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Member Since
still in school
Real Name
Karshara ^-^
hm...tough call
Anime Fan Since
A very long time
Favorite Anime
Anything by Yuu Watase.
become manga artist,and live in japan at least one year of my life
drawing,writing,and other stuff
i base my talents on my abilities which are my hobbies
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/01/04:
Result Posted on 09/18/04:
 Black- You have a heartless effect on most and are not afraid to kill those that stand in your way. You have abilities that surpass most and are not afraid to use them.
What Color Energy do you Have? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/18/04:
 You are the Prietess- You have a strong sense for when something is wrong and a strong spiritual power. You are learning to fight demons and you meditate using your element water. You like to b eleft alone and your usually keep to yourself, unless you ask advice from your sensei.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/14/04:
Result Posted on 08/19/04:
 you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in the middle of good and evil. you dont mind humans, but you like going along with your insticts as well. you show your opposite sides at very different times. you can be kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step and who knows! you love tranquill water, going with the flow. you are pretty nutral
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 08/19/04:
 You are a Gentle Dreamer...
Your a deep and kind person, and sometimes very quiet. Your idea's never cese to amaze the many people who seem to flock twords you, or perhaps its the way you present your cool and calm demenor. But never the less, be careful. Being too calm could lead to many false ideas.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 08/19/04:
 You belong to the un-winged Nephilim!
You are the result of the angels of Heaven smiling upon the daughters of Eva, though your existence is offically denied in Heaven. You often possess great strength in many ways, you are well respected, though sometimes a little feared among humanity. You are a born leader and you posess the capability for great good as well as for great evil. The choice is yours.
What kind of supernatural being are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 08/14/04:
Result Posted on 08/14/04:
Result Posted on 08/14/04:
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