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• rayea_night
• Where ever I happen to choose at the time.
Member Since
• 2004-06-18
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Real Name
• Night
• Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
Anime Fan Since
• A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
Favorite Anime
• Most any and all anime.
• Another secret for me to know and you to not.
• To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
• Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
Saturday, July 17, 2004
....0_0 Long post, lol...but much is needed to be said, and there are those that need to be given a shout out. ^_^
Hello to all. Sango123, yes I shall still be on MyO. Thank the Saints, but anyway...^_^ Not all of my friends know me online, and I only got to speak with them and hangout during the school year, which is a big problem for moving and keeping in touch, via internet, lol. Who cares? I have all of you wonderful people here on MyO to keep me from going sane from loosing those friends, and all. ^_^ It'll be better once I have a place to stay here though.
Purgatory, I think it was you who asked, Asheville in in North Carolina, so not really too far from where you live. ^_^
Ok, for my shout out thing, lol.
To Demetre: I thank you for your post, and it was very sweet and touching. Thank you, and you will be happy to know things are almost completely worked out. *hugs*
To Lady Malik: She is away on vacation, not too far from me, lol. She's in NC as well, and I was hoping me and her could meet up, if possible. I wish her luck and a safe trip. And I also hope she has fun, and I miss her. ^_^
To Purgatory: Thank you for being here for me, even if we've known each other for so short a time. It makes me smile to know I have friends.
To Sango123: Thanks for letting me know I'm cared about and that there are such kind people in this world. ^_^
To Aura: Thank you for drawing me as an Anime chara. ^_^ (If you haven't seen his site and his works, go now! lol) It's so wonderful to see people who love to draw on here. ^_^ And you will be missed in the time you are gone.
To Rain of Darkness: Thank you for being here for me as well. I am happy to know I have such wonderful friends. ^_^ And it makes me smile to speak with you.
To original J: I am happy to hear the good news, and thanks for being my friend. I hope things work out for you!
To MA JR: Hello. ^_^ Thank you so much for being so supportive when I needed it most. ^_^ Yes, I am moving... and I don't like it. It's both good, for the new experience, and bad...because I'm leaving my comfort zone, lol... Thank you for commenting and having great art. ^_^
To Niko: Thank you so much! You have been such a kind friend. ^_^ I am happier for that.
To Memaki: Your story is wonderful, even if you haven't written much on it lately. You'll get to it in your own time. ^_^ I am glad to have you as a friend.
To Demonsprite: Hey! ^_^ I am glad to hear you read my comments, and do not worry about coming around to my site. Just whenever you can. ^_^ Thanks for being my friend!
To Demonboy: Thanks for being my friend and having such good pics on ur site!
To KyatheBattousai: My friend! ^_^ I hope you are well, and I'll miss you when I move! I'll talk to you all the time on here. ^_^ Thanks SO much for everything the past 6 years!!! Love ya girl! ^_~
To Julian: Annie! ^_^ I'm really going to miss you, and I promise to visit when I can. ^_^ Love ya girl! And thanks for everything! ^_^
To everyone else: *HUGS!* Lol, my hands are cramping up, so if I didn't do yours today, and you want it done, tell me and I'll have it for you tomorrow or later, lol. Which ever I can get around to first. ^_^ Well, I'm stuck in Asheville until things blow over and while everyone else gets to pack. ^_^ Lol, things aren't going so well....
Eh, remember how I told you about my.."soon to be ex"? Lol, it's now official, I'm no longer with him, and I am FREE! Lol, but... he's not taking it quite so well...heheh. Everyone's keeping me from him because he's told me himself he doesn't want to see me, and that he's not happy, lol. All well, his sorry ass can get over it. *sigh* Not like he cared anyway...BUT! ^_^ I'm not complaining. ^_^ I don't like doing that, but I Well, I believe this is the longest post ever....SO! Lol, I'm gonna go! If anyone wants to just shat or get to know me, email me. ^_^ Ja matte ne! ^_~
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