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A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
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Most any and all anime.
Another secret for me to know and you to not.
To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
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Monday, July 26, 2004
Long post, but it's needed...^_^
Lol, I'm not a computer person either, but ah well! ^_^ Sango123 gave me the code...and if any of you want it, I'll post it later on! ^_^ Well, I'm sorry to those few of you I talk to at like...12-3 AM on step-dad took away the computer and our tv... all because my stupid 7 year old sister and 14 year old brother argued about getting out of the pool and my step father had to ask "us" to get out 3 times... Gay f***ing ppl....Uh...^_^ Well! How is everyone today? YAY! I'm at 999 on site ranking! ^_^ So wonderful! Lol, well! I hope to talk to all of you later on! How are your days going? Lol, I hope well.
HEY! Purgatory! We need to figure, when we're going to have that party! ^_^ I have the guest list...and special shout outs and all that I need to do for that day...but we need the day!!! ^_^ I'll PM or have a special post about it whenever me and Purgatory can come up with a day! Lol, OH! And everyone's invited!!! ^_^ Well, this is long, I'm bored...and now... I must go away...tired, hungry...*loud growl from stomach backs that up* AND!!! ^_^ I need to check out 3 more sites, and go check email! Lol, I do too much online, lol. Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
SUCH a kewl thing I learned!!!!!
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HEY! ^_^ Ep. of Wolf's Rain was sad, but sweet! ^_^ And Inuyasha...HEH! I think Kagura and Sessy would be good together, no? ^_^ WELL! I'm in HIGH spirits! gonna go to sleep! Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Better Day! Better Life!!! ^_^ (no one's bothering me anymore!!!...well, at least not many, ^_^)
HI EVERYONE!!!! ^_^ I'm in a MUCH better mood! Lol, I got to dress my sister up like a little vampire (she's SO cute as a goth!!! (she's 7)) and we scared the crap outta my brother and step brother! ^_^ It was GREAT! Then, I went and got my hair cut this morning! ^_^ It looks kewl, and it's not as thick! I can brush it easier now! Lol, I'm in a good mood, which is rare! ^_^ I also get to go to the's called... Bellecher(I think that's how it's spelled) ANYWAY! ^_^ It's this really kewl thing from what I've heard! (never gone to many concerts, never been to a festival, VERY sheltered, surprised my mom's letting me go! But it's with my step sister. ^_^) And I'm SO happy I get to go! ^_^ It'll be fun! Concerts(which means music), food, shops, it'll be awesome! ^_^ Well, I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful day! ^_^ Ja matte ne! ^_~
OH! And I thank all of you who listened to me bitch and whine yesturday. ^_^ It really made me feel better. Later! ^_~
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Feeling better...but MAN it's hot!!!....^_^
I am better. I am back to being perfectly and blissfully numb! ^_^ Other than being sore from the bruises and sick and all, I'm perfectly fine!...well, as close to it as possible. ^_^ I get to go to this awesome festival tomorrow...I forgot what it's called, but I'll tell you when I remember. ^_^ It's awesome... I get to spend most of the day AWAY from my family that bugs me so...^_^ And hell, I might make a new friend or two! Here in Asheville, it's more of a livlier place, and it's more fun than the small town I lived in back in SC... but it was still my home. Eh! ^_^ Well, I'll probably get more freedom soon, and I'm going to make my life much better, no longer following what others wish of me. ^_^ Being numb makes everything so much better! Lol...Ja matte ne! ^_~
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I'm venting with my evil rath, comment, read, don't, whatever... I could care less this early in the morning....
It's about 12:30 am and I have no clue if I'm going to even feel like getting online much after yesturday...I might later on...but not for a long while. I've been bitched out for "being online all day" because I just happen to be online when ppl leave, get off, do whatever, then be BACK online when they come home.... Fuckin' assholes!!!!! Sorry, I feel like venting. I have a huge f***in bruise on my leg thanks to me brother, and he and my step brother think cussing me out and telling me to calm the fuck down when I yell cuss words at them is fine along with hitting me!!! NO IT IS NOT!!!! I've done nothing with my summer except give up my old life to start a new one which really sucks right now.... I'm growing apart from my friends and I've not been able to talk to most of them since summer began... I'm tired of not being able to go anywhere because I'm held under a much more strict lock and key then I was before my mother got remarried... I want to get away from the threats of my ex-bf... Demetre (no offense Demetre) hasn't been really helpful when he lies to me about being hurt and acts like things are fine when I know him better.... My friend Shadow(no offense to you either) has been avoiding me since night before last, and has been saying we need to work out the problem that happened, but he won't say a word to me! I want to get out of my house, away from my stress, be treated like I'm worth something to my fuckin family!!!.... God... I've never said my life was SO aweful or just the worst, but everyone asks me: "Why is you're life such Hell, huh? I bet I know someone who has it worse than you!" I never said it was so bad, so aweful...but I really would like a break...that's all I ask for.... I've been depressed and angry since moving, and my mom says: "Oh, well, you're not the only one... I had to make sacrifices too..." She's the one who wanted to get fuckin married!!! And she knew I didn't want to move!!! She didn't either! But she tells me to take all the crap everyone's dishing to me when she won't take hers and has to come crying to me everytime something goes slightly astray?! NO! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! I refuse to take this anymore!!!!! I'm going to take a nice, extra long walk, see if I can go swimming, take a nice LONG hot shower, and cry until I grow numb again.... I liked being numb, the world didn't hurt as much.... I'm sorry everyone...but I'm so angry, I have no one here anymore... I left my home and all my I only have here.... I thank all of you for being so supportive...and I no longer care, I'll openly admit it... I've done nothing but cry for 3 days now.... It's way outta character for me, but I no longer care! I'm too stressed out to care, and I only want solace and a place of my own to hide and never be shown until I want to come out.... Sometimes I feel like a lead weight, and I feel as if I'm suspended between this world and Death...and right now...I'd greatly long for death. I only have my friends, you all... to live for anymore.... I no longer want to give my heart a chance...not for a LONG while. I've lost my grandmother a month ago, and I've had all these other things happen thanks to my ex.... I'm going to go cry more now... maybe I'll feel better. Inuyasha's on anyway... Later... and again, I apologize...and I thank all of you for hearing me out and being here.... Ja matte ne...
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Heh, a laugh and a slight break for you all... ^_~
Hey...this is not going with my morbid/depressed and evil mood, as of late, but I figured you all could use a break from it, lol. Here's a site that's garanteed to make you at least crack a smile. ^_^ Enjoy!!!
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Wonderful little quiz, no?...Shadow might enjoy it......
Vampires are dead human beings who walk the earth. They are often characterized by fanged teeth pale skin and unearthly eyes. You have a short fuse. You know what you want and you will use almost any means to get there. However, you probably have a soft spot when it comes to the one you love. You tend to be possesive of those you love and they will never escape you.
What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Perfectly me... How quaint...
 You are a six-winged Halfbreed!
You belong neither to Heaven nor to Hell. You are doomed to wander the Realms That Are In Between for all eternity until the Judgement Day. Your fate is absolute loneliness. You are punished for a crime you did not commit and redemption is not within your reach. Your powers are unknown - it's said that a halfbreed will be the end of everything one day. Therefore you are feared and hated. Your only hope is to find the other half of your soul - it is your only solace.
What kind of supernatural being are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Evilness to DINGUS, a Shout Out, and about the Party, and A kind warning....^_^ (yeah, kind...uh...^_^)
*evil glare* Dingus...(aka, Demetre) ...You D.A.! MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!.....I did sleep...but at the morning?...DON'T HIT ME!!!! *runs to hide in the dark, all black room filled with desks* Eep... LMAO! Ok, ok...enough of that...Oh! And btw, "Dingus" is an inside joke between me and Demetre, so everytime you see it, ignore it. ^_^
SO! ^_^ How is everyone? Lol...I can now send PM's to you all!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Lol, just expect them at like...12-2am? Lol..whatever...well, I only have one shout out today...because I'm tired..I have to go shower, and I need to go walking to clear my head... last night kinda hit me hard with a lot of things....*thinks about the bruise given to me by the evil Satan brother* Heheh...well, me and my brother (2(!!) years younger) Don't get along at all...but who cares?! *sigh* Still...things didn't go to well last night with me and a few I have a lot to think about in the meantime...OH! Heheh, on to that Shout Out...^_^
TO EVERYONE!!!!::: ^_~ Heheh, hey all!!! *hugs and candy for everyone!* I hope you all have a wonderful day...^_^ (this way, I don't forget anyone!)
Well, have fun for me...and....that party thing...Hmm... It might just have to be... tomorrow? ^_^ YES!!!! I agree with what Purgatory said yesturday!!! ^_^ I'll PM everyone when it's time, k? ^_^ Lol...Ja matte ne! ^_~
PS- HAVE FUN OR I'LL COME KICK YOUR BUTTS!!!! ^_~ *laughs evily, trying to act innocent* Later All...
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