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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
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Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
No, nothing
Whatever will I be writing today.. Hmmm.. Well its the usual thing I guess, drawing again and colouring in the photoshop at the same time.. Yup I'm a bit rush in doing my work now. I have this worries when the holiday ended I don't have the time to spent on drawing again.
Right now I'm listening to my favourite Japanese rock group Glay.(My most fav japanese rock group). Their song titled Kokodewanai is always my favourite Glay.

Right now I'm trying to colour this one. This is another one of my original mech drawing. I guess I would like to do a story on this one too well that is if I have the chance to become a manga artist and if I can live long to actually draw it heh.
This is a little bit of the story.
Year 2500, human have begun starting to explore the space and with thecurrent advancement of technology they are now able to colonize uninhabited planet thus beginning a new generation of makind.
The U.N have been reorganized and now it members consist of representatives of their corresponding planets and also countries. With the growth of its members now the U.N have been renamed the G.C which stands for Galactic Command. Keeping peace on earth and around the planets is the task of members under the G.C.
So from here enters our main character; a cheery normal young girl at the age of 20. Her name is Miera Nahaya. Just graduated from military academy on communication she had been assigned to a special Island base where her uncle is in command there.
She enjoys working there, she had good friends there and also quite popular with the people there for her morning selection of song in the base. She even got the nickname Morning D.J for always entertaining the soldier by playing songs using the speaker in the base every morning.
The base where she is assigned is actually a place where the G.C are developing a special mechanical project which they call project 'Mini Fortress'. The project is a project on developing a mechanical all purpose combat unit that will be able to carry military transport such as fighter jets or tanks on them.
Miera who was also interested in this mechanical unit always visited the hangar where the scientist and the engineer do test on the mechanical unit. She was a fan of mecha when she was small and seeing a real one was is a great experience and she doesn't want to miss watching this one being developed and move.
One day as usual Miera is playing the song for the soldiers working in the base when suddenly a missle hit the base and caused explosion. Then a group of giant mechanical unit comes out from a nearby forest atacking the base with their laser guns and missile destroying and slaughtering everything they see.
Miera uncle quickly ordered everyone to escape from the base and run into somewhere safe. But the enemy was coming from every direction that their path to escape are blocked.
Miera and her friend was running out from the base when and explosion near them forced her to go into the hangar. From the hangar she saw the base is being destroyed and the command center where she left her uncle exloded from the attack. Knowing that her uncle is now dead, dvastated her feeling and also makes her terrified.
Then a giant mech breaks into the hangar shooting at everyone who was there. An old mechanic guides Miera and her friend to the mechanical unit that was under development. 'Now young girl, go and hide in Rumbirue, you'll be safe there. Its armor will be able to protect you long enough until support comes to the rescue'. Rumbirue was the name of the mecahnical unit, Miera hesitated but then she runs to Rumbirue.
The cockpit was open so she and her friend quickly entered the unit, but before the cockpit hatch is closed a bullet hit her from who was just about to enter the cockpit. 'I was unlucky but hope that you are more luckier than me . Please live.' was her friend last word before finishing her last breath on Miera's lap.
Miera was so sad and was crying. She have lost her hope on living and thinks that she might die as well. The enemy mech attacked Rumbirue where Miera is inside. And suddenly the computer in the cockpit lights up and Miera could hear a computerized voice saying automatec defense system.
Rumbirue began to move, the enemy mech didn't stop firing at it but the bullet doesn't penetrates the armor. Rumbirue began picking a cannon besides it and quickly fired not once but three times to the enemy mech. First the hand the leg and before it falls to the ground the entire upper body.
Going out from its hangar Rumbirue unleashes its way of showing devastation to the enemy unit. Destroying every unit with ease and leaving a reminder of dstrution facing it. Miera was shocked on the damage this unit could do. There was one enmy unit left and it was running and firing Rumbirue, Miera quickly takes the control aimed at the unit and pulled the trigger destroying the enemy. She vows that the enemy who started this will pay. After she finished the graves of her fallen comrades and uncle. She leaves the base with Rumbirue into a beginning of a war....
Well its just a preview on how the story would go. This is just to tell on how the story would go, I'm not gonna write on it anymore. Well nobody will read it but this will be useful to me nonetheless. Since I have nothing to write, I guess I just write about it. ^_^
*Runs away*
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