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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
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Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004

The Five Stars Stories. This mech story looks good. I haven't seen the story but heard rumors about it. I think most of the main pilots in this stories are all woman... I think it's all woman....Because the mech design looks like a woman and yep, the design is good too!
The computer seems to be slowing down again and I need to do those regular checkups on the system. Those defragmenting took a lot of time and I decided I should make sure the computer system is running smoothly. I think its running a lot better than before ^_^.
On 4.04.04 I decide to go out because the date seems to be interesting I decided to go out. Well I somehow lost some of my drawings that day... I dunno wheter I left it somewhere or someone took it but then again cause I'm a person who have problem in remembering things, maybe I left my drawings somewhere.... Oooh I felt really bad that day I decided to just lay down on the bed ease my mind.
Today my grandmother already went home. I couldn't stand her bragging but really, I miss her cooking. Her cooking is the best! Yep far more better than my mother but that doesn't mean I don't like my mother's cooking ^_^. And I got some money for helping in the wedding! Well its not much but I better keep the money for future use. We have the saying here "Little by little, later it will become a mountain" hmm.. it sounds far more better in my own language ^_^.Ah well thats all in a days life today!*Runs away lightning speed!*
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
How hard I try not to go out early today.. I still missed the Angelic Layer show.. Actually, I had the chance to go out late but when I heard that there are many boys doing works at the wedding place I started to feel ashamed of myself. As a man I decided I should go and help as well. The bad part is, upon arriving all the preparations are already finished. My cousin who drives the car and me asked if there is anything we can do. My uncle said it's ok as there is people doing most of the work we don't have to do nothing. I missed the anime and ended up there doing nothing and I'm so dead bored sitting doing nothing. It rained during the evening and I decided its time for me to run away from the wedding place. With some good excuses and helpful cousin who volountered to become my driver, I sliped away from the wedding. The wedding ceremony is not that all bad, I was able to met many relatives that I never known, one of them who is already old thought that I was already married! And also I got to eat many delicous food which is free so I think I enjoyed some part of it too.
I think I better continue with the story.
Eve of The Eternals
Part 14:First Battle
Well, it seems Vinedia is going to face the first battle of her life. Hmm let us see what will actually happen next...
"Hey, wait! Going for battle?" Vinedia was surprised. "Are you saying you don't agree with me?" asked Gelweintall."Yes, I don't want unnecessary bloodshed, we should try a more peaceful approach." Vinedia remembered what Cieneval had thought her. "Its better to avoid battle and try many different approach to avoid casualties, you should start of by using a more peaceful approach in gaining access to 'potential' enemies' facilities or possessions. Remember, the most beneficial victory is the victory without having to fight at all, battle is always the last solutions to resolve disputes".
"We should go and try to communicate with them, maybe you have marked them as enemies as they were fighting against your city but now you are my soldiers, and Elvennia does not have any disputes whatsoever with the Calcaem empire so we better try a more pecaful approach." Vinedia try to gives explaination to Gelweintall. Gelweintall smiled, "It seems that you have the ability to become a great leader. I agree with you my queen, I agree with with your decisions to use peaceful approach."
Vinedia smiled at Gelweintall's remark but then she was very shocked when Gelweintall starts to shout at the soldiers. "The queen decides to use a more peaceful approach in battle!'" Gelweintall annoucement is continued by loud shoutings from the soldiers which they all shouted in response of Gelweintall's annocement like a battlecry."What are you all doing shouting so loud! There's no need for that ! The Calcaem soldiers would think that we are trying to fight them if they hear that!" Vinedia shouted furiously at Gelweintall and the soldiers. Her face was really red.
"Err... usually we always shout when we agree on something on the battlefield..." Gelweintall tries to explain."The battle haven't started yet and there is no battlefield here!" Vinedia closed Gelweintall's helmet face mask and gave him a strong knock on the head. Then she could hear a voice yellied "Enemies on the hill! Everyone, prepare for battles! Protect the supplies at all cost!" Vinedia slapped her head, "Now we have to go into battle..." Vinedia said weakly. "Hey now there is a battlefield!" Gelweintall replied smiling pushing his face mask up again. Vinedia looked at Gelweintall angrily, closed his face mask and gave him a really strong knock on the head!
Hahaha, poor Vinedia! She should start teaching Gelweintall that fighting is not the only thing to solve problems. Well I have to go naw! *Runs away from Vinedia* Wow.. she's really mad!
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Friday, April 2, 2004
Yup tommorow would be the wedding day and I was instructed to go on early to help with the preparations as I feared. Hmm... I try to stall going to the wedding until Angelic Layer finished. Now that I don't have much to talk... its story time! *People cheering*
Hmm.... hmmm.. let me see. Looking back at the previous story... ooh ok, let us continue....
Eve of The Eternals
Chapter 1 Part 13:Finding way back home
So, now that Vinedia have been able to aquire herself a horse, the army starts to move to the town where Vinedia first arrived, the city of Hillew. Before entering the city Geweintall told Vinedia it is not a good idea for them just to go in the town because they came in a large group equipped with armors and weapons and would end up fighting the Calcaem soldiers which is guarding the town.
"We better find another place for us to go back to your country, going inside the city would get us into lots of troubles." Gelweintall ordered two of the soldiers to disguise themselves and sneak in into the city to find locations that would enable them to find ships that would take them to Vinedia's homeland. Gelweintall decides the other should hide in the nearby forest until the two soldiers comes back with the information required.
After two days of waiting, finally the two soldiers arrived with the information. Based on their information, Vinedia and Gelweintall found out that there is a secret harbour to the east of the city which is about one day travel to reach.Still, out of respect Gelweintall asks Vinedia wheter she still would like to go on into the city or march on to the secret harbour. Vinedia told Gelweintall that they all move to the secret harbour. Gelweintall told Vinedia that the queen's decision must be respected and followed and he would rather die not respecting her decision.Vinedia was toched by Gelweintall words but told him that if she makes any wrong decision it is his job to advice her, no need for him to go kill himself., Vinedia told him laughing.Tears could be seen on Gelweintall eyes upon hearing Vinedia's word and their relationship gotten closer like father and daugther.
Just like the information obtained they arrived at the secret harbour. There are still Calcaem soldiers guarding this area but the number are a lot smaller than the soldiers in the city. Gelweintall told Vinedia it is now time for battle."My queen, draw your sword, we are going into battle.". Vinedia was startled upon hearing Gelweintall's word. The only thing that came out from her mouth is "Huh?"
Will they really go on into the battle? Will Vinedia be able to fight if the battle starts? All this will be answered in the next part of the story Eve of Th Eternals!*Runs away like a mouse*
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Its getting busy....

Ok, its nearly the big day! Its getting more busier here with my grandmother and cousins coming. I'm so busy too the world starts to turn around... getting very dizzy. Hmm I need to think of a scheme to delay myself to the wedding ceremony cause on Saturday there's Angelic Layer on tv. Hmm.. wedding starts at 12, shows at 11.. just hope the family don't intend to go on early...*runs away for preparations*
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Getting Married?

Its another brave! The Brave Express Mightgaine!
Hmm it seems I will be very busy for couple of days because someone is getting married. Heh its not me but my uncle and the whole family is preparing for the wedding including me. We need to clean the house too cause my grandmother is coming. It would be annoying listening to her bragging about keeping the house clean. Thew wedding would start this Saturday... hmm I actually don't like going to wedding ceremony that much... But hey wedding is one of the greates day of a person's life and someday it would be mine too! ^_^
Yesterday I found out a lot of great artist posted their artwork. Looks like Seifer and Psyconorika is back! ^_^. Oh yeah I also finished doing the outline of my drawing but I'm too lazy to colour it. I wish I had an assistant to help me like all great artist do.. maybe a pretty one *laughs*. Well dream on Raynear! I'm so generous I show you all preview my own art! *runs away from the house*

Elsia and Cieneval



Calneas and her generals in sweaters
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Monday, March 29, 2004

Mobile Police Patlabor! In the 20th century people starting using robotlike vehicle in the constrution industry which they called Labors. The massive use of this vehicle also leads to some people to use it for crime purpose. The Japan police organized a Special Vehicle Team to counter this threat. The main character is Noa Izumi who pilots one of the patlabor which she likes so much and even named him 'Alphonsoe'. Its funny and the mech is awesome too, the weapons the mechs use is unique, Magnums, shotguns and batons just like normal police except they are in large size. The story is funny too except for the movie (too serious).
Today I found an interesting book on medieval swordfighting and I find it to be very interesting. Well... I wanted to buy it buy it seems that my budget would run off if I buy the book. Ah well... maybe next time and I hope nobody interested in buying it because its the only one left in the bookstore. That book would be useful for my future research in drawing the right swordfighting scene (of course there would be magic as well).^_^
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Oh,Thai food!
Today, our family went out to find some place to eat together. My father asked us what we would like to eat. My sister wanted to try Thai food and my father agreed. Hmm, I don't quite agree with the idea though cause I have sore throat and Thai food is somewhat spicy especially their specialty the 'Tomyam' a soup which consist of fish, crabs, prawns and squids. Ah well its my first time eating in Thai restaurant might as well try it. Yup the food was good but I couldn't eat a lot of it cause my throat condition could turn out bad. But thinking about it again..... my mother could actually cook those kind of meal but since she's not cooking today, might as well fill in the stomach... I don't want to die of hunger!
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Mechs and Robots!

Its my fav anime!Its a story of a boy named Seiji who have this Lamborghini police car that tranforms into a talking robot! This series aired in Japan in year 1992. Watched it when I was 15 years old. Those were the good old days. I watched this series with my brothers, sister and cousin. We watched, laughed and yep cried together. My brother said that theres no other mech anime which interest him other than Dagarn. Yep the ending was very sad when Dagarn sacrificed himself and fade away in the last episodes. I watched the final episode about couple of times.I really missed that Lamborghini police robot. The story is from Takara who created other talking robots that they caled the Brave Robots which is like a Transformer version of the Japanese as the Transformers series is under the rights of Hasbro (Which once belonged to Takara but they sell the rights of these unammed robots to Hasbro which later is called the Transformers-I like these series too, especially Optimus Prime!)
Yup that's my fav anime. Brave Legend of Dagarn. I found this pic in best anime.(Thanks a lot Onokij for providing info on this site). For your information, I'm a manga mecha maniac I always loved those classic mech such as Gundams, Aura Battler Dunbine, God Bless Dancougar, Dangaio, Combattler V, Getter Robot and many more. Most of them had been aired even before I was born but I liked them all very much.
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Hm hmm lala....
Hm it seems I have nothing much to talk about. Better continue the story then..
Eve of The Eternals
Chapter 1 part 12:Vilvendi
(I think... its been long since I wrote a story.. sorry)
Last time many many days ago we Vinedia have found her first comrade and soldiers joining her in her journey. But the army won't be moving until Vinedia able to ride a horse. And so let us see how Vinedia learn to ride a horse.
Geweintall teaches Vinedia the basics of horse riding like how to use the euipment such as the stirrup. Vinedia was a little nervous because this will be her first time riding a horse. A lot of time she asked Geweintall to help her get on the horse. Geweintall helped her only three times then asked her to get on the horse by herself. Yep, Vinedia falled many time trying to control the horse.
Geweintall started getting worried that Vinedia wound could get more dangerous but Vinedia insisted that she is fine. One the 27th try, Vinedia was finally able to get a hold of riding the horse. Geweintall advised Vinedia to rest because there is one more thing to do before the they could move on.
The next morning, Geweintall took Vinedia for a walk. Vinedia wondered where Geweintall is bringing her. Finally they reached a very large grass field."Look over there my Queen.." Geweintall pointed to a small river. "i can see that you are showing me a river but whats so special about it?" Geweintall asked Vinedia to wait. After a while, Vinedia could see something approaching the river."Its a horse and there are more too.." Vinedia told Geweintall."Go catch one.." whispered Geweintall.
"Huh? You are asking me to catch one of the horses?". Geweitall nodded then quickly pushed her out of the bushes that they were hiding. "Move slowly and don't make any try not to make them scared or angry...". "How am I going to reach them without surpising them?" asked Vinedia. "Just move slowly... very slowly.. and when you find one that interest you, slowly get on it then...."before Geweintall could finish, Vinedia already is moving towards the river.
Vinedia found the horse that really interest her. The horse was a sturdy built and white in colour. The horse hade yellow hair which turns golden under the sunlight. Slowly Vinedia approached the horse. Vinedia make sure that the horse does not notice her and slowly climb onto the horse. The was surprised that someone is riding it and jumped trying to release itself. Vinedia also was surprised with the horse suden movement but she hold the horse tight not letting it go. Well Vinedia's condition now is like watching those rodeos riding those jumping horse,,,
"Hey Geweintall, now wahat do I do! Hey!" Vinedia was shouting for Geweintall but he is comfortably sleeping under the bush (that old man....) So Vinedia just keep holding the horse and she managed to keep a strong hold on the horse. "Please don't be mad! I'm going to take good care of you...wowww!" the horse keep jumping in a frantic manner an dthen runs away so fast into somewhere far thinking taht it could break free from Vinedia's grip.
When Geweintall woke up it was already dark, he couldn't see Vinedia anywhere. "Have something bad happened to her..I'll try calling her, maybe she's still here..." Geweintall shouted her name and then he felt a strong knock behind his head. Quickly he draws out his sword and shouted. "Enemies!" Another knock landed on his head. "Its me, Vinedia! And I had a really hard time today old man!" Geweintall could see that Vinedia had scracthes all over her body and some small branches on her hair and also see that she managed to tame the horse. "Golly good job my queen! You finally got your own horse!" Vinedia was no longer angry and started to smile. "Well yeah.. the horse was running all over the place and finally got tired and I never let go of my grip on it. The horse still looks mad at me but I managed to calm it". "So, have you named it?" asked Geweintall. "Vilvendi." answered Vinedia.
Well better stop now..and yup the story will be continue next time! *runs away*
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Just relaxing...

Hmm..when will I able to reach this standard?.....
Today the computer got into some kind of problem which makes my net access hard and slow.. I think I manage to fix the condition but think need to do more checkup. Again there was this blackout and did a good job disturbing my concetration.. ah.... at least the water still running.
Hmm nothing unusual happens today.. just doing the normal thing. Doing some manga technique research .. thinking...drawing. Yup the usual everyday routine. So there goes the journey of my life today.*Runs away for a cup of coffee* Heh refreshing!
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