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still in school
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Karshara ^-^
hm...tough call
Anime Fan Since
A very long time
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Anything by Yuu Watase.
become manga artist,and live in japan at least one year of my life
drawing,writing,and other stuff
i base my talents on my abilities which are my hobbies
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
my mood depends. first i was happy to day for various reasons. Then sammy came over and we talked. But the i got into a bad mood when she called her mom to see if she could stay over, but she said no. and ever since that night that she came over to our house and saw me, sammy hasnt been allowed to stay over at my house. So I'm thinkin she's being prejudice toward us. So i called her back and asked her why she wasnt allowed to stay over at my house, when she had just dropped sammy off at my friend tiffany's house and said for her to stay there. she going to tell me that sammy had been stay the night and alot of other peoples houses. Then i said yea but, how come she cant stay with them and not me(which she had only stayed at tiffany's for two nights, NOT in a row.) and then she says in that slave master voice. "Because i said so, Dont question me again" Then she hung up. so yea...i'm in a bad mood since that.I mean who does that bitch think she is! I know she isnt trying to boss me around. I should prank call her over and over, there's a payphone at the end of my street.>:( Gr...well anyway...Here's your quote of the day.
"He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough."
-Lao Tsu
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Jeez...Were do i begin.
The fourth was hectic. First I went down to my family reunion and the was ok, except for I accidently flirted with my cousin.
*Down at lake*
Me: Hi, Who are you*looks up at tall stranger.*
Guy:I'm brian.
Me:What brings you down here?
Brian:Family Reunion
Me:Wow me to! Well i gotta Go.*walks of to picnic Table.*
Aunt Bonnie: Hey Karshara Have you met Brian?
*Few minutes Later*
Me: ................................................Erm...yea.
So yes...can you get arrested for accidental incest?>.<' Why!
ANYWHO! I when i back down from there, obviously very disturbed, I was unexpectantly visited By my friends San and Tina (names shallt not be-th revealed-th.)
So i went over their house and my poor friend and her boyfriend broke up. So she was and emotional reck for the night. Until We watched Gravitation, For something about gay men, it was quite interesting.
but today, now that everything has settled down its an ok day.
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."- Albert Einstein
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Monday, June 28, 2004
Jeez. just when you think everythings looking up for you. Life kicks you in the face and laughs at ya. Evil I tell ya.
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Ever have one of the those days that is so horrible, that at the end all you can do is Laugh? Everyone wants to argue today, i sat in bird duki, i slipped in the shower. and i hit the roof of my mouth with a popsickle stick. tee-hee. What a happy day.
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."- Albert Einstein
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Jeez i'm at the highest level of anger! My so called friend Tiffany keeps rubbing in my face that the boy i like, Like her better. So now i'm not her friend anymore. She hurt me way to many times. Gr. But she can have him. I'm not going to let one boy tie me down, that doesnt even like me. So here what I say. I like you Josiah, but i have to move on. I think i'll go after Max Kasch, he sooooo hot!
"You're fooling yourself if you argue with a fool - others may not know the difference."
-- Robert Paul
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
2nd day
It's the secound day of summer vacation and i'm SO BORED! My grandmother hasnt opened the pool yet and i have nothing else to do.
Damn i'm bored. A well See you all later
"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." Oscar Wilde
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Yo Sup everyone! Sorry i didnt post yestaday. Was a tiny bit busy. But hey, I'm not busy today. FINALLY! School is out! Evil board of Education...making us go till the 7th. Ah well. Happy days now that we be in summer. I got all my pic taken yesterday. EVIL JOSIAH! He was to far away for me to get a good pic of him. Well he was walking fast so i guess he was in a hurry. I wouldnt be upset provided that I hadnt taken a pic of the inside of me purse. Oh well, EVeryone out ther have a good summer!
"Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home."-Bill Cosby
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Sunday, June 6, 2004
Today is a very happy day! i've gotten all my work done, everyone but me is asleep. YAY PICKLES! i've ate almost all the pickles out the jar. (there were only three).
ALSO! Pizza+water=bad Pizza+milk=SUPER BAD! Pizza+juice=ok
Pizza+pop= Very Good.
I got sick last night because i was drink milk and water with pizza. it's taste very VERY nasty.but juice is ok, not much better, but better none the less. Pop and pizza were made for each other.
"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive."
-- Elbert Hubbard
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
LOVE the advice i got from everyone. ^-^ Heh. OH well. Aye wreckin aye am gettin plum whiney nowadais.
IN OTHER NEWS! YAY POOTIE TANG! -is so happy to see pootie tang and hugs Vhs- EEEEEE! anywho i'm uber happy its back.
Now i am doing quotes of the day mk? Now they wont always be quotes.BUT, they wiil be funny and/or meaningful.
"Don't tell me we don't have any mustard! Nooo! .... Ha, yay! I found some mustard, yay! You know I have an exciting life when I get excited over mustard"-Max Kasch -giggle-
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Friday, June 4, 2004
Evil groundedness! Ok advice needed. I'm in love with someone, and i'm pretty sure he doesnt love me. SO i thought i'd do a mature thing and leave him alone...PFFT that didnt work. I crave him MORE!!!!!I love...Well its lust if they dont love you back right? Well I feel stronger feelings for him than i did for my last boyfriend. People say he's cruel. But although i agree with them at times. He has is sweet moments. Dont believe me?Oh well bai bai.
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