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• Raynear
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• raynear_einhart
• 1982-01-25
• Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
• 2004-02-09
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• Asrul Sani
• I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
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• 10 years old
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• Drawing
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Whew, I managed to finish the inking onthe Elvennia generals. Also I got to put them all together in one pic. Colouring will be next but that will be later since there are other pic that I want to colour. Still I guess its not wrong for me to share the pic with everyone. Here they are!

The characters for Eve of the Eternals Elvennia chapter, from left to right:Teoux, Offerdeit Walasamingo,Gelweintall Leintein, Mylciene Viemphor, Queen Vinedia Raynear, Galcalivern Viemphor,Hacion, Kataryu and Felimor Leintein.
Maybe I tell a little bit about them.

Queen Vinedia Raynear
Usually called:Different people call her with different names. Vinedia-Gelweintall; Queen Vinedia-Felimor,Ferdeitt; Queen Raynear- Miene,Galcalivern; Raynear-sama-Kataryu; Honourable One-Teoux, Commander Raynear-Hacion. I usually refer to hear as Vinedia since I use the name Raynear ^_^
Specialty:Moral booster, Sea power.
Position:Queen, commander of the army.
The leader of the Elvennia army. Her dream of the destruction of Elvennia led her to travel to foreign lands in order to find ways to save Elvennia from being conquered by outsiders. From a young girl who lacks of knowledge of the outside world she becomes a strong woman with great skill and strength. The Eternals choose her to control the power of the Sea. Loved by her people and great source of motivation for the soldiers, she will never stop fighting until her beloved kingdom is really safe.

Gelweintall Leintein
Usually called: Gelweintall, Miene always call him 'old man'
Specialty: Great in offensive strategies, Experienced leader in calvary.
Position:In charge of the the calvary regiment.
Comes from the city of Leintein where the people there use the city's name as their surname, the reason why Gelweintall and Felimor share the same surname eventhough they have no family connections. Saved by Queen Vinedia during her quests, Gelweitall pledged loyalty to her. Gelweintall is like a father figure to Queen Vinedia, and when they argue, its like a father arguing with her daughter. In battle Gelweintall is an agressive fighter, with years of experience in fighting and effective command in calvary units: He is one warrior to be avoided.

Mylciene Viemphor
Usually called: Miene, Little brat-Gelweintall.
Specialty: Weapon support for Queen Vinedia, great long range skill.
Position:Standard bearer for Queen Vinedia
This young and spirited girladmires Queen Vinedias a lot. When she was selected to become the standard bearer for the Queen she was so delighted. She is a cheerful and active young girl but could be annoying sometimes. Being a standard bearer gives her the great responsibility to watch the Queen when in battle. She never fails to provide support when the Queen needs extra spears or swords. Her archery skill is said to be the best in Elvennia army and so is her spear technique which usually sends quite a number of people flying in the battlefield.

Felimor Leintein
Usually called: Felimor
Specialty: Master in diguise, scouting
Postion: Leader in the scout units, Infitration and Espionage agent.
Like Gelweintall, Felimor comes from the city of Leintein. He and Gelweintall was once leaders of the Leintein Corps arrmy until they were defeated by the Calcaem empire soldiers. He managed to escape from being captured by the Calcaem soldiers. Using his expertise and skills, he managed to track down Gelweintall. Knowing that Gelweintall and some of the Leintein survivors joined the Elvennian army, Felimor decided to join. His ability to gain valuable enemy information and catch enemy spies makes him one of Elvennia's greatest asset.

Usually called: Hacion, Cion
Specialty: High defense and great strength, Defensive strategies.
Position:First in command of the Elvennia Heavy amored and Dargunon troops.
Hacion is the leader of the Dargunon clan. He believes its the responsibilities for the Dargunon to keep the Elvennia lands safe from intruders . The pact that he made with one of the Elvennia queens hundred years ago officially made the Dargunon clans protectors of the Elvennia city. When he heard that Elvennia will be attacked by invaders, He quickly gathered the Dargunon warriors and aid Queen Vinedia in the battle against the invaders. Eventhough his appearance might seem scary to some, he really have a nice heart inside him. He likes children a lot and especially babies and doesn't want to miss a chance of holding them. Determine to let them live to see the future, Hacion promise to fight until his last breath.

Usually called: Kataryu
Specialty:Melee combat.
Position: Infantry but sometimes acts as a leader to the Elvennia infantry.
She could be one of Elvennia generals because of her great ability and fighting skills. But she doesn't want to be a leader because it would drives away her concentration in fighting and she afraid that she would not be able to fight to the fullest given the responsibility. She run away from Ivaseal castle when it got attacked by other feudal lords, seeing no hope of winning and hearing rumors of her lord Fuzaka Elvermeiss running away from battle, given her the thought of disgrace working for a leader who runs away from battle. Survived a tidal wave and got separated from her friend, she became a ronin until she met with Queen Vinedia and her generals. Queen Vinedia becomes her new master and now Kataryu wields her double katana finding again her meaning of existence; to exist in the battlefield.

Galcalivern Viemphor
Usually called:Galcalivern,Brother Gal-Miene
The only thing you can see is his green eyes, nobody have ever actually see his real face, even Miene had only seen once of his brother face but that was a long time ago. Galcalivern actually is not related to Miene by blood,. He came to Elvennia from an unknown land and decided to stay with an old man. He always played with the man's little daughter and ended up making promise to become her big brother. Galcalivern and Miene are very close and its hard to see them alone without the other present. Somehow Galcalivern is quite afraid of Queen Vinedia, whenever she meets him, it always ended up in him running away from her. What secret is he actually hiding from Queen Vinedia?

Usually called: Teoux, Bird, Duck Pigeon, Swan, Chicken, White Eagle
Specialty: Flying
Position: Leader of the flying troops
Coming from the land of Cloudia, Teoux is a birdlike creature from whose people rarely interacted with the beings on land. He and the other Cloudians joined the Elvennia army knowing the power that the Queen possess and knowing that the Queen is fighting for a good cause. Teoux have the ability to transform himself into a pigeon for reconaissance purpose and also spying. Teoux doesn't talk much and it is also hard to make him talk. Eventhough Teoux transform into a pigeon many have doubt about his birdlike appearance since Teoux never opens his helmet on public. Vinedia think he is an owl, Miene thinks he is a swan, Galcalivern sure he is a chicken, Gelweintall and Felimor agrees that he is a white eagle, Ferdeitt assume that he is a duck. Teuox never cares what his comrade calls him, the thing that he cares is to quickly finish his work and end this war so he can find peace to relax.

Offerdeitt Walasamingo
Usually called: Ferdeitt, Annoying boy-Gelweintall, Mango-Miene, Mr Right-Galcalivern
Specialty: Magic
Position: Military Strategist
Annoying, rude, loud mouth, arrogant are some of the words that are usually used by his comrade to describe this guy. Came from the land of Magios, Queen Vinedia seek for his wisdom and ability to help them in freeing the country under the control of Calcaem and other country which that cause suffering to peole. If people are confused about Teoux real form this guy are more confusing, wearing a magical mask and considering his small size resulted in many ideas of his real form. Some said he might be an old man, or might be a young boy, or maybe he is just a machine or a gremlin or a goblin or...the probability are endless. Ferdeitt thinks he is the smartest in the Elvennia army, in fact he really is! Eventhough he have lots of ngative attitude he is very calm and cool person. His strategy will always work. His magical attacks are devastating some might even enough to easily enough crumbles a fortress. Enemy soldiers that meets him ended up running away screaming in fear.
Wow that was long.... well I'm so excited and never thought to write that long. Well I hope this will gives you a clearer idea on how the character in my story looks like that, is if you have read my story.
Well, any thoughts are also welcome.
*Runs away*
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