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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
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Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Nothing interesting happens today. I just looking at my old drawings. Its fun to see how much different they are compare to today. Looking at the drawing it makes me remember the me who aged 13 trying to draw human. I remember the first character that I refer to, it was Kamui from Clamp X. Well after a lot of trining I slowly tried to create my own character. It took time but finally I was able to obtain something which is valuable to me. My own manga stroke(A term which artist use relates to style of drawing.).Well maybe if I have the time, maybe I will show you the evolution of my drawing and the artist who influenced me.
Now as usual, we continue with the story....Ok here goes......
Eve of the Eternals
Part 9:True Identities
As we already know, Vinedia got a job at the blacksmith. Well lets go and see how she is doing her job.
Vinedia learned a lot from the old man and in about few months she was able to forge weapons by herself. She was good at doing this the old man decide she do all the forging while he just sit back and watch her do the forging. Vinedia likes to test the weapons after finished forging them and people sees this as a form of entertainment. The grace of Vinedia playing with the weapons attracted many people and have created a crowd at the blacksmith.
Cieneval and Elsia always visited Vinedia and when Vinedia is free, they went to a large grassfield outside the castle to play. Cieneval also teaches Vinedia war tactics and strategy which the reason why Vinedia stayed at Velzen. One day, Vinedia finished forging a one handed sword and as usual tested the sword with her usual audience watching and then Cienneval appeared and decided to test Vinedia sword fighting skill."You learned the art of war, but are you capable in real swordfighting to prove that you really deserve the learning of war?" Cieneval teasing Vinedia asking for challenge."Of course, thats why I learned it from you, leader." Vinedia smiled.
"Then show me the proof! On guard!" Cieneval draws his giant two handed sword and quickly strikes Vinedia. Vinedia evaded and again smiled but now her eyes turned sharper."I show you proof to convice you I deserve the teaching." Using the same sword Vinedia makes a spin and quickly thrusts her sword and Cieneval counters the attack and their swords clashed. Now that their swords met they try to push the sword to their enemies testing their strength."You are good.." Cieneval remarked."Yeah you too.." Vinedia eyes met Cieneval's, both of them are not giving up. Vinedia changed her tactics by steping back and charging. Cieneval played defensive by blocking Vinedia attacks with his large sword. The fighting was intense and cheering could be heard from people watching the fight.
Then a guard appeared and yelled for the fightig to stop."You two, stop this now!" Vinedia and Cieneval stops and looked at the guard."What do you think you are doing, fighting in the public? Identify yourself!" Vinedia indentified herself to the guard but Cieneval just keep quiet smiling."And who are you?" the guard asked Cieneval."Be careful to who you are talking to..."Cieneval replied."I don't care who you are! Even if you are the son of a noble!" They guard starting to get annoyed."Heh, better!" Cieneval showing a small plate which looks like a shield on his belt with the painting of an emblem and the picture of a griffin. The guard gasped and became somewhat scared. He quickly kneeled."My apologies. Please forgive for my rudeness. I did not know that you are the chief commander of the army!"
"What? You are the chief commander of the army? You command the whole soldier of Velzen?!" Vinedia who was suprised and shocked to hear Cieneval's true identity."Yes, that is right."Cieneval replied calmly looking at Vinedia who is looking at him with disbelief. Whispering and talking can be heard among the crowds."He's the son of the great Lord Barrington.". "I heard that he slayed a dragon when he was 13. His father was so happy that he made him chief commander of the army!"."You slayed a dragon?" Vinedia asked."That is right." replied Cieneval proudly rubbing his nose."Wow...". Then Vinedia continued "...what is a dragon?". Cieneval was shocked and nearly fell when he heard this even the people who heard their conversation was also surprised by Vinedia question.

Cieneval's ego quickly dissapeared and his face turned red." don't know what a dragon is?". And so Cieneval tells Vinedia about dragons and many other mystical creatures. It was late when Cieneval finished telling Vinedia of his adventure and so he bids farewell to Vinedia and went home. Vinedia's respect for Cieneval increase feeling amazed that he controls and command the army of Velzen. The old blacksmith has already gone home and Vinedia decided to continue with her work finishing the task that she had left behind.(Well I wonder how Cieneval would react if he hears that Vinedia is actually a queen! ^_^)
Then she saw Elsia watching her from far. Vinedia starts to greet Elsia when she noticed something different in Elsia eyes. Elsia eyes seems like glowing in the darkness of the night. Vinedia stand still silence. Elsia walks to Vinedia."So you have noticed... but please, do not be scared of me. I'm still the same Elsia.."."Yes, I have the feeling you are still the same girl but you are different in some ways." Vinedia replied. "Yes, my heart and mind is the same, the difference..." Elsia stopped, she seems doesn't want to tell Vinedia. Then Vinedia noticed,"The name Reapenwei it's not real right, its actually Rea...".Elsia quicly interrupted asking Vinedia not to tell her identity to other people especially Cieneval. They both keep quiet for a while. Then Elsia aked Vinedia if they are still friends and Vinedia replied that she still sees her as the same active Elsia. Elsia was very happy and started acting her actual behaviour. She thanked Vinedia and runs away into the darkness of night.Vinedia smiled and continued with her work and in her heart she feels that Elsia's existence here, must be a sign that something terrible will happen to Velzen.....
To be continued... quicly runs into the darkness of the night trying to catch up with Elsia..Hey Elsia! Can you tell me your real identity?!......
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