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myOtaku.com: RavenofDoom

Friday, April 7, 2006

Adoption is a wonderful thing.

I must tell you I have been scared to talk about this but I figured sooner or later I would and just so you know it is later. lol

Now I don't expect any of you to understand because I don't think you really could even if you placed a child, each situation is so different but I hope that you can respect me and the decision me and him both made.

First, I can't tell you how hard it was for me. I felt her growing and moving inside of me. I saw her(not literally I saw my big belly)each morning when I woke up and I felt her move each night. I pushed her out and I held her in my arms when she cried and breathed real air for the first time.

Second, Me and him chose her family and I know that they could give so much more than we could right now. Maybe if we had been older, maybe if we had had jobs, maybe if we were married. There are a lot of maybes but the one thing I'm absolutely sure of is that they were ready for a child in every aspect.

Third, Don't ever..EVER.. tell me it was the "easy" way out. If you do I truely believe you are shallow and selfish.

To end this again you may not understand and I don't expect you to and I hope for your sakes that you will never have to make such a decision. I know though without a shadow of a doubt that I was not giving her up..I was giving her more.

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