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• rayea_night
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Member Since
• 2004-06-18
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• Night
• Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
Anime Fan Since
• A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
Favorite Anime
• Most any and all anime.
• Another secret for me to know and you to not.
• To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
• Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Get a load of this crap!!!
This is the email I found from my ex this morning. It made me very unhappy, and I would like to know your opinion of it. If you wouldn't mind, that is. Well, here it is, and please, if you have anything you'd LOVE to say to him, I'll gladly send him an email! ^_^ (I'm NOT in a happy mood...not at all)
PS- VERY IMPORTANT!!! Until tomorrow, we cannot have the party...*sigh* Sorry about this, but... I just figured I'd want to get things over and done with so I can be in a great mood! More enjoyable for everyone else that way too! Lol, Ja matte ne! ^_~
I know your probably just going to delete this, but i thought i would give it a shot. I have a few things i need to say. The first would have to be I'm sorry. i'm sorry for who i was i wasn't the person i needed to be so im not sure about much right now. the second is two fold. first i was at least honest enough to be upfront about what happened between me and natayla. im sorry for that but it happened apparently you couldn't see past it. the other half was that you promised never to bring up the stuff about beth agian. i can never go back to her i know that and yes i thought i loved her she ws my first real girlfriend.. i may at one time have said that she was my first love but that was before i fully understood the word as i do now. the third i that i know that everything is over between you and me. now im not sure if its patrick that won't let me call or if it was your chioce but i respect it either way ( mainly because i can't fight it). i finally figured out that i can't win everytime... so the last thing i have to say right now is thank you for the time and love that you did give me... also i know you probably never want to see me agian but i kindly ask as a final request that you be there whenever they arrange to give my stuff back so that i can give you your poems, and your cd... the other reason is so that i can break the connection for good because i can't do it from here. im sorry and if you can't do this or jsut don't want to i can undestand for i now see my many flaws and imperfections. goodbye for now my friend.
Love, (a feeling deep enough never to be broken)
Bradley Alan Mills
What the f***ing hell is he thinking? My opinion? One: He can shove his feelings for me up his ass at the moment.
2: He lied to me ablout what happened with my friend! And he swore up and down on his love for Beth!
3: He is full of B.S. majorly...
And over the course of a few days, I might not be myself, but I personally thank his sorry ass for being the reason why I no longer want to be with anyone for quite a while. Well, I've bitched far too long. Ja matte ne...
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