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myOtaku.com: Rayea Kagome chan

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Not Much Today, Last Night, However....
Nothing much going on today.... Listening to the CD Chris got me, again. It's always playing on my computer or I've got my headphones on in the car listening to it when I go somewhere now. Not a moment goes by I am not listening to it (even when I sleep). It relaxes me, why not listen to it?

Work last night was.... *shrugs* Helped a new guy who was really nice, a fellow co-worker told me to tell him if this one guy gives me anymore hell, and one co-worker (sweetest guy) slipped and fell, burning himself.... (spilled oil all over himself) His brother was in the theater and wouldn't drive him home, so he had to drive, and his vision was screwed up. He is fine now, so I hear.
We took until 12:30am to clean everything up.... (I was the only female worker last night) And the co-worker who offered to beat up the guy giving me hell will hear from me Sat, when I'm working next and so is he.

*Sighs* There's this one guy we work with, everyone knows he's an asshole. He's been going around, telling most of the guys and a couple of females I work with how easy I am, that he can get some from me anytime he desires, that I'm horrible comparred to the other 47 girls he's had (*cough*bullshit*cough*) and other random things that tick me and them off.
They know me well enough to know, that's not at all true, and the guy came by last night... told me to go to hell, "Bite me", he randomly calls me a bitch, when I ask him nicely to help clean up something or to help me restock stuff, he says: "No, I've been doing a lot of work too (meaning being a kiss-ass and tending to a few customers). You do it yourself."
Normally, I only ask cause I'm in the middle of something, or just got back helping to clean up something big (goddamn it I hate kid's shows, lol) and he sits on his ass, sucking up to the managers, sweet talking customers, or making my life hell.

My mother had it when I got home that night and told her about it. She's gonna try to see if she can fix it so I'm no longer working with him, or so he gets fired for harrassment and all that.
*sighs* I hate ppl like that, and I've got a bunch of guy friends at work who are willing to beat him for me (why the forementioned co-worker was being sweet and said for me to tell him next time I see him). They don't stand for ppl who have mouths like his, and the boy smokes (not cigs) every day, is considered a "Pretty Boy" outside work, and is the biggest POS worker who has no reguards for the rules ever.... I'll be glad when he's gone, needless to say, along with the others....

So in short, work was okay, exciting, and hell. Came home and suppressed tears all night, had a migrane from hell, and... yeah. I might go swimming in a few with my sister and all....

I'm out. I've wasted enough of ur time. Blessed be.


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