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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Friday, September 10, 2004

   Another day, but no pain!!! lol...
Lol, YAY! I have now pain today, and I've not thrown up for a couple of days. ^_~ SO! I'm feeling better, a bit depressed because my new family is arguing like hell, but better! ^_^ OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!!

Do you think you could do one of my friends a favor? He's new, and he's REALLY nice, but he doesn't have any friends on MyO yet. ^_^ Don't treat him like e newbie, he hates that, but please go by his site, sign his gb, and say hi?
His MyO sn is::: Brosenka

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

WELL! *sigh* I want to talk to someone, but no one appears to be online. Lol, I guess I'll just go watch depressing music vids. Lol, I hate when my family fights, because... well, when I was really young, that's all I remember hearing. There was always some sort of arguement going on, whether about me or my brother or something one of my parents did. I hate it, which is what led to the divorce.... Eh, my mom's not happy here, like me. I don't like the idea of moving back so soon, but... *sigh* I don't want to be here... st least, not in this house. I'm not keen on sharing a room with my stepbrother, who gives me all these damn rules to follow. I don't like my stepdad, mostly because he's an ass to me and my mom. My stepsister...eh, she's just... a bit too full of herself from time to time, and doesn't care for anyone not giving her her way when that happens. Ah well, I can get over it, right?

SO! On a lighter, happier note! ^_^ LOVE YA GUYS!!!! You are my true family! SO! I hope you are all well! If not, talk to me about what's wrong. ^_^ I'd be MORE than happy to help or give advice! Lol, well...ttyl! Ja! ^_~

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