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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
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Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Well well...
No this is not mine but I got some good inspiration from the picture.
Its a picture from
Well just finished my exam. Hmm... still two more to go.
I'm still fine, in good health (checking body) yep still one piece. Hope you guys are in good condition too.
Ok now I'm working on coloring the sister art and I hope it would turn up well. Ok now I will continue my story telling and to my dear shadowlight I hope you like it. Any comments on the story is welcome but I hope no harsh ones.. ok naw the story.Drums!!
(trrrrtratratra tatatatta ta ching!)
Part 3:The North Continent
After few days travelling across the sea, Vinedia finally arrived at the north continent. The ship docked at a big city of Hillew. Vinedia was so surprised to see how busy the city is. People trading, carrying items, making crafts, yelling important news or annoucent. Well, the people of Hillew is also surprised to see the ship that Vinedia was aboard sinks into the sea.
Vinedia now realizes that her country currency is not accepted there so she had to earn money in other to move around the continent. Guess what she did? Hehe she dances on the street! and her dancing is so beatiful that she got a lot of money in one day enough for her to get a place for rest and sleep.
The next day she tries to find jobs and got a job at a bar as a waitress. From there she got the information that Hillew is under the control of the Calcaem Kingdom (Funny name eh?). And so she learn a little bit more about the kingdom, their army and the city under their control and she heard that the Calcaem army is preparing for an invasion newly dicovered island country to the south.
"Elvennia, they are gonna take Elvennia under their control!" thats what Vinedia's heart are teling her.
After two week working in the bar, Vinedia decided to continue her journey. Her destination... To the city of Dengard where she heard rumors that the Calcaem army is waging war against the city. She need to learn about how these Calcaem army conquer city through this method of 'war'.
So without a horse and yes a cow, Venedia have to travel by feet and travelling together with caravans to reach the city.
Nobody dare travelled into the city because there is war going on there."So the rumor is true..". She then travel again by walking into the war...
Soon she reached the battlefield. She was very shocked by the view of the battlefield. Dead bodies lying around as far the eye can see. She started to feel uneasy and run away into the nearest forest. She lost her apetite and could not sleep for a couple of days but still she remain near at the area. When she recovered she braved herself to go into the battlefield again and now she saw a large group of people wearing metal one group on her right and another on the left. Then she heard the sound of trumpets from both sides and both group moving toward each other with great speed. The sound of yelling could be heard. This is the war that will be witnessed by Vinedia....
To be^_^ (don't be mad ok I will continue it next time ) Hope you liked it. well bye for now. Runs away again with the greatest speed..
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
The Journey of Vinedia: Story Time Pt 2
Since Shadowlight ask for more, I could not ignore such request.. so here goes the second part...
"War?...was is a war" Vinedia looks confused.(I gonna call her Vinedia from this part because most of the people will call her by this name throughout the story..)
And so, the royal seer told her everything about war.(well, not everything but enough to know what a war is..^_^)
Vinedia seems to be disturbed about war and that keeps her quiet for a few days. Ok, now I will tell a little bit about the army of Elvennia while the Queen is not active for a while. Actually Elvennia have no such thing as an army. They have only guards guarding the castle but they are only equipped with long stick. In other words the civilization of Elvennia is way behind other countries.
Well the reason would be the country is too peaceful that there is no need for weapons and Elvennia Kingdom does not have communication with other civilization..heck, even other civilization does not known the existence of Elvennia. So that's the reason why the Elvennia civilization does not have development.
Ok now lets go back to the queen.(Running back to the castle...).
Vinedia still keep silence until one day when she was walking on the peasant's farm, she saw a person wearing metal riding on a creature (which is a horse but Vinedia does not know of a horse.. ~_^ lol!). The man does not realize the presence of Vinedia as he was standing on a hill and Vinedia is watching from below. After watching the surrounding for a while the man rode his horse and ride away from his location. The direction he went is to the north....
Vinedia who was surprised at the encounter suddenly remembered her dreams. "The north.. light from the north, the dream might be true.." quickly she run back to her castle and atart to think of a plan which she did not tell to her ministers.
The next morning, Vinedia annouced to her minister that she is going on a journey,(As usual the minister got into chaos and says thing "What are you thinking?!" or something like that). Eventually the minister all agreed because Vinedia seems very determined to go out and there is no use of stopping her.
So they prepared some homemade food for Vinedia to take on her journey. Wearing normal dresses and riding a cow (yes a cow, they don't even know what a horse is) she went to the north. By the time she leaves the castle, her age was 14.
(My favourite part)
Well, on the way to the north, she passed a small farm a little outside the Elvennia territory she met this very annoying old farmer. He laughs at the sight of her riding the cow and give unpolite remarks such "Pretty is the one yet pity the mind is broken, pity, pity.."
So what did Vinedia do? Politely she ask for directions and ride on to the north..
After travelling for 2 and a half day she finally arrived at a beach. "Nothing here except water.. so many water it seems endless. How, where.. the metal man come from? there is nothing here.!?!?!. Now she's starting to get confused. She even starts to think that her journey was useless and how stupid she feel.
"The metal man , I was just my imagination, how stu.."
"This is the sea dear."
Suddenly a voice came from the sea. Vinedia try loking but found no one.
"come here.. a little bit closer to the water."
Wanting to know the source of the voice Vinedia walk to the beach until her feet are touched by the waves. Then she asked who was talking to her.
"My dear, I am the sea.. where all of life started and I know where the person you are looking for have gone."
A talking sea huh..err..back to the story
From the sea Vinedia learned about how man travels with the means of ships and boats. And the sea offered to help her to cross until she reached the north continent by providing a ship which rose from beneath the sea. Vinedia was so happy and thanked the sea.
"My dear, I don't just talk to anybody I meet you know.. I, the sea have found that you are an interesting person and so I offer myself to be part of you."
"A part of me?"
After Vinedia finished her sentence a small light came out from the sea slowly flying and entered into Vinedia's chest.
"And one more thing dear.."
"Leave that cow behind."
And so the Vinedia continue her journey to the North continent and will be facing new challenges and the greatest experience of her life.... without the cow.^_^.
Aww.. I think I continue this story next time. Never expect it to getting longer. Ok bye for now! Run away, tripeed and fell...asleep.!
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
This is the character of a japan videogame Kingdom of Chaos: Roses
Right now I'm having a good time relaxing and have thought up a great idea.
I have in mind after I've finished telling the story of the "Eve of The Eternals" which consist of the war story of the six kingdoms which is Elvennia, Teremis, Velzen, Malacatern, Solhimine and Ivaseal.
I might thinking of drawing my friend as one of the kingdom generals and made a little background story of them.
Well it might be fun and I would like to try it if I have the chance but right now I'm on finishing my art on the Teremis leader. (After Elvennia it will be the story of Teremis)
Ok got to go! Looking around and run away....
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Story Telling Time
Still facing the final exam.... but what the heck it's story telling time!(people clapping)
As I promised I will tell a little bit of background of my character and the story. It's kinda like a fanfic but I rather call it story telling.(clapping)
Thank you! thank you! ehem.. I think I start now. Here goes...
Ok you already se my art of the Queen and her generals right? So I will start by telling a little bit about her.
The fullname of the queen is Vinedia Raynear but she's not of royal blood. You see, in Elvennia the one who rule the country is woman and the people who selected to be Queen are more sensitive to the nature which they have the power to feel things that people could not or something like that. Ok, so the Queen of Elvennia have sensed that she would die in a few more years and decided its time to find a new queen.
And so, during night with her faithful minister she quietly goes into the town of Elvennia to search for potentials. To make story short she stumble upon the area where beggars gather and there heard such a wonderful cry of baby. Looking at the place where the sound came from the queen found out that a mother is try to calm her baby.
"Is it a girl?" asked the queen. The mother nodded. The queen ask for permission to hold her and upon holding the baby girl she saw the royal insignia on the head of the baby. "The future queen... this is the one...tell me the name O lady". "She's my Raynear. The ray that always near to me."
Awww so beautiful.. whoops back to the story!
So the baby was taken to the castle and grow up to be fine young woman. Her mother did not follow to the castle and wanted the queen not to tell about her to Raynear as she afraid that Raynear would be ashamed of her origin. Guess what. Raynear did know of her mother and she always visited her from time to time. "A mother is the most noblest thing out of all that god created" says Raynear.
When Raynear reached 12 the Queen finally died and she have taken the Queen name Vinedia as she respect her as a second mother. Know she is the queen and one night....
"I dreamt of large field of vegetation.. It looks like the farm near Elvennia... I see people working hard, I see the children are having fun playing and I smiled to the prosperity of the country... but then I saw a light from the north and suddenly all that was in front of me is destroyed... no more farm, no more people, no more children and no more Elvennia and.. I woke up crying."
And do the royal seer say's to her."My Queen, Elvennia will face war...."
I thinks its getting to long so I stop here maybe I continue next time bye..... run away and goes to sleep. ~_~
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Otaku friends
Well its hard to find someone who's reallty interested in anime once in University(there might be but maybe its according to what type of courses you take..) As I'm taking Bachelor in Human Resource (yep the manipulator.. Hehehehe) so most of the guys and gals (pretend) are mostly serious in their study and well do what mature people do.
So its quite boring that I have nobody to talk to about anime. I couldn't talk about "how cool that eva 01 when its goes beserk!" or "Have you seen the amakakeru ryunohirameki that kenshin does?"...
But still I have found two person who have interest in manga like this one guy he really likes the naruto story and I he always whisper to me in class "look I'm doing the sharingan now!"
But still how old I grow I would like to enjoy manga even now I starting to watch less but still they have given influence and help me in developing my drawing skill.
I not enjoy manga as much as I was 11 or 12 years old but still they will remain with me as they were part of my life...
"Once I live as a naive kid, now I need to live as a mature man but still carry the qualities of both in my life."
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
I might as well tell a little background of the arts I submitted if people actually wants to listen but maybe i'll do that later....
Just finished my presentation on bus driving for woman as most participants are woman and the lecturer liked it! ^_^
By the way.. sickscrunchie... are you a member cause i couldn't find your site to sign in. If you have your own site please tell me. I'm interested to visit yours.
ok thats all for today.
"Tommorrows another new battle of life..."
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
A little storytelling...
I have started on the new art for the queen.. (The queen's name is Raynear-yep its the sme one that is used for my username as I liked her name very much). She's a character of my imagination on a story about war. I gave the title of the story 'eve of the eeternals'. actually there are 5 more main characters who also leads their own army but i will let my future art submission to tell about them.
And they are a little bit of sailormoon element mixed such the element power that is possesed by the 6 character. And I was interested in this war kind of thing which was influenced from historical war and people such as the legendary Alexander the Great, Joan of Ark, Emperor Constatine and many more. (Yep I like history but one that involves great war..)
Well I wish I had time to write more but.. heh.. I'm quite busy now with my assignments (assignments are nightmares) even I haven't had the chance to finish my art.. wel bye for now.!
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
Today is the most tiring day of my life.. I woke up late and came miss one of the class lectures (I overslept on the train that I missed the station where i should have stopped-yes I always go to my university by train everyday except weekend) but the most tiring is the lecture during the evening. Can you believe that my lecturer can talk on and on for two hours and thirty minutes without stopping! (I feel like a zombie when i left the class ~_~).
I got home at 9 and to my suprise I saw u guys liked the woman warrior pic when i log in! thanks for the support (my tiredness gone when seeing your comment)
But its really hard to find a suitable time to draw anime when you entered university. My advice to those who have a lot of free time you should spend your time drawing.. time just seems too fast when you getting older...
Well gotta go now and see you guys again! Thanks!!
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Newbie to the net
Just bought a modem and linked nyself to the digital world.. still not good at doing this kind of things but i try to learn
wish it would turn better next time..
Ja.. ne!
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