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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
To be filled
Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The room
I realized that how hard it is trying to draw a comic. I spend most of my time inside my room alone separated from the outside world. The only person that I talk to is my brother and my mother and that is only during lunch and dinner. I guess it's a challenge trying to draw a comic. I'm nearly finished with pg 32-33 but my black ink for darkening some part of the page seems to run out of ink. Tomorrow I have to go out to buy a new pen. Going to start pg 34 next.

Seems finished but need few adjustments....
I led a currently dull life, luckily I have a computer next to me to listen to music or surf the net.(I might go crazy if not for the comp) However trying to achieve my dream of making my own comic keeps me going. Oh well, maybe I should go out to take a little walk to clear my mind off.
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Pen and paper
Feeling kinda sleepy but I feel that I should write in something.
Guess I should write in what I'm doing today. In the last post I mentioned a webcomic/manga project that me and my brother is doing. Currently I'm now busy drawing the comic for the web. Usually took me around 5-12 hours to finish a page.
I have finished about 30 pages on the comic. Currently doing page 32-33 which is a 2 page frames or some might call it a spreadsheet.I used masking tape to connect 2 A4 size paper together to create the 2 page frames. Hope to finish with the inking tonight.

The characters for the comic I'm drawing.

The 2 page frames that I'm currently doing.(Pencil sketch)
Guess that is all for today. Going to take my nap now.....
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Ants in the pan (not pants)
I was hungry and wanted to fry some sausages on the frying pan and walla, came out about hundreds of ants from the frying pan holder(Guess they can't stand the heat). Killed them. Lost my appetite...
Oh yeah, I will be doing a webcomic this year. The site is already registered though I'm still not sure when it will be up. More details on the comic/manga on the next post. This will be a busy year for me...
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Hapy New Year 2008
Though it's late, yeah happy new year 2008. 2006 and 2007 wasn't a good year for me. Hope this year is better. Guess I'm back ^_^
myOtaku restart......
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in quite soo very long time. I was busy doing my practical study in which I have to do work in some company and do research about them for 2 and half months. It was a very dull moment for me, each day I have to do work from 9 am to 6pm and in night I have to write reports on what I have done on the workplace everyday except the weekend. Heck, even on weekend I have to go to the university to report on my current progress to my lecturer leaving me only Sunday which my brain is sucked dry and too exhausted to do anything.
Due to that I don't have much of time to spent on the net and do some artwork and sadly enough I do not have time to prepare for the comic competition. Only in this month I managed to find some free time. Still I'm now preparing for a presentation regarding the practical training that I did. Only by December will I be totally free (for a while that is....)
My brother is doing fine, his hand is healing but he can't use much of his right hand because he have to cover it with bandages that limits his hand movements.
Again I'm sorry if I made you guys worried. Until I then, I will update this site again.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
First of all I would like to say thank you for your cocerns and support to my brother. Truly you are a very good person.
The comic competition have started again here in Malaysia. I don't now if I would be able to make a comic to join. I usually become lazy when it comes in doing comic since it really is a tedious work.
Comic looks easy but trust me its not... Getting the idea on what to draw with page limits, sketching, putting in a very proper panel, character positioning, dialogue and lots of other things. And knowing how hard to draw a comic gives me respect to those comic artist and mangaka who is trying really hard to produce a good comic and manga for the readers.
Oh yeah here is another comic strip that I done. Its my character from my usual Eve of The Eternals story. Featuring character from the Velzen Kingdom. Click on the thumbnail toview it.

This is an animation of Ralif Ashtar, leader of Malacatern Army that I done using the flash program. I use this as my avatar in my Deviantart profile.
Those character that I posted will appear in the next chapter of the Eve of The Eternals story. Don't know when I will write it though. I have to admit I'm kinda lazy heh.
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Not good.....
Ah, again I been out for a while. I blame for the company who provide the net connection service for taking a very long time to put me back online after paying the bills. To make it worst, my brother got burned by his 'good' friend. His condition was really bad, he got 3rd degree burn on his right hand, 2nd degree on his lower face area and the neck and 1st degree on his lef hand. He had to stay at the hospital for one month. It started as a very stupid joke by his friend while he was cleaning his motorcycle tank with oil, and as a result ended in my brother going to the hospital.
He's still in the hospital and sometimes I take care of him well during the first week only. I have to wear some special clothes, a mask to cover my mouth and those thing you put on your head when you go to shower when I visit my brother. Well, now his conditions are getting better and I'm happy for him. 2 weeks left until he left the hospital.
Don't do stupid jokes that will harm your friends and please take care of your siblings on whatever they do how old they are. I just don't want this kind of things to happen to any of my friends and their famiies.
I realized that the skin on my brother are looking far more better than before and people says that he looks very handsome because of the new skin. I'm kinda jelous though but I'm not thinking of burning myself to look better though! ^_^
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Azumanga Daioh!

Thanks for wishing my mom Happy mother's day!
The trip to the hill park have been postponed since people are having holidays this week, so it would be trouble going to a place that will surely be crowded.... another week I guess....
My brother bought a dvd box set of Azumanga Daioh (Well, I asked hime to buy it cause my friends in the university said it was a good anime). I watched the series and it was hilarious! So funny I watched the dvd a couple of times.
Azumanga Daioh is a story about 6 highschool girls and 3 teachers in an everyday school life which is really funny with the attitude of the characters and I think this anime have the most cutest character that I have ever seen which is Chiyo-chan.
What good is that this anime is suitable for everyone. No fanservice no blood no mature content although the girls always talk about their body but I guess its normal for girl....I think
And also it reminds me back to my highschool life, the stupid things that we did, funny things that happens at school...aah the nostalgia.
That's it for today folks!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
That's how they say hi in Japanese I guess...
Been lazy again to write anything here since I'm trying to improve my stroke in drawing, I guess when I'm lazy to use the net it means that I'm trying to improve myself.
Oh yeah I did mention 'm going somewhere the last 2 weeks. Sadly its quite dissapointing since the timetable is full of activities at the hill resort that I had no chance to visit any of the tourist attractions... I have to go there again someday. My tea ceremony drinking in Japanese village on the hill have to wait...dang it!
while I have more to tell I will write about that next time. For now please enjoy a one page comic I made. Hope you guys like it.

Oh yeah happy mother's day to all the mothers on this planet earth! Also on other planet as well, heh.
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
New artworks....
I have been spending some time finishing my artwork, since I'm still having holiday its a good time to do so. I'm going to edit the Rumbirue artwork and partner since I'm not satisfied with certain part of the colouring.
I will be putting two more new work here, its just a lineart. So if you guys see it up in the fanart section do give me a comment or two on how you think about it.
Tommorow I'm going to go out to stay at a hill resort. seems the final year students of my course (Human Resource Management) is going to hold a 'hasta la vista' or farewell party to students who will end their studies in the university. I will post some photo there, the scenery of the area I mean. I heard they had a little sweedish town and japanese village there. I will be there for 3 days. Hope it will be fun.
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