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myOtaku.com: RavenofDoom

Saturday, September 2, 2006

ok so at 320 am someone comes to my window to tell me their going to go kill themself and die. So i jump out my window and chase after them and tell them to give me their phone they say its dead. So we sit down and I calm them down. Then I go home. Then the police show up and I take them to the three places that person said they were going to go to. They weren't there.

At first my mom was all like OMG LETS GET OUR FLASH LIGHTS AND GO LOOK FOR THEM. So I come home from my police ride and get on the comp. Then my mom comes and lectures me about how they aren't my responsablity and how I am easily manipulated. So I said DONT TALK TO ME and got in the bath. I get out, get back on the comp.

I hear the door open and its my mom coming to tell me that SHE WENT OUT AND FOUND HIM!!!! So I just lock her out again. Then the phone rings in my hand (cause i'd been calling tyr's house a million times to get ahold of him.) and its shauns mom cause my mom wanted to talk to her.

So I get on the other phone to listen in and my mom tells her that she wants her to tell them that it is not appropriate for them to come to my window late at night and that they need to go on with their life.

So their mom says, I just got home from searching all night. I'm tired and they weren't in their right mind. I don't need a lecture ok bye.

So I go upstairs to tell my mom how retarded that was. So we argue and she's like. You are moving upstairs cause I don't want you jumping out your window FOR ANY REASON!! So I said SO YOU THINK WHAT I DID WAS WRONG MOM. SO YOU THINK I SHOULD JUST LET THEM GO AND DIE!! WHAT I DID WAS WRONG!!??

She then says "Well I actually think it was." I was so mad. So I said. HOW CAN YOU THINK IT WAS WRONG!!and she said. I NEVER SAID THAT" So i said YA BUT YOU SAID "WELL ACTUALLY I THINK IT WAS" WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN MOM!!

And all she said was I DONT KNOW ANDREA I DONT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!! I was so dumbfounded that she could sit there and lecture not only me but this person's mother who almost lost their son and think that she was doing nothing wrong. What a joke.

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