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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

...Big Fucking Deal!!!!.....
I've finally snapped... My rage is at full, but it won't ruin my good mood! *heavy sarcasm* SO! how the fuck is everyone else?! ^_^ I hope wonderful! And Demetre... take a fucking guess as to who the hell those two ppl are! ...I apologize... greatly, do I apologize.... *sigh* I have snapped, as I said previously.... Well, today was ok... I have 2 tests tomorrow... one in Latin, one in Algebra.... Sucks, but who gives a fuck? Well, ttyl... I'll go hit a damn wall or cuss someone out... Ja matte ne...

(I greatly apologize for this, I have plans with Matt tomorrow, so I should be better... I am so sorry, mostly to you Demetre, for my comment... forgive me if you want, but you do not have to. Later...)

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