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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Saturday, August 7, 2004

   Lol, junk, fun...more junk, that's all, lol ^_^
^_^ 68 ppl love me enough to sign my gb an dcome to my site! Lol... WELL! I have been awake for a short while... It is currently... 7:10AM. I went to bed, or tried to, at around midnight. Lol, it was a very restless sleep, let me tell you... I was tossing an dturning, waking up, falling back to sleep, waking up again 5 minutes later... Lol, talk about freakin' irritating! ^_^ And I'm a girl who loves her sleep! Lol, WELL! I FINALLY get to leave this house! ^_^ Got it's cold so early in the morning, lol.... HEY! Go to Aura's site for details and sign ups for the scavenger hunt! ^_^ I'm a sponser, AND I am going to participate! Lol, well, ttyl! I get to go to the mall and hangout with the only friend I have here in NC, lol... well, whenever my stepbrother gets up and feels like taking me...lol. Ja matte ne! Have a wonderful day ppl!!! ^_~
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