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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

   Another day.. but who gives a crap?
I have a bad migrane this morning... *sigh* Ah well, I'll get over it, they're common for me, sadly. Ok! WONDERFUL fucking fun to have today!!!! Here's what whoever the hell it is wrote on Brosenka's site:

: Rayea, my love! Come to me so that we may spend forever in eternal happiness!

I'm not amused. Whoever the hell goes to his site, better speak up now, and until I find the one who did it, I'm going to be in a very pissed off mood.....

OK! To those of you who didn't do it! Lol, I hope you all have a wonderful day... And I apologize to a few of you, I know I promised to be online later on after I ate dinner... *sigh* But ppl can be such assholes.... My mom and stepdad turned off the computer, told me to watch Rose Red (awesome movie) with them, while they constantly got on my nerves, coming behind me and messing with my hair and all, and then expecting me to not try to bite them, which I gave FAIR warning to several times. *sigh* So, I got up when my mom did, hid in their giant closet, scared the hell outta her, went to get ready for bed, and left them.

NEWAY! My night was grand... I even had a GOOD dream for once... then the alarm clock rang RIGHT as I was about to start some weird, yet kewl game.... Neway, it's hazy, and difficult to explain. Lol, well... ttyl. I'm still a little tired... AND I have to go to school and possiblly get in trouble for beating the shit outta something. ^_^ It'll be worth it, lo.. Ja! ^_~

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