Birthday 1988-07-14 Gender
Female Location The twilight zone Member Since 2005-10-07 Occupation Student/ wanna be artist? Real Name Raven
Achievements I am.. not sure.. Anime Fan Since Since Jr. High I believe Favorite Anime Raxpheon, X-1999,BlueSub6,Outlawstar, Goals To finish Ghost Souls Hobbies Drawing, swimming, Rollerblading. Talents Being lazy and Drawing RavenofDoom
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Alright So I have finally decided to play FF10 again after quite a few years of putting it on the back burner.
Tyr let me borrow his Final Fantasy 10. So after I beat it. I am hoping that Teh Edo will let me borrow 10-2.Even though I already have seen and know both endings of the games. Oh well FF10 rox my sox.
I think Tidus is the hottest Final Fantasy Guy ever!!! and that Yuna can kick anyone's trash just as much as Tidus can.
Anyways since everyone is into this whole cosplay madness I thought I would join in. Not this year though. No money's for it this year but I shall join you all next year for sure. If cosplaying is still cool which I'm sure it will be.
The person I think I would look good as cosplaying is well Yuna herself. I got kinda short brown hair and I already have one out of her two eye colors so what the hey.If I do I'm gonna go with her 10-2 outfit.
I dunno if I could pull her off though. So if anyone has any ideas of who I should maybe cosplay as lemme know. Again I wont be till next year but I can wait. ^......^
Here are some picts. ^..^ and yes there IS some fabic undernethe the cool black design on her chest. I wouldn't get it if there wasn't. >,<
So who is all going to the anime convetion? Everyone I hope and Dove can own everyone at the art contests!!!
I can't wait to see everyone's awesome costumes!! I'm sure everyone is going to look awesome. I saw Oj picts of her and she looks awesome. ^.....^ I hope I look that awesome next year. I am excited.
Here is a cute Video of yuna and tidus!^....^
OH and I have some TOTALLY AWESOME NEWS!! I GET TO GO TO COLLEGE AND BECOME A VET TECH!! My mom and dad finally found a solution to the money problem. I am so happy that I get to join all you college going people, like dove and op-intensify. College is going to be a blast!!!
Well thats it! Hope you enjoy my new site design and tell me what you think of me cosplaying as Yuna next year!!!
Toph Mania
I have been drawing Toph picts as of late.
In secret of the fire nation she hints at the fact that she likes Sokka and I think they would be good together cause they are both sacrastic crazy. lol
So here is a couple more tribute vids. One is a tribute to her and Zuko but hey whatever floats your boat.
So here they are enjoy!!!
The video below this is a somewhat screamy music vidoe so dont listen to it. If you are not a definate fan of some what sreamy music. K thanx!
That means you Corbin and Stef!! lol. I'm still a teen so I can still listen to this stuff without fainting.. .so far. lol
OH ya incase you haven't heard. We found our baby kitty. I guess She finally came home around 3ish one night and andrew let her in. She still goes outside even though the weather is crap but what can you do. She loves it out there. Anyways one day when I got on the comp. She came and layed on my lap. I'm just glad she's back. she was missing for two days. I thought for sure she had got washed away. She probably did and it took awhile to get home. Ahh well I love my stupid kitty. Comments (1) |
Secret of the Fire Nation.
Well since I missed the preview of the two new episodes of Avatar on friday. I was hoping that they would show them at a later date.
They of course did. They showed it at 1pm yesterday but I was going to be at church so that wasn't gonna happen. Then I found that They showed it again at 5. I was so happy.
So we get home and I watch the fury of Aang which was at 4. Then at 430 our hometeacher comes over. So we have to turn off the tv.
He stays till 6 so I completely missed it.
I was so mad because in some the trailers people had said that aang finally told katara how he felt. He kind of did but not really. T.T
Anyways so I hurry and eat my dinner come down here and I found it on youtube. I was like its been three days since the premiere someone has to have it up and they did and I watched and it was awesome. ^.......^ Yay for avatar!
Oh ya one more thing. I used to not like Toph. I thought she was really dumb, but since the last episode I now think she is just as awesome as all the other chars.
I also learned that sokka is always keeping his selection of a girlfriend way open. He likes three girls. Sure one of them died already but hey watever.
Anyways so here is a toph tribute vid. I thought it went well with the music. Seeing how she is a soldier of the earth and stuff.
Oh and here's a good KH vid. That I've been rocking out to. ^..^
Please help me cause I'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
please help me cause i'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
believe me I'm just as lost as you
believe me I'm just as lost as you
and every time I think I"ve finally made it
I learn I am farther away than I have ever been before
I see the clock and its ticking away
and the hour glass empty what do the F** do I have to say
Please help me cause I'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
please help me cause i'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
believe me I'm just as lost as you
believe me I'm just as lost as you
keep it inside the image protrayed as if I couldn't stand losing
As if I couldn't be saved, no way
a small confession I think i'm starting to lose it
I think I'm drifting away
from the people I really need
A small reflection of when we were younger
We had it all figured out
cause we had everything coverd
Now that were older its getting harder to see
What this future is holding
What the F** are we going to be
Please help me cause I'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
please help me cause i'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
believe me I'm just as lost as you
believe me I'm just as lost as you
Lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost
I'm just as lost as you
Oh well What am I going to do
Im afraid I'm falling farther away
I'm falling farther away
I'm falling farther where I wanna be
I'm afraid I'm falling farther away
I'm falling farther away
I'm falling farther away
Please help me cause I'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
please help me cause i'm breaking down
this pictures frozen and I can't get out of here
believe me I'm just as lost as you
believe me I'm just as lost as you
I dont know anything at all
and I'm somebody else
It could take years to find you
It could take years to find myself
and I dont need to hear your answer
I just need you to see
that I think its time to break down
these walls that we've grown
Am I still breathing have I lost that feeling
Am I made of glass cause you see right through me
I dont know who I am
Your the only one who see's
that I can't ask these questions
they gave out the answers today
and even if everything goes wrong and we start to fall apart
I dont understand where you are.
I wont understand this by myself.
and I dont need to hear your answer
I just need you to feel
Like their are no boundries at all.
Am I still breathing have I lost that feeling
Am I made of glass cause you see right through me
I dont know who I am
Your the only one who see's
that I can't ask these questions
they gave out the answers today
and I dont mind today
whoa today
I dont matter today
and how far have we come
to fall and throw away the past
will you be there waiting for me
i have to ask what we are
If i ask today it just wont last
So i'll be here waiting for you
will we ever feel this good again (not today)
will we ever feel this real again (again)
will you ever be mine again
will we ever feel this real again
yesterday & today.
Well yesterday at work. There was this lady that wanted this certain stickers ok. The Stickers where on the very top hook and they were the last three behind the new shipment we had got.
So I had to reach up (thank goodness I'm tall) and get them down there was like 50 stickers that I had to pull down. It was a mess. T.T and my arms hurt. It was pretty funny. Well it wasn't then but it is now.
Well today me and Dove are going to the fair. It's gonna be way awesome. well see ya laterz. Comments (0) |
Thursday, September 14, 2006
So I've been doodling again. My last actual good pict was a couple days ago. I've been playing jak and daxter for ps2 again and of course maple story. Which is an online game.
I'm now level 27 on maple. ^..^
Thing's have been going really well so far. Work has been awesome and I have yet to be written up for something. The managers are way way awesome. So is everyone that works there. ^..^
Me and Dove are going to the state fair on Friday which will be really really awesome.
We have the tickets already so dont worry about getting one. Ok dove!!
Umm saturday.. me and a group of friends are going to a haunted house cant wait for that.
I don't like them all that much but as long as im not alone. ^....^ Groups to win.
I guess Lyca works there. How cool is that? I don't like being scared but I don't mind doing the scaring. ^..^
That's pretty much all i have for now. Have a party everyone!!! Oh this is random but when the new bubble (the pool)is finally open to people I'm gonna get a gym membership. Anyone want to get one with me. It probably wont be till next summer but doesn't hurt to ask.
Tsubasa vid. song by tatu. watch
Alright everyone I have a new cell phone number as of today. Here are the people who can have that number. IF ANY OF YOU GIVE IT TO SHAUN OR ANYONE THAT IS NOT ON THIS LIST I WILL SLAP YOU!!!
So here's the people who can have my number if they want it.
If you are not on the list because I forgot you or you would like to be. Just tell me via email phone or when you see me. Have a good day!!