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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Work, school, watever...
Well, I got home about the time expected, got online, changed, got back online, went to sleep, and woke up around 5-4 and 1/2 hours later. Not bad... but I'm so tired. Won't complain though... I'm only scheduled to work this Fri. too, so! I tore open my hand at work.... Getting ice for the drink machines, and my hand caught inbetween my watch and a metal counter corner... Fun. Anyway... I'm most definately going to break up with Chris... His whining attitude and the fact he's a year younger... *sigh* It doesn't settle well with me, and it seems he only wants me to touch him (give hugs, kiss him at school and risk getting in trouble (which because of him I came SEVERELY close to)) and I don't like that...

My mom and I had a big fight before I left for work... everyone was on my case, but since they couldn't get a ride for me at 5:30, like I kindly asked, I took my dear sweet time and even checked a few things online... wasn't leaving and having to be there until 6:30.... My mom was having an off day, and I wasn't in much of a good mood either... Cried a little, which felt good after about a month of not. Well, I'm gonna go, school and all. ttyl. Ja.

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