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Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
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Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Well, I feel a little bit better now... thanks dr. Onoki, your treatment really helps me to relax a bit.. Managed to ease my mind by hearing the opera of Celes from final fantasy 6...Heh until now thats one of my alltime favourite song...
Now its time for my usual story telling (if Homer-Illiad and The Oddessy and Sir Thomas Mallory-King Arthur sees my story, these guy would be jelous heh ^-^). For now let us continue...
Eve of The Eternals
Part 10:Darkness
Aaaaah... now we are back at the kingdom of Velzen. let me see the records I've made..Hmm..hmm..I run after Elsia into the lost..Oh I need to check how Vinedia is doing now so lets walk back to the blacksmith.
Its already morning and Vinedia started her work as usual. Cieneval again appeared at the blacksmith together with Elsia but today he invited Vinedia to do see something special. Vinedia first refused but when Cieneval tells her about special weapons of Velzen, Vinedia quckly ask permission from the old man to. The old man shows no objection so Vinedia followed Cieneval to the castle.
They did not actually entered the castle but went to a big warehouse near the castle. "After you.."Cieneval tells Vinedia when they arrived at the warehouse door. Vinedia was so amazed by the sight of the equipments inside he warehouse."This full of weird and large items.."remarked Vinedia."No no, this all are weapons that are deployed during war." answered Cieneval. Together, they went to meet the chief engineer that are busy giving orders in the constructions of weapons. Cieneval asked the engineer to give guide to Vinedia about the wepons there."This is the place where siege weapons are constructed. Here we got the catapult, over there the trebuchet and there the rammer..."
The chief engineer gave information on how these siege weapons work and also showed the plan for the weapons. Vinedia enjoyed this very much as she learns something useful which might help her in the war that her kingdom would encounter. By the time they finished the tour around the warehouse it was already dark outside. So they each go back home to their place. Vinedia returned to the blacksmith and decided not to continue her work and went to sleep.
In her sleep, she dreamt of a large dark cloud approaching Velzen and when the cloud reached Velzen the entire kingdom crumbles into dust. Then, when she work at the blacksmith on the next day she heard the rumor that the Calcaem empire is gathering its soldier in its campain to expand the empire. Their destination would be the rumored south continent. It is estimated that it would take about two year and a half for the entire army to finish their preparations and starts marching.
Upon hearing this, Vinedia have made her decision to return back to her kingdom. She need to make preparations for her people to counter to coming invasion. She asked permission from the old man to quit her job which the old man laughs and said he already expected that would happen. Vinedia quickly packs her items and run to meet Cieneval and Elsia to say goodbye.
Vinedia meet Cieneval and Elsia at the usual field they used to play outside the city. Vinedia said to Cieneval that she had to leave. Cieneval was sad but Elsia remained quiet. Vinedia explained to Cieneval why she had to leave and Cieneval seems to understand and does not try to stop her. Then Vinedia remebered her dream and tried to tell Cieneval. Just as she started to speak, Elsia quickly holds her hand and shakes her head. Elsia asks Cieneval to leave them for a while saying that it's womans matter and an honourable man like him should not hear this kind of things. Cieneval nodded and sighed with agreement walks until he is far away from them and stand still watching the distant horizon.
"Good now he could not hear us..." then Elsia continued "I know what you are trying to tell him." Vinedia was shocked upon hearing this but she try not to show her emotions. Elsia's eyes started to glow like a fire."Disaster will fall upon Velzen.. during that time, many will die. You have other responsibilities, so you should not involve in this matter..."."So that's why you are here...the people's Cieneval's.."Vinedia starting to feel bad but Elsia remained quiet but now she started to looks sad."Then Vinedia could heard inside her mind "Dear, you should listen to her. You should go back to your kingdom.. that is more important.. you have gone through all this to save your kingdom and now you want to leave it because you want to involve in others problem...?"
"But..."Vinedia try to object."Do not worry dear, another like me would take care of the situation. Trust in the celestials.."It was the sound of the sea that is in Vinedia's body. Vinedia turned to Elsia and ask her to takes care of Cieneval. Elsia nodded and smiled and said thats what she is doing now.Both of them pretended that they never had the conversation about the disaster. Vinedia hugged Elsia."Take care of yourself too.." Vinedia waves at Cieneval and starts her journey back home. She could heard Cieneval shouting "Don't you worry about us! We can take care here ourselves!" Vinedia waves again and walks away from them."I hope you will.."

And so again the story will be continued.. Heh, finally I was able write it.. phew I think I continue my rest...runs away following Vinedia....
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Uh oh...
I'm kinda dizzy today... maybe because of that continous sneezing and sprained my left hand. Maybe today is not my lucky day.... Well don't worry though*smiles*. I'm still in one piece and I'm taking measure to cure this illness. I'm gonna take some rest first and maybe I will continue my story later.. I'm sorry if I didn't continue my story today and visit you guys.. I really am.. Runs away ending up in wrong directions.......
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Nothing interesting happens today. I just looking at my old drawings. Its fun to see how much different they are compare to today. Looking at the drawing it makes me remember the me who aged 13 trying to draw human. I remember the first character that I refer to, it was Kamui from Clamp X. Well after a lot of trining I slowly tried to create my own character. It took time but finally I was able to obtain something which is valuable to me. My own manga stroke(A term which artist use relates to style of drawing.).Well maybe if I have the time, maybe I will show you the evolution of my drawing and the artist who influenced me.
Now as usual, we continue with the story....Ok here goes......
Eve of the Eternals
Part 9:True Identities
As we already know, Vinedia got a job at the blacksmith. Well lets go and see how she is doing her job.
Vinedia learned a lot from the old man and in about few months she was able to forge weapons by herself. She was good at doing this the old man decide she do all the forging while he just sit back and watch her do the forging. Vinedia likes to test the weapons after finished forging them and people sees this as a form of entertainment. The grace of Vinedia playing with the weapons attracted many people and have created a crowd at the blacksmith.
Cieneval and Elsia always visited Vinedia and when Vinedia is free, they went to a large grassfield outside the castle to play. Cieneval also teaches Vinedia war tactics and strategy which the reason why Vinedia stayed at Velzen. One day, Vinedia finished forging a one handed sword and as usual tested the sword with her usual audience watching and then Cienneval appeared and decided to test Vinedia sword fighting skill."You learned the art of war, but are you capable in real swordfighting to prove that you really deserve the learning of war?" Cieneval teasing Vinedia asking for challenge."Of course, thats why I learned it from you, leader." Vinedia smiled.
"Then show me the proof! On guard!" Cieneval draws his giant two handed sword and quickly strikes Vinedia. Vinedia evaded and again smiled but now her eyes turned sharper."I show you proof to convice you I deserve the teaching." Using the same sword Vinedia makes a spin and quickly thrusts her sword and Cieneval counters the attack and their swords clashed. Now that their swords met they try to push the sword to their enemies testing their strength."You are good.." Cieneval remarked."Yeah you too.." Vinedia eyes met Cieneval's, both of them are not giving up. Vinedia changed her tactics by steping back and charging. Cieneval played defensive by blocking Vinedia attacks with his large sword. The fighting was intense and cheering could be heard from people watching the fight.
Then a guard appeared and yelled for the fightig to stop."You two, stop this now!" Vinedia and Cieneval stops and looked at the guard."What do you think you are doing, fighting in the public? Identify yourself!" Vinedia indentified herself to the guard but Cieneval just keep quiet smiling."And who are you?" the guard asked Cieneval."Be careful to who you are talking to..."Cieneval replied."I don't care who you are! Even if you are the son of a noble!" They guard starting to get annoyed."Heh, better!" Cieneval showing a small plate which looks like a shield on his belt with the painting of an emblem and the picture of a griffin. The guard gasped and became somewhat scared. He quickly kneeled."My apologies. Please forgive for my rudeness. I did not know that you are the chief commander of the army!"
"What? You are the chief commander of the army? You command the whole soldier of Velzen?!" Vinedia who was suprised and shocked to hear Cieneval's true identity."Yes, that is right."Cieneval replied calmly looking at Vinedia who is looking at him with disbelief. Whispering and talking can be heard among the crowds."He's the son of the great Lord Barrington.". "I heard that he slayed a dragon when he was 13. His father was so happy that he made him chief commander of the army!"."You slayed a dragon?" Vinedia asked."That is right." replied Cieneval proudly rubbing his nose."Wow...". Then Vinedia continued "...what is a dragon?". Cieneval was shocked and nearly fell when he heard this even the people who heard their conversation was also surprised by Vinedia question.

Cieneval's ego quickly dissapeared and his face turned red." don't know what a dragon is?". And so Cieneval tells Vinedia about dragons and many other mystical creatures. It was late when Cieneval finished telling Vinedia of his adventure and so he bids farewell to Vinedia and went home. Vinedia's respect for Cieneval increase feeling amazed that he controls and command the army of Velzen. The old blacksmith has already gone home and Vinedia decided to continue with her work finishing the task that she had left behind.(Well I wonder how Cieneval would react if he hears that Vinedia is actually a queen! ^_^)
Then she saw Elsia watching her from far. Vinedia starts to greet Elsia when she noticed something different in Elsia eyes. Elsia eyes seems like glowing in the darkness of the night. Vinedia stand still silence. Elsia walks to Vinedia."So you have noticed... but please, do not be scared of me. I'm still the same Elsia.."."Yes, I have the feeling you are still the same girl but you are different in some ways." Vinedia replied. "Yes, my heart and mind is the same, the difference..." Elsia stopped, she seems doesn't want to tell Vinedia. Then Vinedia noticed,"The name Reapenwei it's not real right, its actually Rea...".Elsia quicly interrupted asking Vinedia not to tell her identity to other people especially Cieneval. They both keep quiet for a while. Then Elsia aked Vinedia if they are still friends and Vinedia replied that she still sees her as the same active Elsia. Elsia was very happy and started acting her actual behaviour. She thanked Vinedia and runs away into the darkness of night.Vinedia smiled and continued with her work and in her heart she feels that Elsia's existence here, must be a sign that something terrible will happen to Velzen.....
To be continued... quicly runs into the darkness of the night trying to catch up with Elsia..Hey Elsia! Can you tell me your real identity?!......
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Oh this is really bad!
So yesterday night there electric failure in my house and I checked the controller and found out that the kitchen plug is broken. I turned of the electric flow to the kitchen area and turn on the main power on. Back to my room I guess...
Today I found out the real reason of the power surge A mouse got behind the freezer and got electric shocked. The sight was disgusting (I don't want to tell the detail though, its for your stomach's good.). Well at least theres no more annoying mouse in the house.*Shivers*.Uuuuugh I don't want to remember that thing anymore.
Well now we leave that matter behind and continue with the story... *Runs away from the kitchen*. Ok let us begin...
Eve of The Eternals
Part 7:Looking for jobs here we are following the three teenagers watching what they will be doing. Ok, now that I can already see them, lets continue with the story....
After a few while of walking, Vinedia, Cieneval and Elsia arrived at a large mansion. There they were greeted by Cieneval's family servant. "Welcome to the house of Barringtons. Please make yourself comfortable." Cineval invited them in. Vinedia praised Cieneval for such wonderful house while Elsia running around jumping and making noises."Hey! Not that comfortable!" yelled Cieneval. Elsia runs back to her friend and teased by making face to Cieneval while hiding herself behind Vinedia. Cieneval could not control his temper and ended chasing Elsia arounds the house.

Vinedia just watched those two chasing around and when they fall of exhaustion at the mansion garden, She went to them."Hey Cieneval, can you give me a tour around your house?" Cieneval told Vinedia that they will have a tour of the mansion but he needs to rest first, the chasing really exhausted a lot of his energy. Then came a pretty woman into the garden. Elsia was happy to see the woman and quickly runs to the woman. The woman patted Elsia ands walks to Vinedia and Cieneval. The woman introduced her as Cieneval's mother and invited Vinedia and the others for afternoon treat.
After having their treat, Cieneval showed Vinedia around the mansion. Vinedia was not interested with most the places that Cieneval shows her, but she was very interested in Cieneval's father working room."Can we go in?" asked Vinedia."Of course, but theres not much to see here though...". When they entered the room Vinedia saw maps on the room wall, a large globe and a lot of scrolls and books on a large table. Vinedia was so interested that she asks lots of questions to Cieneval. Cieneval was very surprised that Vinedia was interested with this kind of thing and he helped Vinedia to understands map reading and give her information that she needs. Cieneval seems to be very knowledgeable and he helped Vinedia to understand a lot of things including war formation and stratagems."My father told me to learn these kind of things if I want to be a good leader. Well because I wanted to be a leader I learned these thing and its kind of interestingand it helped me to plan before doing something." Vinedia was impressed and ask him to teach her more as she learned from Cieneval that his father is not in the country right now.
In order to learn, Vinedia have to stay in the capital for a while, so she need to find a place to sleep and also needs to find jobs to earn money. Cieneval and Elsia offered to stay at their place but Vinedia politely reject their offer with the reason that she wants to be independent and obtain something through her own effort, staying at their place might become a burden to them. So Vinedia tries to find a job but ended up failing. It seems hard for a woman to get a job in the capital. While she was walking in her effort to find jobs, she ended up at a shop where many people gather. It seems interesting to Vinedia that she decide to see what is hapening at the shop. Upon coming nearer to the shop, Vinedia could see an old person with long beard is forging a sword. The crowd watched in awe as the old man forge a sword within a short time, testing the sword and passed the sword to a knight who seems the buyer of the weapon.
Vinedia was very interested and decided to work as a... "what is that job?". Vinedia try to find a clue and she heard two people from the crowd talking."Exellent craft ain't it?" Talked one of them. "Yep, that blacksmith really the execellent man he is." Continues the other. Then Vinedia interupted "A blacksmith you say?". "Yep that's right, the old fellow with da long beard there." pointed one of them. "A blacksmith! thats what I'm gonna be!"
Vinedia waited until its nearly time for the shop to be closed. When the old man was preparing to go home, Vinedia aproached him and asked wheter he would accept herto work at his shop. The old man grunted and said to her that he is not accepting any people to work with him especially apprentices. He even told her that the job is not suitable fr woman and tells her to go home. Vinedia did not give up though and everyday she asks the old man to accept her as an apprentice. Even through hundreds of tries Vinedia still failed to convice the old man to accept her.
She stayed in front of the shop and stayed at the same spot for days. "I don't care if you wanted to stay there even for eternity but don't ya dare die and rot in front of my shop, ya hear me! I don't want to lose customer because of dead bodies!" Vinedia remained calm and through her observations she found out the old man needs to use raw ore as material for forging weapons. Vinedia try to find sources of raw ore and found an abandoned mine full of it except it is controlled by thieves. Vinedia managed to drive away the thieves and gain control of the mine. She observed the miners who suplied ore to the old man and learned a little bit about mining.
The next couple of days she gathered her mined ore in front of the shop. Her clothes was very dirty and her face is covered with dusts. The old man seems tuprised to see Vinedia with so many raw ores by her side but still ignoring her telling her that his ore are more than enough. Until one day, the old man was out of ore and in that time also he neds to finish a special order frome the castle. He heard news that his usual supplier was attacked by bandits and he would not be able to get any ores for a long time.
Then he remembered the girl in front of his shop who collected a lot of raw ores. He feels very embarased but he have no other choice and so he ended up asking (actually begging) Vinedia for her raw ores. Vinedia smiled and refused his price for the ore but would gladly gives all her ore if he promise to take her as his apprentice. The old man laughed and told her that he gives up and accepted Vinedia as his apprentice. And so Vinedia finally achieved her plan to work as a blacksmith but now she needs to learn the art of forging weapons....
Huuuh, that was a long one... well good thing she got her dream job. Good job! Well it's time for me to go as usual. So byebye! *Runs away so fast ended up in a mine*. Suddenly it gets so dark... who turned off the light!....
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
Okay! Now I'm already up and after having a good nice bath I'm feeling more refreshed!! While today, my art pen good broken and damaged my drawings!! Oh not good! Not good! Two bad things happened at once... must be bad omen (well.. I'm not that superstitious...) but it's really sad too see your work got destroyed... and sadly you are the one who destroyed your own work... No matter! this is one of the challenge of becoming a comic artist! (I think...) I just need to get new pen and start all over again...
Now that I have the free time (well.. plenty of time that is, might as well continue with the story,) Ok here goes...
Eve of The Eternals
Part 7:The Leader
Well now we are back to the story. Ahh, nice day today and I'm feeling good today and I hope you all feels the same too. Now follow me into the city of Velzen and continue with the story of Queen Vinedia Raynear.(She does not have any relation whatsoever with me and I'm not promoting myself ok!*walks away*)
Vinedia walks around the city, does not know what to do and ended up walking in circles in the city. She came into the Velzen city to learn about the art of war but she does not know whee to start. She could not just walks into the castle and say "Hi! I am Queen Vinedia from Elvennia and I come here to learn your war tactics and aquire the technology your kingdom have!". She might be thrown to prison if she use that approach. Vinedia have to think of something to learn the war tactics and strategy to counter the coming invasion to her kingdom.
Vinedia was standing thinking when a teenager around the age of 14 who was running bumped into her."Oh my, my apologies dear woman. I was such in a rush I didn't notice you.." The boy bows politely to Vinedia and walks away but seemed to be surprised when he heards that someone is calling him and quickly runs away."Leader! wait for me!". Vinedia could see a girl around the age of 12 is following him. The girl stopped in front of Vinedia and sitting down,out of breath. "Well, trying to run away from me again..huff..huff.."
Then the girl looked at Vinedia. She observed her for a while and smiled."Hi, I'm Elsia, Elsia Reapenwei' from the house of Reapenwei'!"."Vinedia Raynear, nice to meet you." Vinedia introduced herself. "Are you an adventurer?" ask Elsia who seems to develop interests to Vinedia. Vinedia nodded and Elsia started to ask a lot of questions to Vinedia about her adventure. Vinedia talked and tells her adventure starting from the city of Hillew until she came into Velzen. She did not tell her actual origin to keep her identity safe. Elsia was so happy with Vinedia's story and offered herself to be Vinedia's personal tour guide.
And so Vinedia and Elsia walked around the city. During the tour Vinedia asked Elsia about the boy she bumped with earlier. "Oh that boy, he's my friend. He is a son of someone important in the army. I like him very much because he is so kind and intelligent."."Why did he run away from you when you called him? He sems to be scared of you." Elsia smiled when Vinedia ask the question."Oh, there was an accident, I was looking for him to play with and he was having bath at that time. I entered his bathroom to ask him what game he wants to play and I saw him naked!" she bursts into laughter and continued "Leader was funny. His face turned red and he screamed like a cat!".
Then they could hear a shouting from behind "I didn't scream! I yelled to you to get out!". Then a the boy which Vinedia met ealier comes out from his hiding. "You sounded like a cat to me.. you stalker" Elsia makes face to him. "No I'm not and I'm not a stalker!"."Then why were you following us then?" asked Elsia. "I..err..umm...I was scouting the city for enemies.. yes that's it scouting for enemies!". The two quarelled for a while and when both are tired they sat down out of breath."Excuse me, but may I now your name?" Vinedia ask the boy. "Cieneval Barrington from the house of Barringtons, but my friend usually call me leader.""Yep, leader. Future commander of Velzen!" shouted Elsia."Shhhhh Reapenwei'! Its a secret!"
Vinedia then noticed that the boy is carrying a bigger sword that is bigger than normal sword. Surely this boy is not just a normal teenager, Vinedia thinked. Vinedia then asked Cieneval for more detail regarding his background and found out that his father is the commander of the Velzen army. Vinedia sees this as an oppurtunity to learn something about war tactics and strategy if she could meet Cieneval's father. "Hey, lets be friends ."."Hey I like that, let her be our friend then we can play together!"shouted Elsia."Couldn't you say something in a more softer voice. Very well you can be our friend but you need to call me leader. How about it?". Says Cieneval proudly. "Not a problem leader!" shouted Vinedia. "Yesw leader! Leader!" shouted Elsia. "Hey not so loud! Let's go to my house, we discuss what we need to do today."
Vinedia smiled. Her plan to learn the art of war is one step closer.
Well thats all for today.... it's not that exiciting today(sorry) but its part of the story. Well got to go now! Runs away to the kitchen....sooo hungry! ^_*
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I'm soooooo tired.... I haven't sleep until now, just got home from doing finishing my assignments. Yaaawn... I haven't sleep from 7 a.m until now 11.45 p.m. I'm gonna get some rest first ok. But I will be back in a while with my story so hope you all can wait. Sorry for the writing in late and no story but I try to write it today.. So I'm going to sleep first. Nighty night! Walks away...*Yaaaaaaaaawns*
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Well well.....
Ahhh finally home.... A little bit tired here but still ok I guess...heh. Well nothing interesting hapened today, the only thing I did today is just doing some assignments with my friend.
Let's talk about something else ok, I like reading books especially things that have magic, adventure, knights, a little mix of romance and brave heroes who sacrifice their lives to uphold what they think is right. I remembered when I was 9 and I decided to skip reccess and goes to the library (I have no money to spend thts the real reason! lol... ah at least I can satisfy my knowledge for hunger than hunger for food) and so I found out this great book which will always be the best that I have read in my life. The book... The story of King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table. The story was really great, with brave knights saving maidens, fighting evil knights, sorcery and dragons and the story of the legendary sword, the Excalibur! (such beautiful names). Oh and I like the story of the knights, Sir Ector, Sir Gawaine, Sir Gallahad, Sir Lancelot, Sir Tristram, Sir Perceival and The Legendary King of England King Arthur!!!!
My favourite knight would be Sir Perceival, he is the most kind of the knights, and the least favourite is Sir Lancelot (I think you know why but still he have good values inside him that I like -I cannot accept that he could defeat King Arthur)
Ooooh their story really affect the way I design my anime storyline or the way I tell my story. And I have this kind of liking of amored heroes and heroins.Ok I think that is as far I go. And now......Trumpets!
(Teeeettereetteeeteeereeeeeeeeet). The next part of the story. Hear ye! Hear ye!
Eve of The Eternals
Part 6:The Velzen Kingdom
So the story continues and now we go to the cott.. hey where is that cottage! I swear I marked it in the map already yesterday.. Hmm hmm ah there it is! Ok follow me!*Runs to the cottage*
Vinedia is invited to stay for a while at the cottage. As the road to Velzen is still far, she agreed to spend the night there. Inside the cottage, she could find many bottles of cloured chemicals on a big table, smokes coming out from some of the bottles."Your house is so full of weird things.." Vinedia looking interested. "Of course! I'm an alchemist! Master researcher and master creator!" says Sir Willam proudly. "Ahahaha failure! booom!" shouted the eldest daughter. "Do not speak of that! I know that one day my research would suceed!"shouted Sir Willam with burning eyes(manga effect) *Swoosh* (Vinedia and the three sisters could see the aura of determination of Sir Willamm -again manga effect).
"So, what are you researching?" asked Vinedia while the three sister bored with their father walked away to play outside."Do you see the cannon outside the cottage?". Vinedia nodded. He told her about the cannon and tell to Vinedia how a cannon actually works, he also told Vinedia that he is designing a small version of cannon that could be carried by people and a small powder shooting weapons. "I have finished my research on the powder shooting weapon and I called it a Can a short form of cannon! Nice eh?". By then the second sister entered taking the jam in the kitchen and said to his father "I thought it was Gun! You lied!" started to cry. "Hey it was Can! I told you earlier that...The crying gets louder."Ok, ok its a gun! satisfied?". his daugther nodded still sniffing. Then he continued "And I have developed a longer version of this Can.. err I mean Gun and I call this one a Refill!". "You said to me it was Rifle! You lied again!" and his daughter starts crying again with strawberry jam full in her mouth.
"Ok, ok its rifle!I'm wrong you right! rifle! Happy? Sheeeeesh..". "Yup." the girl smiled and again goes out of the cottage.
"Your daughters are so lovely." Vinedia smiled. "Yeah the lovely pain in the....."."Father! I want strawberry jam too.." entered the youngest carrying her favourite item, the bomb. Sir Willam turn quiet for a while, sweat running down his face..."Ah yes my lovely dear, go take one in the kitchen...phewww.". Vinedia laughed and she started to feel comfortable with the family. She stayed for a while with the family learning about the use of gunpowder and cannon and helped sir Willam with his research. She also takes care of the three sisters and play with them so that they would not disturb Sir Wilamm.
Vinedia also teached the sisters the art of swordplay and from teaching them this Vinedia could see the characteristic of the sisters. The first one, Tina, 13 years old is overprotective of her sisters, she always watched their movements and was the strongest of the three.The second, Lina 12 years old is a quiet and shy, and Vinesia could see that she is very calm and and have sharp attention to details and the youngest, Rina, 10 years old is the most active of the sisters, she is happy going and she is very agile, her movement is very fast even Vinedia is astonished at the ability of her to handle bombs and swords at the same time. The sisters nearly defeated Vinedia when fighting together and she have a feling that the girls would grow up to be great warriors.
And so the time came for Vinedia to be departed with the family. Sir Willam help to send her to Velzen by riding horse carriage followed by the three sister. Vinedia was sad that she had to depart with the family and so was the sisters. They had so much happy times together. "There, there, don't cry ok, you all are strong girls, if I have the time I will visit you again.."."Promise?" asked the youngest. Vinedia stood quiet at the city gates, she don't know whether she would be able to meet them again. There's this feeling in her heart that tells her that she would not meet them again..."I promise.." tears came out and Vinedia hugged the three sister "I promise I come again..."
The carriage left with the sisters waving to Vinedia and finally dissapeared from the horizon. "Finally.. Velzen capital." Vinedia wwalked into the city with new strength and determination.....
Oh my.. the story is much on the Erbenhough family. Awww it's already long, so I think I better stop here, got some work to do you see.... well got to go! Runs away into the coffee shop.. ahh helps me to stay up late.....
To be continued........yep ^_^
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Friday, March 5, 2004
I forgot that I got assignments thats need to be finished! Hmm it seems I will need to stay up until the morning again so thats no problem. Well I'm just a little bit bored and I so I just go doing my research of ghost or paranormal things. Yep I also developed interest with this things because this thing is so out of this world. Well just now I just visited a couple of site to get more info on the ghost of Hampton Court, that one seems interesting. People said it would be a hoax because it opens up just like normal human and the articulation is not of a ghostly movement. Hmm,m, but through my research that type of ghost would be the classical kind of ghost and the kind of poltergeist(naughty ghost), and yet I have developed new thinking of ghosts....... 'Ghosts learn through human behavior.....' but again I might be wrong. Ok I think I won't go further into this kind of thing. I might scare you guys sorry.....
Now I will continue with the story, so here goes.. *wearing his robe and walks into into the mists* (cool eh?^_^)
Eve of The Eternals
Part 5: The Learning
Vinedia finally woke up after lying unconcious for a few days because of the slash of swords behind her back. She realize that she is lying on a bed and tries to get up. "Ouch, ouch, ouch! My back! Its so painful!". Suddenly the door where the room Vinedia is lying opened, "No, no! Don't try to stand up! You are hurt!" entered man wearing robe who looks corcerned.
Vinedia lie back on her bed, her face is a little bit pale, she asked the man what happened. The man introduced himself that he is a priest, he told her that she have been wounded by sword by a soldier who mistaken her for enemy. When the invasion finished which the Calcaem army won, the people of the city were able to get out from their shelters. He heard a crying and with a group of people he found a small child with Vinedia lying wounded on the road.
"But thers's something weird with your wound... your blood ... it seems like it was mixed with water and I tried to carry you up, you are heavier than I thought. Took six men to carry you here, I thought you were dead because of the heavy weight but you still breathing and so you ended up here.", When the priest mentioned about her blood that looks like water she remembered the sea "...I will be a part of you....".The heavy weight of her also might be the result of the sea that is now part of her, she thinked. "The blood and the weight... maybe because I'm not a local here..." she said hoping that the priest wouldn't think of her as something weird.
"Oho, a foreigner eh? That might explain the difference of the body but I still wonder what a foreigner would visit a city during a war? Never mind, you might have your own reasons but now you better get some good rest and I thank you for your effort of trying to save the child. May the celestials bless you my dear child." Vinedia was very relieved that the priest believed what sfe was saying and ask about the small kid that she saved. The priest told her that the kid is in good condition and when she fully recovered she can go meet the kid.
So Vinedia stayed at the shrine and quickly recovered. She thanked the priest for his help and taking good care of her then she goes to meet the kid and found out that the kid already found her father and mother. They were so pleased with Vinedia and treated her some good food and lets her stay at their house which is located outside the city. Vinedia decided to stay and work at their farm.
6 month later, Vinedia decided it was time for her to leave. She now have new mission, to find a way to counter the invasion that would happen to her kingdom. She found out from the family that there is a kingdom far is that is advanced in warfare technology to the far west and so decided to travel there.This kingdom is so strong in military that no country dare to fight with it and Vinedia sees that she could learn a lot there. "...The kingdom of Velzen..." (This is the third kingdom that I will be telling after the end of Elvennia kingdom and Teremis kingdom).
And so she travel west by hitching rides with traveling caravan, and also by foot. By travelling with the caravan she learned about the art of survival and the use of weapons especially swords and daggers. She was a good learner and her skill with swords was so good that she were able to defeat all the man who was with the caravan.(she combined her grace in dancing which is a folk dance in Elvennia with the art of swordfighting).
(My favourite part ^_^)
She managed to enter the Velzen territory but the city is still far to be reached. One day while she was walking (now she is 16) she found a small cottage on a large grassy field and she could see that there are a couple of cannon outside the cottage. Then she heard a loud "BOOOOOOOOM" and smoke coming out of the cottage. (she was shocked by the sound and stand there still with pale face.) Then the door of the cottage opened and a tall, thin with ruffled hair man come out face looked tired."Aww, failed again. I told you child not to stand near me when I was concetrating!" he yelled. After the yelling finished, Vinedia could see three girls come out from the cottage laughing. The first one shouted "Baam! Baam!" and the second goes "Bang!Bang!" and the third giggled and shouted "Boom!Boom!". "Told you guys not to play with the explosives! Especially you!" he pointed to the smallest of the girls who smiled and throws a bomb to the man which is their father. "What theeeeee........!" another big booom can be heard and a large cloud of smoke appeared.
A coughing can be heard and when the smoke dissapeared Vinedia could see the four people lying on the ground outside their cottage covered with debris. She tought that something bad had hapened to them.. and then she could heard a weak voice coming out from the man."You three sister.... Tina, Rina.. and Lina Erbenhough......are grounded...".Vinedia could not stand anymore and laughed by the sight of the family. The man heard the laughter and quickly stands up. "Never expect a guest here, err welcome! I'm Sir Willamm Erbenhough! Master alchemist at your service!*bows slightly*. By then the sisters already surrounded Vinedia and was so delighted by her presence and asked her to play with them."Hey, don't disturb the big sister you three little...." Another boom can be heard....
Well I think this is as far as I go for now. Until next time...hehe.Runs away and suddenly stopped."Hmm what's this black round thing lying on the ground... oooh so nice got some fire on it too,,,,,,"
*picks u the object*
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Thursday, March 4, 2004
Oh my........
Oh, I arrived late at the examination hall today! I shouldn't took the ride with my mother, she keps getting in the wrong directions when driving she said because she was nervous as the time of my exams is nearly started! "Mother I'm the one who's taking the exam and should be nervous not you! hey hey its the wrong direction again!"
Luckily she was a good at going high speed and I was late 10 minutes. Well about the exam I managed to do it and even finished early half hour before it ends so there was no problem there. Well one more to go then...
Hey everybody thanks for liking my artwork! I'm already working on new ones right now! Oh my I've got to many sketches here and I dunno which one should I start the inking.. hmmm.. well I think this one should be nice...
If you all wanna know how long to finish one art I took 2 days to finish one with full colour and I use photoshop software as a colouring medium. Why use photoshop you ask? I wanna keep the original outline as a proof if people acussing the art that I've posted here is a fraud or stealing someone art and make em mine..(I never do that its just makes my reputation bad...) Why draw originals only? Why not draw some famous character? I'm not good at copying other people work and if I try the face would turn out to be my style as my hands have developed preference for this style and out of respect of the original artist I don't deserve to draw their character, they can draw beter than me so theres no need for me to draw theirs( well with the exception if they asked me though...^_^).
Ok I need to stop bragging now because... It''s...Hammer err.... Story Time! Yay!yay! *applause followed by big clapping* clap!clap!clap!)
Eve Of the Eternals: Elvennia Kingdom
Part 4...........^_^.
Where was I? *taking on spectacles* Ah yes the witnessing of war by Vinedia Raynear. So lets go to the battlefield of Dengard....
And so the right group which was the Calcaem soldier which is recognized by their red and yellow coloured flags and the left group which is the Dengard soldiers met. Vinedia saw in astonishments when these two groups of metal wearing man clashes. she saw long each of them holding sharp things in their hands which Vinedia recognized as their weapons. And so in front of her people fighting each other, one who wants to conquer and the ones who wanted to be free and not to be conquered.
(If you are mature enough you can go on read these next sentences or have parents by your side if not you can skip this one. Just as a reminder.)
Blood spilled, body dicapitated people scream as sharp weapons entered their body in short many people died and suffer in the battle.
(Oh my this one is getting violent...)
Ok skipped.. ^_^(if you skip continue from this part hmm I think you read that one too..)
Vinedia cannot stand watching this more longer and started getting nauseous. A soldier saw her near the battlefield. It was a Calcaem soldier and shouted to her telling to get into the city "we don't want to kill girls go run into the city!!!" well, even the Dengard soldier that is trying to fight the soldier who give warning to Vinedia shouted "You,girl! Go take shelter in the city! This is no place for civilians!!!"
And so feeling weird that the two soldier could agree on the same thing yet still fighting each other (^_^) and still feeling naeseous Vinedia quickly run into the city, the sight of war is just too much for her to watch. Upon entering the city she could see the city is in a state of chaos. People running everywhere, soldier giving directions for the civilians to enter safe shelter. Vinedia was lucky by the time she entered the city gate was about to be closed.
She was lost in the chaos and ended up at another castle gates. And then she heard a strong banging sound from the wall. "The soldiers are entering! This gate won't stand for long! Everybody go down and prepare to fight! Draw your swords and stand firm friend!" which Vinedia heard from the castle gate wall. The gate is nearly destroyed and then....
Oh my there's a kid on the road, he's crying shouting for his mama and papa. Vinedia saw that kid and then heard the gate was detroyed, the Calcaem soldiers and horses troops are rushing in and that kid are in the way."That kid I've got to save him!" Quickly Vinedia run to the kid and try to take him to hiding but was to late as the horse troops are already near them. Vinedia quickly hugs the kid tightly trying to protect him. And the horse troops passing trough them . Dusts rising so high and Vinedia started to cough but still holding the kid tightly. She could not see anything and try to lie the kid down on the road and by then she could feel a slash behind her body......
Vinedia fell...................
Ok... (to be continue evil smile >_<) I will continue next time hehe... time to go drawing.. runs away quickly to avoid reporters from asking questions! Run Forest err.... run Raynear run.....!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Ah alas I've finally finished colouring the sisters! They're part of my kingdom story but which I will be telling after i've finished the 2nd kingdom. Well I haven't submitted the art of the 2nd kingdom character but stay tuned..
I will continue the story of Vinedia maybe tomorrow as I will be facing my second last exams.. one more to go and its three month of holiday yeeeeeeeeeeah!
Well it's time to go now!
'Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks, even when they bring gifts.'
Laocoon, Trojan priest in Virgil's Aeneid
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