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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
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Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Monday, March 8, 2004
Oh this is really bad!
So yesterday night there electric failure in my house and I checked the controller and found out that the kitchen plug is broken. I turned of the electric flow to the kitchen area and turn on the main power on. Back to my room I guess...
Today I found out the real reason of the power surge A mouse got behind the freezer and got electric shocked. The sight was disgusting (I don't want to tell the detail though, its for your stomach's good.). Well at least theres no more annoying mouse in the house.*Shivers*.Uuuuugh I don't want to remember that thing anymore.
Well now we leave that matter behind and continue with the story... *Runs away from the kitchen*. Ok let us begin...
Eve of The Eternals
Part 7:Looking for jobs here we are following the three teenagers watching what they will be doing. Ok, now that I can already see them, lets continue with the story....
After a few while of walking, Vinedia, Cieneval and Elsia arrived at a large mansion. There they were greeted by Cieneval's family servant. "Welcome to the house of Barringtons. Please make yourself comfortable." Cineval invited them in. Vinedia praised Cieneval for such wonderful house while Elsia running around jumping and making noises."Hey! Not that comfortable!" yelled Cieneval. Elsia runs back to her friend and teased by making face to Cieneval while hiding herself behind Vinedia. Cieneval could not control his temper and ended chasing Elsia arounds the house.

Vinedia just watched those two chasing around and when they fall of exhaustion at the mansion garden, She went to them."Hey Cieneval, can you give me a tour around your house?" Cieneval told Vinedia that they will have a tour of the mansion but he needs to rest first, the chasing really exhausted a lot of his energy. Then came a pretty woman into the garden. Elsia was happy to see the woman and quickly runs to the woman. The woman patted Elsia ands walks to Vinedia and Cieneval. The woman introduced her as Cieneval's mother and invited Vinedia and the others for afternoon treat.
After having their treat, Cieneval showed Vinedia around the mansion. Vinedia was not interested with most the places that Cieneval shows her, but she was very interested in Cieneval's father working room."Can we go in?" asked Vinedia."Of course, but theres not much to see here though...". When they entered the room Vinedia saw maps on the room wall, a large globe and a lot of scrolls and books on a large table. Vinedia was so interested that she asks lots of questions to Cieneval. Cieneval was very surprised that Vinedia was interested with this kind of thing and he helped Vinedia to understands map reading and give her information that she needs. Cieneval seems to be very knowledgeable and he helped Vinedia to understand a lot of things including war formation and stratagems."My father told me to learn these kind of things if I want to be a good leader. Well because I wanted to be a leader I learned these thing and its kind of interestingand it helped me to plan before doing something." Vinedia was impressed and ask him to teach her more as she learned from Cieneval that his father is not in the country right now.
In order to learn, Vinedia have to stay in the capital for a while, so she need to find a place to sleep and also needs to find jobs to earn money. Cieneval and Elsia offered to stay at their place but Vinedia politely reject their offer with the reason that she wants to be independent and obtain something through her own effort, staying at their place might become a burden to them. So Vinedia tries to find a job but ended up failing. It seems hard for a woman to get a job in the capital. While she was walking in her effort to find jobs, she ended up at a shop where many people gather. It seems interesting to Vinedia that she decide to see what is hapening at the shop. Upon coming nearer to the shop, Vinedia could see an old person with long beard is forging a sword. The crowd watched in awe as the old man forge a sword within a short time, testing the sword and passed the sword to a knight who seems the buyer of the weapon.
Vinedia was very interested and decided to work as a... "what is that job?". Vinedia try to find a clue and she heard two people from the crowd talking."Exellent craft ain't it?" Talked one of them. "Yep, that blacksmith really the execellent man he is." Continues the other. Then Vinedia interupted "A blacksmith you say?". "Yep that's right, the old fellow with da long beard there." pointed one of them. "A blacksmith! thats what I'm gonna be!"
Vinedia waited until its nearly time for the shop to be closed. When the old man was preparing to go home, Vinedia aproached him and asked wheter he would accept herto work at his shop. The old man grunted and said to her that he is not accepting any people to work with him especially apprentices. He even told her that the job is not suitable fr woman and tells her to go home. Vinedia did not give up though and everyday she asks the old man to accept her as an apprentice. Even through hundreds of tries Vinedia still failed to convice the old man to accept her.
She stayed in front of the shop and stayed at the same spot for days. "I don't care if you wanted to stay there even for eternity but don't ya dare die and rot in front of my shop, ya hear me! I don't want to lose customer because of dead bodies!" Vinedia remained calm and through her observations she found out the old man needs to use raw ore as material for forging weapons. Vinedia try to find sources of raw ore and found an abandoned mine full of it except it is controlled by thieves. Vinedia managed to drive away the thieves and gain control of the mine. She observed the miners who suplied ore to the old man and learned a little bit about mining.
The next couple of days she gathered her mined ore in front of the shop. Her clothes was very dirty and her face is covered with dusts. The old man seems tuprised to see Vinedia with so many raw ores by her side but still ignoring her telling her that his ore are more than enough. Until one day, the old man was out of ore and in that time also he neds to finish a special order frome the castle. He heard news that his usual supplier was attacked by bandits and he would not be able to get any ores for a long time.
Then he remembered the girl in front of his shop who collected a lot of raw ores. He feels very embarased but he have no other choice and so he ended up asking (actually begging) Vinedia for her raw ores. Vinedia smiled and refused his price for the ore but would gladly gives all her ore if he promise to take her as his apprentice. The old man laughed and told her that he gives up and accepted Vinedia as his apprentice. And so Vinedia finally achieved her plan to work as a blacksmith but now she needs to learn the art of forging weapons....
Huuuh, that was a long one... well good thing she got her dream job. Good job! Well it's time for me to go as usual. So byebye! *Runs away so fast ended up in a mine*. Suddenly it gets so dark... who turned off the light!....
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