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Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
Anime Fan Since
A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
Favorite Anime
Most any and all anime.
Another secret for me to know and you to not.
To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Just whose back? ^_^
YAY! I AM BACK!!!! ^_^ I'm SO happy my mom's letting e stay home too, OMG! I was going to have to go to Asheville for a week after packing my room in a few HOURS(!!!) and stay there for a week and come back down and finish...*sigh* WELL! ^_^ I went to the beach, and DIDN'T GET BURNED! ^_^ YAY! I'm normally so sensitive to the sun and get sun poisoning, but not this time! ^_^ BUT! I did get sick hen I went to Sea World and to my fist baseball game. It was a league game (not major league) between Tampa Bay and...I can't remember, lol. ^_^ Tampa Bay won though, lol. I hid in the shade and didn't bother to watch, I just talked to ppl. Lol...and Sea World...OMG! Kraken is the kewlest and best roller coaster there!!! AND! At the end of the ride, there are these eels inside glass orbs, water running over the sides of the orb, and it's SO kewl! They're made to look like the eggs of the Kraken...and it's really kewl! Lol, I got a jester's hat, and I won a Shamu doll. ^_^ I got to see the show and meet new ppl. ^_^
ASIDE FROM THE INSANITY!!! ^_^ I hope everyone had a great time while I was away...*sigh* Sorry I was gone for so long, but my dad's computer wouldn't bring up my site....*cusses the computer, lol* SO! Was I missed? If not, I'm kewl with it, lol. And....hmm....OH! Lol, what all have you guys been up too? ^_^ Lol, I appreciate the comments, you all are so kind...I'm happy. ^_^ My friends are my family, and it's ironic...Lol, my family doesn't like me (I'm too...."goth" or "freak" for their preppy selves) but my friends are true. Lol....omg, why am I saying this? Lol, well, gtg. Talk to me! ^_^ Email, comment, IM...whatever! ^_^ I'm just SO happy to be back! *hugs candy and smiles for all!!* Lol, Ja matte ne! ^_~
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