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Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
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A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
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Most any and all anime.
Another secret for me to know and you to not.
To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Blah....I guess...
Hello... *sigh* The break up didn't hurt, moving is no longer of any of my concern...and I'm not too caring about much right now... I feel numb, and I don't know why.... All well. I'll get over it sometime, lol. SO! Anyone want to hear a depressing poem? Lol...I have to find it, then it'll be posted onto the site... Well, because I just got back from tiring myself out swimming, and I have almost nothing on my mind... I'd love to hear about how everything's going for you guys. I promise to put up a shout out tomorrow, k? And I'm sorry, but I don't have much time, so I don't know if I'll get to go to any of your sites. Tell me how you're doing, k? Ja matte ne....
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
^_^ I'd like to give a special shout out to BrokenWing. ^_^ You are an awesome friend! Lol, and I hope you are having a wonderful day my friend! ^_^
(Everyone else can ignore this and check out the other 2 posts, but I just wanted to let BrokenWing know I didn't forget her, lol. Ja matte ne! ^_~)
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Another quiz, lol...
 Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and unique. You are quite distant from emotion and people, but you have been made this way by one thing or another. Your are truly unique yet fail to see it, and are quite creative be it in art, music, writing, etc.. You used to let people in now you don't even bother to try having been hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude is that you don't need anyone but yourself, people are just trouble waiting to happen. But you really do want to trust someone no matter if you see it or not, deep down your waiting for someone to come and set you free. This kind of depression can turn dangerous, don't let them get to you. Not everyone in the world will hurt you, humans are humans and are not perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps your shell will eventually disappear.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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....0_0 Long post, lol...but much is needed to be said, and there are those that need to be given a shout out. ^_^
Hello to all. Sango123, yes I shall still be on MyO. Thank the Saints, but anyway...^_^ Not all of my friends know me online, and I only got to speak with them and hangout during the school year, which is a big problem for moving and keeping in touch, via internet, lol. Who cares? I have all of you wonderful people here on MyO to keep me from going sane from loosing those friends, and all. ^_^ It'll be better once I have a place to stay here though.
Purgatory, I think it was you who asked, Asheville in in North Carolina, so not really too far from where you live. ^_^
Ok, for my shout out thing, lol.
To Demetre: I thank you for your post, and it was very sweet and touching. Thank you, and you will be happy to know things are almost completely worked out. *hugs*
To Lady Malik: She is away on vacation, not too far from me, lol. She's in NC as well, and I was hoping me and her could meet up, if possible. I wish her luck and a safe trip. And I also hope she has fun, and I miss her. ^_^
To Purgatory: Thank you for being here for me, even if we've known each other for so short a time. It makes me smile to know I have friends.
To Sango123: Thanks for letting me know I'm cared about and that there are such kind people in this world. ^_^
To Aura: Thank you for drawing me as an Anime chara. ^_^ (If you haven't seen his site and his works, go now! lol) It's so wonderful to see people who love to draw on here. ^_^ And you will be missed in the time you are gone.
To Rain of Darkness: Thank you for being here for me as well. I am happy to know I have such wonderful friends. ^_^ And it makes me smile to speak with you.
To original J: I am happy to hear the good news, and thanks for being my friend. I hope things work out for you!
To MA JR: Hello. ^_^ Thank you so much for being so supportive when I needed it most. ^_^ Yes, I am moving... and I don't like it. It's both good, for the new experience, and bad...because I'm leaving my comfort zone, lol... Thank you for commenting and having great art. ^_^
To Niko: Thank you so much! You have been such a kind friend. ^_^ I am happier for that.
To Memaki: Your story is wonderful, even if you haven't written much on it lately. You'll get to it in your own time. ^_^ I am glad to have you as a friend.
To Demonsprite: Hey! ^_^ I am glad to hear you read my comments, and do not worry about coming around to my site. Just whenever you can. ^_^ Thanks for being my friend!
To Demonboy: Thanks for being my friend and having such good pics on ur site!
To KyatheBattousai: My friend! ^_^ I hope you are well, and I'll miss you when I move! I'll talk to you all the time on here. ^_^ Thanks SO much for everything the past 6 years!!! Love ya girl! ^_~
To Julian: Annie! ^_^ I'm really going to miss you, and I promise to visit when I can. ^_^ Love ya girl! And thanks for everything! ^_^
To everyone else: *HUGS!* Lol, my hands are cramping up, so if I didn't do yours today, and you want it done, tell me and I'll have it for you tomorrow or later, lol. Which ever I can get around to first. ^_^ Well, I'm stuck in Asheville until things blow over and while everyone else gets to pack. ^_^ Lol, things aren't going so well....
Eh, remember how I told you about my.."soon to be ex"? Lol, it's now official, I'm no longer with him, and I am FREE! Lol, but... he's not taking it quite so well...heheh. Everyone's keeping me from him because he's told me himself he doesn't want to see me, and that he's not happy, lol. All well, his sorry ass can get over it. *sigh* Not like he cared anyway...BUT! ^_^ I'm not complaining. ^_^ I don't like doing that, but I Well, I believe this is the longest post ever....SO! Lol, I'm gonna go! If anyone wants to just shat or get to know me, email me. ^_^ Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Friday, July 16, 2004
*sniff* Wow...I'm loved...Lol...
Sadly... I hate to say it, but Annie(Julian), Kya(KyatheBatousai), and Demetre....I'm not gonna get to see you guys before I move. I'm moving up to Asheville for good tomorrow, and I go back to SC today to pack like hell. I'm not going to get to see any of you before I go....*sigh* And I don't want to go as it is.... Like hell I have any control, thanks to my damn mother! *sigh*
On a heavier note... *sigh* I got to have fun and go see King Arther last night, with my brother and older step brother(Patrick). It was okay. No, the movie was great, but the experience was ok. Lol, I got hit in my back waiting for Patrick to get out of the bathroom so I could get ready for bed, and he didn't see me... SO! He hits me in my back when I push past him. I finally let everything sink in, and my emotions no longer stayed contained in their tiny wall...*sigh* I cried myself to sleep, and I wasn't alseep but for maybe 5 minutes before waking up and staying up until...god knows what time. I got under an hour of sleep, to say the least, lol.
Crying isn't something I do...but whatever...I no longer care. SO! ^_^ How are all of you today? Lol, I didn't get any requests for what should be done to Demetre, lol. His smart comments and remarks get him a beating on the arm when I see....nvm. I won't see him. Eh, lol... I was just kidding anyway...but I am going to miss everyone like Hell. ^_^ I love you all because you are my friends, and my friends are the only family I have! ^_^ To hell with blood relations, lol. SO! Who's got something to share today? Lol...I might not post tomorrow, but I shall try to post later on... if I can, lol... I'm going to see about not having to stay up here in Asheville Saturday, and just hanging out with my grandpa. Lol, I do some training over there, and it works to get out frustration. Lol, I bruised my hands last time I did that, but it helps! ^_^ WELL! *candy and hugs for all* I must be going now... If you want to talk to me, feel free to email me or IM me if you have AIM. Lol, Ja matte ne! And I hope all of you stay in touch. I'll need your support. ^_^
And thank you for your wonderful comment Sango123! ^_^ It made me smile.
Ja matte ne! ^_~
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Lol, DANG! LOOKIE AT THE LONG POST MOMMY!!!! (lol) j/k!! But it is! ^_~
Hmmm. *evil look* Well, Demetre, I DO wonder who this "sweetie" of mine is... *winks then laughs evily at you*
Well, I hope everyone is having a good day today. ^_^
I checked out your new art work, Aura! Very good! ^_^ Thnx for telling me it was up! ^_~
Your welcome for the candy Kya. ^_^ Yes, I know how much you love it. Lol, you can have all the candy you want! Annie too!
OH! And all of you can as well! ^_~ I have an endless supply! Lol...well, I think today I might try to get some of my story up here, lol. I'm almost done with my first book... been working on it for a year now(cleaning it up a bit now), and my mom's gonna try to get it published...^_^ If you want a sneak peek at the 2nd book (currently in progress) tell me, and I'll put up an excert when I get a disk to transfer it to my mom's computer from mine. ^_^ WELL! Now for a bit of something new...
I'd like to send hugs to Lady Malik, in hopes she feels better and that she has fun on her vacation.
Hugs and candy to Kya, thanx for being my frend for the past...6 years now? ^_^ Thanx girl!
Hugs to Memaki for continuing her story and being such an awesome writter! ^_^
Hugs to Aura for doing so well in his work, and I'm glad that you're working on it too, trying to fix it. It really shows how much it's coming along!
Hugs to RainofDarkness! Thanks for being my friend and continuing to be here for me!
HUGS to Tepocoora!!! Thanks for having such a wonderful and possitive attitude, and I thank you for your support on here! ^_~
To Demetre...Hmmm....*thinks* What should he get? Anyone have any ideas? ^_~ I want to give him something..."special"...*evil grin*
Oh, hell...HUGS AND CANDY TO ALL because you all are just so wonderful! ^_^ Hope you all have a wonderful day! And I'm interested in making new friends, so if any of you know someone whose site I should &/or could go visit, please point it out to me! ^_^ And send in your requests for what should be done to Demetre(^_~), if I should post an excert of my book, and....just whatever you feel. ^_^ OH! And let me know if any of you have new art work up! ^_^ Ja matte ne! ^_~ AND! Tell me what's one thing you've always wished you could do, no matter what it is! ^_^ BYE!
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Just for your Information....
Lol, OK! Just for all who want to know, Like Lady Malik...^_^ *bows* My new AIM sn is updated onto my profile, and so's my new email address. BUT! Just in case, it is!!! AIM::: Drayea222 and email:::
Enjoy! lol, Ja matte ne! *candy for all!* ^_~
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Whoa! Lol, bored, not much else to do... what better than write a long @ss post? ^_^
Lol, thnx to those who commented yesturday. ^_^ *sigh* I'm not going back to that suicidal thing...already been there once, lol. It's just that things have been going and going like this for 6 years, lol. It's not just my brother either, it's the reast of my family too, lol. I hit him back, but then it doesn't matter to him, and he goes and pins me down to beat me even more, and I'm 2 years older! Lol, well, I don't care.... Other than getting yelled at by everyone again, it's been an awesome day. ^_^
OH! I must tell you all! ^_^ My new sweetie! He got me this ring, it's one of the Crow (the movie) rings you can find at Hot Topic, or at least the one down here. ^_^ I'm not too keen on gifts, lol, but I liked it. It's silver, and it reads: "The Crow. Real Love Is Forever." Isn't that sweet!? I got it a few days ago though, lol, didn't think of mentioning it. Lol...omfg.... I'm acting like a prep! ACK! Lol, j/k.... I have my sweet, girlish side... ^_~
Anime guys: OMFG! Run! She's been possessed!!!
Me: *glares* NUH UH!!! ^_^ Lol, SO! How's everyone today? I am in Asheville, and I got a new email addy. ^_^ My stalker ex can't use the one he gave me to track me down now! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Lol, j/k! ^_~ SO! Everyone doing good? Lol, there's a link I have to get my brother to email to me so I can put it on my site and then ALL of you can enjoy the insane madness of the funny clip! Lol...*sigh* I get to go BACK home Friday, and see my grandpa on Saturday (despite the fact he was MEAN! Lol) And I get to train. ^_^ I have a metal pole and a block of wood tied to a tree(hanging from a rope) that I use to train. Boy, when we stopped by his house today, I should've been able to take a huge chunk outta that piece of wood, lol. I have a lot of pent up rage and All well, who really freakin cares? ^_~ I'm better off loosing myself in my posts, other's sites, and chatting with my wonderful friends! ^_^ HEY! I have a new AOL sn too! I need buddies, lol, so...anyone interested in IMing me and chatting? Lol, Ja matte ne! ^_~ Hope you all are having fun! ^_~
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Sorry to complain, but I'm to my limits and crying...(something I do not do!)
To hell with this....*sigh* My brother's being an @ss again. I'm suppose to take it and be nice since I don't see him often. *sigh* If he's going to call me a b***h and hit me, like hell I'm sitting there and being nice, PLUS! He's wanting to disconnect ALL my game system stuff just so he can play his gay games! God! Either god strikes him down or I do, lol.... I'm far beyond my limit of hurt, and I'm a little sick of everything that's happening. I hate my family and thinking they rule over me and I'm spose to sit back and take it. I'm tempted to go back into that suicidal mode, just to see if they give a damn... *sigh* Sorry to bother you all, but I'm so sore from my brother hitting me, and I'm tired of being made out to look like I'm the only one to do wrong in this family....*sigh* I better go, I've said enough, and I'm sorry to complain like this... Ja matte ne...
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quiz results...
 Dark Beauty! You're mysterious and a riddle for everyone, and that's exactlly what people attract to you. You often wear a cold mask to not show that deep inside your soul is as pretty as your looks.
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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