really hatch. I guess we'll see June 5. ^^
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I am Broken

I am offically broken. :( I boke my arm when I fell on Tuesday and so it really sucks 2 type w/ 1 arm. I broke my left 1 fortunetly. ^^;

Sorry 4 al the short cuts but i can barely type. Anyways I'm just wearing a brace right now but either 2day or 2marrow I'm going 2 get a cast. Lol its kinda cool actually cause it's the first bone I've broken. ^^

Anyways when i get my cast IF i do cause they said I might just need this brace 4 it 2 heal ok EVERYONE HAS 2 COME OVER AND SIGN IT!! NO BATTLE!!

Omg it sucks cause all this crap keeps happening 2 me. >< Like the more indepenant i try 2 bcome from my family the more edpenant fate makes me. >< Oh well. CURSE U FATE OR KARMA OR WATEVER U R!!! I'LL KEEP FIGHTING 4 MY INDEPENDANCE till I'm just a head like the black knight from the holy grail cause even then i'll bite ur bloody legs off!

I dunno I guess this is just making appriate all the little things.Like dressing myself,cutting ur own stupid steak, and typing with TWO hands for freaks sake. Oh well just gotta make do w/ the cards were dealt. So u all have fun and enjoy your nonbroken arms. :P

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Monday, May 1, 2006


OOOKKKAYYY!! On saturday night I was just minding my own business watching Tv. and at 11 30 I hear. Somepeople laughing outside my window. My first thought is ok its my brothers friends then I hear Dove laugh and I'm like nope. So i point to the window and say I'm gonna kill you and so I open the window and it was RoninWolf,DoveDueliwng, Kayne, and OP-INTENSIFY. It was sooo cool. Thanx guys for visiting me. I gave Dove back Tsubasa and while I was gone Kayne took the remote and put it under the window. So RoninWolf told me they took the remote cause they were all laughing and I was like wat the heck?! Then Kayne told me it was under the window on the ground so ya. It was way cool though. I thought my mom or dad would yell at me the morning but they didn't so no deathness for me yet. I really want to see Advent Children again. T.T It's so cool and Vincent is hot. :) He's probably my favorite. :)
Well anyways all you people have fun at school and I'll have fun cleaning.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tokyo's Anime House.

I just went to my cousin's bridal shower today and while I was there I learned something REALLY COOL!! My cousin Jessica is best friends with the people who OWN TOKYO'S ANIME HOUSE!! I told her I had heard all about it but that I still have never been. She also said she was going to the anime festival today. So she told me to come up on a Friday or Thursday and say hi cause she and her friends play video games in the back room and hang out. I told her I would sometime but I don't exactly when. So Ya I thought that was totally awesome. We just had a barbeque with the family and that was fun. Don't have much else to say. Except I might be going swimming on tuesday with my cousin Kristen who is getting married. That will be cool. I haven't swam since I went to state with the swim team in January. I can't wait. I think I shall draw a pict in ms paint about that now.

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Friday, April 28, 2006


Well I made a new friend yesterday. KillerBuscuit999 and since they were the 55th person to visit me I thought I would draw them a KillerBuscuit in all its warm and steamy goodness. I would have drawn something for the 50th person but I have no idea who that was soo sorry lol. I hope you enjoy. :)
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Thursday, April 27, 2006


OMG!! I was going to post and say thanx for everyone who visits my part of my otaku!! I have had 53 visits since I started posting and wat not. So thank you everybody and I think I shall put up a picture that i'm going to draw in ms paint. So check back here today or tomorrow to see what that awesome pict is going to be. THANX AGAIN LOV UZ!!
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Advent Children

OOOOOOKKKKKKKAYYYYY!! Today is day I get to see Advent Children. Finally I think I am the last person in my whole group of friends but I don't care.. I GET TO SEE IT TODAY. HEE HEE *does a little dance* *STOPS* but first I must thank Aku for letting me come over to watch it and what not cause I'm sure he's watched like a kajillian times, and yes kajillian IS A REAL WORD are you stupid?

Anyways I've been totally obesessed with Relient K's music as well as the Mortal kombat theme I had to download after I saw Midgar Kombat. I like how the Mortal Kombat people had to cool and spell Kombat with a K instead of a C. Hey maybe if I spell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----

that nice piece of art above was done by my fat kitty mamas laying on the keyboard. I thought I would keep it up just to be cool. ..and I totally lost what I was going to say about the whole spelling thing. So if you want to you can use your imagination and fill in the blanks.

If I spelled (blank) with a (blank) instead of a (blank) I could be cool too.b :) Ok all of you have fun with that.

Man I'm so happy. Nothing could ruin this day. Alright time to go just one more heartfelt thanx to Aku for the soon to be most awesome movie experience.

P.S. Kajillian isn't really a real word and if you believed me then..are you even more stupid?
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