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• To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
• Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Ok, the song my friend wrote...
OK! My friend Chris is looking for a basist and a drummer for his band... if I remember correctly. The name of his band would be Saddistic Anarchist. NEWAY! I have the song for you today, and I hope you like it, lol... he wanted my help on the name, and I'm not sure what he decided outta the list I gave him, it is...
I know you want to end my life,
Be kind never use a dull knife,
Take my life, my soul, my meaning,
We all have a sense of being,
Just so happens you must take it all away,
I know my fate I will not sway.
(that was the chorus)
Stare into the face of your God,
He'll tell you I'm no fraud,
You must take my life, close the door,
So that I may rest in peace forever more
Bury me alive (4x)
Now you know the truth,
Truth is there is no choice,
We are predestined without a voice,
Now will you kill or shall you fall
I know no fear (2x)
My soul won't sway (3x)
We won't escape our fate,
We are Fate's slaves
Accomplish your goal,
Now take my soul...
^_^ Let me know what you think! AND! How is everyone? Lol, Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Thine eyes of oh such a brilliant silver light,
Your smile and touch that of Heaven's might;
How I wish to embrace you until our last breaths,
For each moment not spent at your side is death.
I love your gentle skin touching mine,
How you seem to not be like the others in a perfect line;
The line that keeps them the same,
Yet thankfully you did not wish to play their game.
Your gentle caressing voice smooth and deep,
How you joke around and instead of running you leap;
My dearest keeper of the stars above,
How did you know to send me this one I'd love?
I do wish to keep you in my arms until the end of time,
Until all poets and songs ran out of perfect rhyme;
I'd hold you through Hell and fire if I could,
Only if allowing of God I would.
I'd never want you hurt or in pain all my life,
For you to be so is like being stabbed with a knife;
Your loving soul the match to my own,
How cruel Fate was for us to go through Hell alone.
I love you even through all we have been,
I've never stopped thinking of you as more than a friend;
I want so badly to be near you right now,
But sadly I cannot and oh, but how?
I shall think of you always until the light of day turns black,
Even if love is what all other hearts lack;
I shall never turn from you my dearest,
For now you and I must both be blessed.
I wrote this several Months ago, and never understood it until I remembered that phrase.
"If you love something enough, let it go, and if it returns, it was meant to be."
I have, and I am still waiting, but I am sure what I let go shall return to me.
How you guys enjoyed this, tomorrow, I'll put up the lyrics to a song my friend Chris wrote. Lol, he was joking when he asked me to, but I will neway. Well, tomorrow's post is to be a normal one, so... enjoy this one, and let me know what you think. If you want to use it for whatever reason, ask first. Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Back, I apologize...
Well, I am ever so sorry.... I got grounded from the computer for the weekend, and now am on a 1 hour time limit... So I apologize if I do not get to update daily.... I shall have my special post tomorrow, and lately... I have made 4 friends at my new school. Omg, why am I always a few months older than most all of my guy friends? Lol... neway... I hope to be going some place this weekend... not allowed to say, it's a secret for one person on here, lol. Jeana, SHHHH!!!! Annie too! Lol, if you know. WELL! I have a headache, less than half an hour online, emails to look at, ppl to IM... and I need to go take a nap... I don't feel too good, lol. Parents suck, I'm now anti-social to my "family" and... other than that, in a great mood! ^_^ Lmfao.... neway, how r u guys? Again, I apologize, and I bet it was wonderful without me, right? Lol, ttyl. Ja matte ne...
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Better days! lol YAY! TEST RESULT IN LATIN!!!! ^_^
Eh, ppl pissed me off, and I wasn't in a good mood to being with.... I am better now.... I apologize to Demetre, please forgive me, my friend, and... ^_^ I got a 100 on Latin test! Lmao, I memorized the 12 definitions and all 15 at the end of 2nd period, lol. Latin is not easy, lol. WELL! Yes, Annie, I'm not human, so that means your about...1/4 demon? Lol, now you know why our family is so screwed up! lol...neway... I hope things went alright with everyone today! ^_^ Oh, and Algebra test? Lol, we spent almost the entire class reviewing...^_^ We get to take the second half tomorrow, lol.... YAY! *sarcasm* ^_^ SO! I shall talk with you ppl tomorrow, and...I am no longer angered, things are clear with the 2 ppl I was... well, freaking out over, and...^_^ WELL! I shall have a SPECIAL SPECIAL post tomorrow! ^_^ I get to go with Matt, Pat(stepbrother), and Pat's date tonight, lol.... Fun, my first double date, lol. WELL! Ja matte ne ALL! ^_~ *hugs and candy!* And Demetre, I hoep you aren't too mad at me... Later! ^_^
P.S.- OMFG! LMAO! We learned a WONDERUL word in Latin today, lol. We were studying the spellings and endings and what-not, and... we have a vocab word, and it's "Love" lmao!!! Oh, and we have a fuckin vocab test ever day until we are done with a unit, GOD!!! lol..well, Later! ^_~
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
...Big Fucking Deal!!!!.....
I've finally snapped... My rage is at full, but it won't ruin my good mood! *heavy sarcasm* SO! how the fuck is everyone else?! ^_^ I hope wonderful! And Demetre... take a fucking guess as to who the hell those two ppl are! ...I apologize... greatly, do I apologize.... *sigh* I have snapped, as I said previously.... Well, today was ok... I have 2 tests tomorrow... one in Latin, one in Algebra.... Sucks, but who gives a fuck? Well, ttyl... I'll go hit a damn wall or cuss someone out... Ja matte ne...
(I greatly apologize for this, I have plans with Matt tomorrow, so I should be better... I am so sorry, mostly to you Demetre, for my comment... forgive me if you want, but you do not have to. Later...)
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
School is long and evil! lol...j/k...I'm
*sigh* I have had a tiring day. Latin and Algebra 2 as the last classes of the day suck... Oh boy, wait until next Semester.... Gym and then English last... Joy Joy, lol.... I didn't get to hangout with Matt, but I did see him all day today at school. I am not absolutely in a good mood, but I am still happy.... ^_^ I just... life is pulling me in so many directions, and now school starts. *sigh* It's stressful, and tiring since I can only fall asleep at 12am, at the earliest.... I feel as though I am a burden, to 2 ppl mostly. I feel kinda, around me, and inside... not online, I know you all are here for me... and sorry, I would have answered most of you, but...*sigh* I cannot access comments on sites... Recent computer problems. Well, I shall speak with you all later on. I need to eat, rest, think... get rid of my headache... and... find out what I need to do about this problem... I'm gonna go let out some tears later on. ^_^ It'll help make me feel better! ^_^ Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Monday, August 9, 2004
First day at school and a new place...YAY! lol, j/k...j/k....^_^
GRR! Lol, Pat didn't take me to meet up with Matt, but it's kewl. I gt to play pool with him and Pat later tonight....^_^ Lol, School was great...MUCH better than my old one... (Byrnes, for those friends of mine on here, It rules! Byrnes sucks! MWAHAHAHAAH!) lol, j/k, although it IS wonderful... Lol, it's freakin HUGE though, lol.... I love their Chorus program! ^_^ I am taking Latin as well, lol...pretty much, I got to slack off today, and sketch the pics I cannot show you wonderful ppl, lol...and...I had a great time, lol... Made one new friend...her name is Chris, and she's so nice, lol. WELL! Gtg, homework for Math and such, lol...OH! and my mood was almost deleted entirely thanks to my step brother and mother, lol. BUT! I'm cheerful again! Lol, got to see Matt this morning, he helped me find where I go... He's so nice, lol... Um...^_^ WELL! must go! Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Good day today and yesturday! ^_^
Hello! I am having a wonderful day! ^_^ I had a great time yesturday with Matt, and I got to see a couple of my friends from SC! ^_^ They were visiting their grandparents, and they go up there a lot. I am happy! ^_^ I think my step brother's trying to hook me up with Matt, lol. He set us up on a date today, lol. Ah well. Matt's a sweet guy, and he was really nice he likes me, lol. I see nothing wrong with a date, but my heart is still reserved for someone. WELL! I gtg, being forced to fill out this damn application for Ingles, then...I get to be dragged by my step brother to meet up with Matt.... Lol, what fun I get to have.... ^_^ Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'll ttyl! My mood is staying cheerful and bright! ^_^ First time it's been like this in over 6 years, lol. WELL! GTG! TTYL! *candy and hugs for all!* Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Lol, junk, fun...more junk, that's all, lol ^_^
^_^ 68 ppl love me enough to sign my gb an dcome to my site! Lol... WELL! I have been awake for a short while... It is currently... 7:10AM. I went to bed, or tried to, at around midnight. Lol, it was a very restless sleep, let me tell you... I was tossing an dturning, waking up, falling back to sleep, waking up again 5 minutes later... Lol, talk about freakin' irritating! ^_^ And I'm a girl who loves her sleep! Lol, WELL! I FINALLY get to leave this house! ^_^ Got it's cold so early in the morning, lol.... HEY! Go to Aura's site for details and sign ups for the scavenger hunt! ^_^ I'm a sponser, AND I am going to participate! Lol, well, ttyl! I get to go to the mall and hangout with the only friend I have here in NC, lol... well, whenever my stepbrother gets up and feels like taking Ja matte ne! Have a wonderful day ppl!!! ^_~
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Friday, August 6, 2004
I am happier, getting well fed, getting over my illness, RPing at night...ah, such wonderous peace! ^_^ WELL! how is everyone? I hope well, lol. I shall have a thing, every Saturday, where I talk to ppl via IM, email, PMs, about their problems, and for that day, I am their psyciatrist! Lol, or, however you spell it, lol. Well! Ja matte ne! *candy for all!* ^_~
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