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Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
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A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
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Most any and all anime.
Another secret for me to know and you to not.
To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
*sigh* Sorry...I attempted to change my site, and things fucked up badly... *sigh* Thankfully!!!! Brosenka helped me to fix it, and for that, I'm greatful...Lol, kinda.... I'm not in a good mood... mostly because I feel sick and I want to go lay in a ditch and die somewhere. *sigh* My now...friend, Chris, still likes me, and I really am not into fighting him or the assholes in my classes.... I found, that if I leave them alone, and they see I'm sick and don't feel well, they leave me alone! ^_^ Joy joy... neway, yeah... srry... Um, for those who wish to know how my weekend was, go to the last post, and check that....NEWAY! I am perfectly fine... other than the tendancies to threaten suicide, and that's slowly going... I had the urge to tell my boss to fuck off yeasturday. I threw out my back and cleaned the damned theater several fucking times, and his sorry ass was worried about me leaving him, and Tracey, my co-worker, with all the fucking work!!!! They were sitting on their asses in box office, or in his damned office! I was standing, going and cleaning the fucking theaters, working consession on my OWN, and I asked him for help a time or two, adn his ass just stood there watching me!!!! I was pissed.... I was SO pissed... at least Robert (the other manager) was nice to me. I got my food RIGHT after Alan, the gay manager from hell, gave it to me and told me to eat. I sit down, and am ready to eat, and he tells me to go do a walk-through....Robert tries to get him to let me eat first, and he apologizes, but I'd already put my food down and go to check the theaters... I go, check them as quivkly as I can, and I almost fall over from this sudden pain in my stomach. It was like someone had stabbed me. I take a few deep breaths, and it wouldn't leave, I just hid it for the night. THEN! I had to clean consessions, do inventory, and Tracey is ordered to go and bag popcorn, which she fucking makes me help with... I hate those damned ppl!!!! I was so tird by the end of the night, and I was dizzy and a bit uneasy from the cleaners... *sigh* I went, got ready for bed, and I had to peel the skin on my feet... My calouses were so fucking bad, lol... Disgusting, I know.. but that's how bad and how much I had been walking in my boots, lol. back is killing me... and I need to go eat... if I can force it with the throwing up feeling... Ja...
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