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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
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Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Well since its weekend I decided to come back home fo a while. Its been three weeks since I last wrote in MyO and found out there have been some improvements in the inteface menu.. still further improvements could be done but still seeing impovements is good.
I hope you guys are doing good and are in healthy condition while I was away. I wonder if anything interesting happen... heh. 3 weeks is quite a long time, anything could happen.
Its only two weeks left until the course ended and yep it was a tough time for me studying fo the course. The learning of subject was very fast and we have to learn one new chapter everyday. Mind you the couse I'm taking is Statistic in Business which means its calculations... leaning calculation non stop is a nightmare..>_<
Ahaw.. mothers day is coming... still wondering what pesent I should give my mother... since my budget are quite low, a kiss would be enough I think.... Don't worry mother I will work hard and when I have money I will buy you lots present!
Well, this month I'm in mecha mood, I mean I'm in the mood of drawing mecha and maybe I would submit it in the fanart.. Its all black and white.. I would be interested to color it but inking the art really tires me. I need 6 hours just for the inking which makes me lazy for the coloring phase... heh I'm so lazy ^_^.
Right now I just want to show pic of original mecha from the game super robot wars. Its oiginal cause this mecha is created only for the game so and the design is vey good. But yeah, I like it because I like to daw originals and looking at this one just motivates me.

The name weisretter stands for white knight the pilot is an American gal named Excellen Browning.

Alteisen stands for old iron and is piloted by a Japanese male named Kyosuke Nanbu.
Hmm... I wonde is thee anyway to make the pic to be at the center. If anybody know I hope you could teach me. Thanks in advance.
Thats all from me and may we meet again next time friends.
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Out for a while.....
Well as I have told you all in the last post I went back to the unversity for the short course which means that I will be away for one month if you are wondering about my whereabouts. It started this week and well the assignment is quite a lot... Studying statistic in one month is sure not a good idea but still I need to pass the subject so I could get my degree. Yep the degree of Human Resource Management combined with the artistic talent (in development) plus some experience and a good office location, I would be able to achieve my dream by starting my own comic publishing company! Its already set in my mind.. I have marked a potential office in my hometown and the rent I would say cheaper than the one in the city.... I wonder how long it would take for me to achieve that.
And one more thing.... I still need to find a good assitant that could help me in my drawing...Its hard doing it alone, most of my art is done alone and I could feel it really tires me mostly mentally *dreams of a cute assistant*
Since I have the time because it would be long till I put up another post cause of the short course. So what would I want to tell you guys...hmm...
Well I realize some of the Otaku functions have changed.. the adding post thingie also have become a victim... well I still could learn the html about putting links but I don't think everybody likes the idea of doing that....well its becoming info gathering and how would I say it.. less user friendly now..
Well the good thing that I found out on the otaku is the is the rating in the fan art is getting better. No more no voting for lowering the artists rating. I'm feeling happy for those in the top 10 and now the competition feeling is back! Yeehaw! Actually its quite pointless lowering the rating, another new artist will emerge with 80% or more rating and more and more will come out everyday so it is endless and will the trend would not end ... I think those no no no voters learn their lesson good. Well good for you all at least you will not be a nuisance to me and my friends whose submit their art*smiles*

*Pushing Raynear* Step away please! I want to talk too! Well, hello! I would talk about games which now is my specialty after long training and learning. Now I would providec you with some good information of one of Raynears fav game! The super robot wars!
Now the company Banpresto is releasing a new version of the game, the super robot wars mx. Well let me show you some of the pic of the game, Raynear said that you should recognize some of them.. Well I just need to show it to you then....

God Gundam



Zeoymer I hope I spelt the name right.... Raynear also forgot how to spell it.

Oooh a classic... Grandizer
And you could try the watch the movies on the site.. well here's the link to the site
It's the super robot wars link
You could see the demo movie on this site..its in japanese though...
Well if you are interested more on this game how about going to this site?
Its a collection of previous SRW series
Aha... so thats all from me ^_^. Hey Vinedia, you have something to say too right?

Since you pushed Raynear away.. I guess I would be his representative for a while. He would like to tell something about an interesting anime. If my memory serves me right, the title is Midori No Hibi. Quite an interesting story I say, and funny too. There are some nudity but Raynear said its usual in Japanese manga.... Oh well...
he story is about a guy who is a school bully who always got rejected (I could say he share the same fate of Sakuragi Hanamichi of Slamdunk) and one day he suddenly got a girl on his right hand! Its so weird but the story is really funny!
Heres a preview of the comic
Well you can go download the comic on this site if you are interested.
Hmmm... it looks like I'm done here.*smiles*
Cieneval, your turn..

Ehh... I have to talk too? Whatever should I say..*Looks back at the journal*
Its already gotten too long...I suggest what I should say is thank you very much for reading and..oh yeah, Raynear says that since he would be away for some time he rather this post be long... yet more longer but maybe its enough by now for me I'm getting tired of watching those words...
So I guess most of you that Raynear have updated his site a little bit..he's still searching for some good music but I think he got one just now but couldn't upload it.. I could see he still thinking how to put music in it but then again he said that music is not that much of a necessity..
He hope that you all like the new look and bids you all farewell and have a good and jolly day always . He really misses his friend in the otaku but its time to go..Well farewell!
I hate running away.....
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Sunday, April 18, 2004

Its Shadowlight again!
I would like to write long but because of the comp prob I couldn't and I'm short of time to write now... Oh well I'm doing fine but have some headache cause I was trying to repair the system for 3 days.. seems like the comp somehow is affected by some weird program or virus. I manage to enter the net after some attempts but looking at the date its already 18.. Tommorrow I have to go back to the university for my short course. I already got the results from my last exam got B's and C's but no A's. At least I did not fail and considering I draw anime and learn business at the same time i didn't feel bad and feel more proud of myself ^_^ but still I need to improve myself next time!
Oh yeah this is the of the other character of the story Records of The Eternals

This is Chie ^_^

Its Onoki!

Heh, Blackwings and....

Yep its Teia..
Others that will also be in
Well bye!
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Seems there is some trouble with my comp system and I were not able to access this site for a while.. i'm still checking the and in the process of repairing the problem. I'm using using the comp in the cybercafe. Sorry if I didn't visit you guys...
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Hope you will like it ^-^
So I didn't post yesterday.. Heh, thats because I nearly busted out thinking and drawing at the same time. Yep its about the story that Calneas was telling you about. Records of The Eternals. I drawed the art for it which I would want to be the best and I'm preparing myself for the stress that I will be facing in order to make it perfect. Don't worry, I will rest if I think I started to feel dizzy or tired ^_^. So maybe I will tell you a little bit about it. Don't worry, it would not spoil the Eve of The Eternals story... I think but I think its better to share it with my friends and I couldn't stand keeping it a secret.
So here a little bit synopsis of what I have planned in the story.
Records of The Eternals
Its been 5 years after the great wars ended (War of the six kingdom) but there is no proper historic records of the war.A teenage girl goes out around Eternavia (The name of the planet they live if I use Eternia then I would be in conflict with Tales of Eternia^_^) to collect history data of the wars and the great leaders she always admire for example Princess Calneas, Queen Vinedia and Chief Commander Cieneval. She would meet interesting people and visit all the great places from the Eve of The Eternals story so it would be interesting. But in her journey to actually collect historical data, she found out that new form of evil are starting to form which would be a threat to Eternavia. This new evil form are so strong because they have this special invisible form of protection that protects them from damage which is called the 'Wave'. The girl decided to eleminate the evil and it sources cause they all are bugging her in doing her record collecting. Along the way she finds allies and also meets many kind and form of evil enemies which is far more menacing than the snemies from the great war.
So who's the character? Well let me tell you ^_^
Yup that picture is a rough sketch of Shadowlight ^_^. Her father is a famous strategist of the Teremis Kingdom. Actually he is the one who wanted to do a historical record but he started to get lazy and asked her daughter to do it for him with the reason that he's allergic to dusty thing (Reffering to old dungeons, castles and artifacts that historian should do research). Shadowlight goes on the journey which at first she hesitates but then changed her mind because she could escape her annoying father that way ^_^. She found an intereting weapon during her journey which gives her the ability to break the 'waves' of the enemies which greatly reduce their defense power. A very kind and hardworking person, she really focusses in doing her work but also she's an agile fighter too. She use a broad sword and a strange weapon on her left hand when in battles. She also admires Princess Calneas very much.
An ex-elite soldier of Velzen empire. She stopped serving the army and went out to see the world which is her dreams. She carries with her the plate once belonged to Cieneval with her, how she obtained the emblem of the legendary chief commander still remains a mystery. As she were once an elite soldier of the empire under the command of the three sisters, she is very proficient with using shooting weapons but also she is good with sword too. Her weapon is very unique and she were able to use the help of the animals to help in her attacks. She have a pet Griffin and a wolf which she named Alpha and Beta. A very nice person, always try to cheer up her friends but does not like intellectual thing that much, a kind who likes to live in peace and freedom. Following the conduct of Velzen Knights Honour Code she joined Shadowlight in the journey to eleminate evil. She have unique weapons at her disposal, a very short (really really short) broad sword, a musket, guns, bombs, mines and a large spear gattling gun. A human heavyarms gundam^_^. She also able to break the wave which she named the Holy break.
A ronin of Ivaseal empire after the great war, different than Chie he travels around Eternavia to find a worthy opponent. To him to enjoy living is to find a great opponent who could challenge which is a satisfaction to him and he sees that fighting is the most beatiful form of art. He was also once act as an information gatherer as he have many source of getting information which also made him famous. Shadowlight enlisted the help of Onoki to help her find historcal information especially Ivaseal since he once served in the army too. Onoki decided to join Shadowlight in her quest as he would be able to do two of the thing he enjoys, information gathering and fighting enemies. He also developed his own thechnique of breaking the wave which he personally call the Will break. He doesn't talk much especially about all the information he have, he could quickly dissapear and appear suddenly, a philosophical kind of person too always talk something that is deep in meaning which is hard to be understand by friends and also foes alike^_^. When fighting he uses a long katana and naginata (a japanese spear) but he prefer to use the naginata the most, keeps his katana for oponent he thinks worthy.
A celestial, a dark celestial. Eventhough she is a dark celestial but she is the Celestial of The Guiding Path. I thinks its an interesting idea^_^. She is a little corrupted though, asking people to repay her something for her help and she does not like interacting with people that much cause to her the people living here in Eternavia is boring and doesn't do something that is more exciting. She's quite jelous of the celestials that have joined the great wars like Elsia. She tried to get permission from the higher order but didn't get the chance but when she found out about Shadowlight, she decided to join her and gives the reason she is helping to guide Shadowlight in her journey which is approved by the higher order."I do not speak! I guide" is her favourite phrase and always try to keep her sentence short. She appreciates good art and have very strong love to historical artifact and always try her hard to do a good job in helping Shadowlight. She have pair of black wings hence the name ^_^ and used the sycthe as her weapon except that she could use two at once which brings fear to her enemies. As a celestial breaking the enemies wave is no problem to her. She called her break the Destroy break to break enemies wave. She also good friend to Clestial Elsia.
Teia is a girl that lives in the city of Malacatern. Her ear is a little pointed but she is not an elf, she is actually a dragon and but she never joined the great war because she fell sick which turned her into a dragon(she were once human) during the great war which is her greatest regret which she carries until now. Always spends her time in her friends restaurant the Hello Halo restaurant with her best friend Halo and she always stands outside the restaurant promoting and asking people to eat at the restaurant. Eventhough people now live in peace, Teia trains hard in using weapon because she have the feeling another disaster would happen and she should learn to protect herself and friends. She joined Shadowlight as a chance to made up for missing to join in the great war and take it as a responsibilities to protect her beloved country and friends. She's a happy go lucky type of person and very easy to make friends and really care about her friends. She have friends all around the Ertenavia and always asked Shadowlight to eat and shop at her friends shop at any place they arrive which is actually very helpful to them. She is good with Bows and use a metal whip at close range. Her ability to turn into a dragon helps her friends to fight through tough situations. She have been granted the natural ability to destroy wave which she called the Grand break.
So that's some of the character that would be available. There are more but my hand are tired of typing I think I stop. Maybe next time ^_^.*Runs away thinking of ideas*
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Problems problems....

The pic of the real thing...Sorry this iste is kinda mess up today cause I seem to get an error when I tried to modified it...~_~
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Now that I would not be writing long post I would not ask for my characters help. Wish me to write long post and you would see them in action again ^_^. Hmm is there anything interesting that I would like to say... Today my mother made pizza, yep she can make pizza and it tastes really good! Other than that, its those normal things again, drawing, playing games checking the computer.
Oh yeah I wanna show you all something interesting. Do you know the anime Nausicaa Valley of the wind by mister Hayao Miyazaki (The same person who did the story Spirited Away). Ok, in the anime the character ride a flying thing they called a Mehve which is taken from the German word 'moewe' meaning seagull. So this Japanese guy, Hachiya Kazuhiko made this transport a reality and it really flies! I show you some pic of the glider thing and the anime images of Princess Nausicaa
The anime image

Link Text
This is the link to the site if you are not satisfied with the pic. They have the movie which shows the actual flying process.
Well that is all for now. I have the feeling I would post my story later today. ^_^ Stay tune until them. *Walks away*
Yep I have two same post.. I can't modify the one below it... just ignore it ^_^.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
Weird Post!
Hmm today I have the feeling that my post would be a long one. Well its not like that there is a lot of thing is happening to me today but I discover some information that I would like to write in today's journal and share it with you all. So I decide to use some extra hel from my character in today's post ^_^. Without further ado I will write in today's journal.
Daily life
Today my very old friend came to visit and I have some nice chat with him and also he would be sleeping in my house today. He invited me to go to the gym but I refused to go there. Yep, you could say that I'm kinda lazy to do those muscle exercise thing but that doesn't mean I don't exercise at all. Played the same game again wondering when I will finish and the English version of Samurai Warrior would come out.
My youngest brother bought a local comic magazine today and I found out a lot of good information in it which mostly anime related. Well I don't read the comics in the magazine though as most of them are not manga kind of art but the information in this magazine on anime is really good! Well that is all in a day's life. Now its for the next one. I will let Vinedia talk about it.
Hey, its your turn!
Oh, its my turn now? Oh hi! I'm Vinedia and I will talk something which is about those giant walking metal. Let me see what I should talk about...
Its Transfomers 20th anniversary this year and Gundam 25th anniversary too in the same year! Raynear looks so happy and I'm happy too...eventhough I don't really know those walking metal things...
Another one is about a new anime titled Bakuretsu Tenshi or Exploding Angels. Its a story about pretty anime girls who fight against corruption in Tokyo in the year 2050. They have funny characteristic and are good with guns. This anime got hmm... mecha in it too which why Raynear is so interested!
Oh here's the pic.

The girl in orange is Meg who somehow always got captured by the enemy and the girl in the dark clothes is Joe who have no emotions and love horror movie.
Oh here's the pic of the mech

This is piloted by Joe and nicknamed Django which is a poipular spaghetti name.
Looks like I'm finished....
Artist thought
Well its me Calneas! I won't talk much like Vinedia but I have something interesting to share..Raynear is thinking of making his Otaku friend as anime character and have started thinking of their designs already and I also got from him that the title of the story would be 'Records Of The Eternals'.
But it still long for that one to come out...maybe in three or four more years because the story is a followup after the 'Eve Of Eternals' saga but this time with less armor ^_^.
Oh yeah, he also wanted to share a quote from a great artist.
"If people would stop a while to see your art, that means you have made a succesful art"
Yoshitaka Amano
Last one!
Uhh..Raynear said that is all that he would want to write today. Yup it is really long I think. Quite longer than usual. He wishes have a happy day and would visit you guys later ^_^.
And also I show you the local comic magazine Raynear read today.

Well, thats my post for today *smiles*. Told you all it would be longer than usual. Heh i think its the usual thing again. Ok now*Runs away with Vinedia, Calneas and Cieneval*
I can't believe I'm doing this foolish action with Raynear! Running away is not my style!
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
So as you all have known I have send in two of my old art ^_^. One is a picture with buildings in background and another one is a mecha art. So maybe I would talk a little bit of those two pieces ^_^.
The first one with the building is really old, I draw it about four years ago as you can see the human proportions is... quite not good. The girl neck is somehow too long and the old me didn't notice that. Even if I have the chance to speak with the old me, I have the feeling he won't listen. Heh, I would never accept my mistake during that time (arrogant little fool) well now its changed and yeah I always admit my art mistake which is the main reason why I always posted my art now... to find weakness point that could be improved. But actually what I most focus on the art is the background, not the people although its important to have both but its satisfying to have finished the building which is quite tedious...tried to repair the girl but the only thing I managed to do is the eyes, I afraid that further adjustment would damage the drawing badly.
The second one is mech related, I'm a mecha lover so the ability to draw mecha is a must to me... hmm but to think again, manga artist should be able to draw anything ne? Its one of my planned mecha manga which I gave the title 'Mechanical Unit Mecia: Nearly a Messiah' but I have give up the idea of doing the story because I have thought up of another mecha story which I think more interesting. Well I tell you about that one next time ^_^.(Hint:The art titled a robot and a girl is the main chara in my mecha another story) But I think this one is good but the mecha seems to blend in with the background making it hard for people to actually to see the mech properly.
But again if you have seen my art you would have notice the difference betwen the old one and the new one, don't you think? Well it seems I got the message that people got better when they get up from their failure just like all those anime shows ^_^. Eheheh, I don't want to bore you all anymore with those art talking better review what happened today.
Umm.. the only thing happen today is I heard this boring discussion of my brother with his friends who is also my friend about games which counterstrike... I'm not good at first person shooting game.... Oh well *runs away*
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
I'm so boring yesteday I decided to play the PS2 again.. Its been a while since I played games on PS2. I think for about two months and it started to look like I'm putting it on my room for the purpose of decoration.. Ah wel lets see what interesting game I want to play, hmmm..FF X. finished..dun want to play it anymore liked FF VIII better.. GT3 already got those cars I wanted and I'm suck at racing games maybe next time.
Oh this one I haven't finished yet, I think I continue with this one! I have dumped this game for one year cause I got stuck on one stage better be a true gamer finish the game. Its Super Robot Wars Impact! One of the reason my love for Japanese mecha got stronger and I ended up the whole day playing this game. Oh man, seeing my favourite robot in chibi form in action again is really good!
I always liked this game, Its where I learn some Japanese and their mecha a lot. Heh, I even found a site which gives good info on the game. The graphic is 2D but the fighting animation is good and it takes a lot of patients to play this game. I dunno how many stages they have in this game and I'm right now on stage and I'm right now on stage 78. Hmm each stages took me about 3 hours to finish..78x3 = 244 hours!!! Hmm really, I am a meha freak, don't you think ^_^.

There are some that you are familiar with and there are some that you don't even know ^_^.....
Well it looks like I'm doing some kind of game review or something ^_^. Its because I played this game all day today and nothing interesting seems to happen. Ah well... *Runs away to his playstation 2* Gotta finish this game!
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