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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Monday, August 9, 2004

   First day at school and a new place...YAY! lol, j/k...j/k....^_^
GRR! Lol, Pat didn't take me to meet up with Matt, but it's kewl. I gt to play pool with him and Pat later tonight....^_^ Lol, School was great...MUCH better than my old one... (Byrnes, for those friends of mine on here, It rules! Byrnes sucks! MWAHAHAHAAH!) lol, j/k, although it IS wonderful... Lol, it's freakin HUGE though, lol.... I love their Chorus program! ^_^ I am taking Latin as well, lol...pretty much, I got to slack off today, and sketch the pics I cannot show you wonderful ppl, lol...and...I had a great time, lol... Made one new friend...her name is Chris, and she's so nice, lol. WELL! Gtg, homework for Math and such, lol...OH! and my mood was almost deleted entirely thanks to my step brother and mother, lol. BUT! I'm cheerful again! Lol, got to see Matt this morning, he helped me find where I go... He's so nice, lol... Um...^_^ WELL! must go! Ja matte ne! ^_~
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