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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Monday, November 8, 2004

Love is Light in Darkness
Such is the death of depression,
Such is the death of sorrow,
Can we honestly change the winds of time,
The winds of undying heartache and devotion?

Are we truly so mad as to kill those like us,
Are we truly so heartless to go and hurt those we love,
Those who'd die for us,
Those who'd live forever with us in eternity?

Such is the hell of endless rage,
Such is this madness of humanity,
All those fools who know nothing of love,
Those who are too fearful to learn to accept it.

Love is a precious gift,
Lovers are a precious sight to behold,
Miracles are created by love,
And brought down by seeds of hate and lies.

Such is the death of depression,
Such is the seed of fear and man,
Such is the undying hells of remorse,
Love is the only light in this endless tunnel of darkeness called Humanity.

~~~~Sorry about that. I felt as though a bit of a change was in order. Love is a light among the darkenss. And I, for one, am not to see it destroyed. I was afraid for a while, and I was afraid to love and open up.... But, I can safely say it's no longer the case, and I've found someone who makes me truly happy. ^_^ I'm not tell who, though.
~My friend... I'd hurt him, and he needed to forget we were ever more than friends, so he could finally live in peace and move on as he'd been wishing to for a while now. Sadly... did he heed my advice? Nope. He's as stubborn as any other man. ^_^ Ah well.
~Today promises to be an odd, yet welcome day. It brings winds of change and of peace and a bit of uncertainty. As most days do. ^_^
~WELL! At the party with my sister... I allowed her a grand time. The others paired up and were somewhat distant from her, despite their claims of friendship. I now know why she's so unhappy when talking to them or coming home from school. WELL! I skated (even if it was the gay roller skates with the two sets of wheels that I have no balance in ^_~) even if I couldn't find my roller blades. I showed my little sister a grand time. ^_^ Fell flat on my ass when I went with her to...*sigh* Do the "hokey Pokey" dance... Lol, as I said, I have no balance. I fell two other times, spraining my ankle... comforted my little sister when she fell down and crushed a few fingers under her skates... made a few friends among the midgets, lol, and I had a pretty good time. I even bought my sis a light up flashy thing. She loved it, lol, and i got a magnetic flashing light. ^_^ It was fun to do that with her.... Sadly, I'm not EVER wearing white to another skating rink again. With the black lights on, I glowed like a freaking PIXY! ^_^ It was ok though... I kinda liked the glowing thing, lol. Although... got more attention than I like. ^_^ Well, this was pointless. Ja! ^_~

"Wings of winds and change appear..."~~~~

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