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myOtaku.com: RavenofDoom

Monday, October 23, 2006

Well I got a new game today it's called Disgaea 2. It seems I have a habit for buying the second game even before playing the first but I am loving it right now.

Here are some picts of the main Chars. It is a Stragy game so it is really different for me. I have NEVER EVER!!! Played one before. So it was hard getting used to.

I would send all my chars out for all out attacks and then like half of them would get owned and die. I still had the RPG metality where who ever attacks first wins, but now I am better and none of my chars have died for awhile.. Well except for my whimmpy fire mage. >,< Why are all mages such cupcakes? Ah well I love him all the same.

Here are some picts of the main chars and a pict of the ninja that I have no idea how to get because every thing on every cheat site is WRONG!! CURSE YOU!! INTERNET CHEAT SITES!!
and the healer cause I think she's pretty except my has silver hair and I named her frost for the win. ^..............^

Second 2 top-Rozalin
Third to Top-Hacker Ninja

So ya enjoy. ^.^

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