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• rayea_night
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Member Since
• 2004-06-18
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• Night
• Depends on what you'd call an acheivement....
Anime Fan Since
• A long time, hard to say from wence it all started...
Favorite Anime
• Most any and all anime.
• Another secret for me to know and you to not.
• To sing, write (be it poetry or my stories), involving myself in my art, and my music (be it writing my songs and putting them to music or playing any random thing and listening to my CDs), also my artistic works.
• Oh, it'd make it so much more interesting to speak to me in person about that.
| Rayea Kagome chan
Monday, January 10, 2005
Hate, Burning fucking HATE!!!!!
My mother went through my room while I was at work. She took a few of my things, thinking I wouldn't notice any of my things missing. Then, this morning, she attempts to turn me around and take the chains off my pants. Fuck her! I'm sorry, but she and I compromised. She promised she'd come and talk to me instead of going through my fucking room as well! Goddamn her! I honestly am so mad that I do not care if she dies on Friday during surgery. I'm sick of being treated with disrespect and not being given the privacy I was promised when I moved into my goddamn room! I hate them! As I typed last night, as I said while I cried until 2 am last night, I HOPE THEY FUCKING BURN IN HELL! I do not care right now, nor will I for a LONG time until they prove they can earn my trust once more and not DO THIS SHIT TO ME!!!! My mother wonders why we grew apart after the divorce... It's because she'd invade my fucking PRIVACY every hour of the fucking day!
She'd listen in on phone calls, so I'd never be able to talk to friends when she was home, because if they had a problem they came only to me for confidentiality, My mother would go behind our backs and tell their parents! She'd read my fucking diaries and journals, saying I had no right to be depressed over the things that I was, that I was still a child and should not act so naive and stupid! I hate that fucking woman for making me grow up when I was 9, and I hate her! *sigh* I gtg... ja ne.
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