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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
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Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Well, I feel a little bit better now... thanks dr. Onoki, your treatment really helps me to relax a bit.. Managed to ease my mind by hearing the opera of Celes from final fantasy 6...Heh until now thats one of my alltime favourite song...
Now its time for my usual story telling (if Homer-Illiad and The Oddessy and Sir Thomas Mallory-King Arthur sees my story, these guy would be jelous heh ^-^). For now let us continue...
Eve of The Eternals
Part 10:Darkness
Aaaaah... now we are back at the kingdom of Velzen. let me see the records I've made..Hmm..hmm..I run after Elsia into the lost..Oh I need to check how Vinedia is doing now so lets walk back to the blacksmith.
Its already morning and Vinedia started her work as usual. Cieneval again appeared at the blacksmith together with Elsia but today he invited Vinedia to do see something special. Vinedia first refused but when Cieneval tells her about special weapons of Velzen, Vinedia quckly ask permission from the old man to. The old man shows no objection so Vinedia followed Cieneval to the castle.
They did not actually entered the castle but went to a big warehouse near the castle. "After you.."Cieneval tells Vinedia when they arrived at the warehouse door. Vinedia was so amazed by the sight of the equipments inside he warehouse."This full of weird and large items.."remarked Vinedia."No no, this all are weapons that are deployed during war." answered Cieneval. Together, they went to meet the chief engineer that are busy giving orders in the constructions of weapons. Cieneval asked the engineer to give guide to Vinedia about the wepons there."This is the place where siege weapons are constructed. Here we got the catapult, over there the trebuchet and there the rammer..."
The chief engineer gave information on how these siege weapons work and also showed the plan for the weapons. Vinedia enjoyed this very much as she learns something useful which might help her in the war that her kingdom would encounter. By the time they finished the tour around the warehouse it was already dark outside. So they each go back home to their place. Vinedia returned to the blacksmith and decided not to continue her work and went to sleep.
In her sleep, she dreamt of a large dark cloud approaching Velzen and when the cloud reached Velzen the entire kingdom crumbles into dust. Then, when she work at the blacksmith on the next day she heard the rumor that the Calcaem empire is gathering its soldier in its campain to expand the empire. Their destination would be the rumored south continent. It is estimated that it would take about two year and a half for the entire army to finish their preparations and starts marching.
Upon hearing this, Vinedia have made her decision to return back to her kingdom. She need to make preparations for her people to counter to coming invasion. She asked permission from the old man to quit her job which the old man laughs and said he already expected that would happen. Vinedia quickly packs her items and run to meet Cieneval and Elsia to say goodbye.
Vinedia meet Cieneval and Elsia at the usual field they used to play outside the city. Vinedia said to Cieneval that she had to leave. Cieneval was sad but Elsia remained quiet. Vinedia explained to Cieneval why she had to leave and Cieneval seems to understand and does not try to stop her. Then Vinedia remebered her dream and tried to tell Cieneval. Just as she started to speak, Elsia quickly holds her hand and shakes her head. Elsia asks Cieneval to leave them for a while saying that it's womans matter and an honourable man like him should not hear this kind of things. Cieneval nodded and sighed with agreement walks until he is far away from them and stand still watching the distant horizon.
"Good now he could not hear us..." then Elsia continued "I know what you are trying to tell him." Vinedia was shocked upon hearing this but she try not to show her emotions. Elsia's eyes started to glow like a fire."Disaster will fall upon Velzen.. during that time, many will die. You have other responsibilities, so you should not involve in this matter..."."So that's why you are here...the people's Cieneval's.."Vinedia starting to feel bad but Elsia remained quiet but now she started to looks sad."Then Vinedia could heard inside her mind "Dear, you should listen to her. You should go back to your kingdom.. that is more important.. you have gone through all this to save your kingdom and now you want to leave it because you want to involve in others problem...?"
"But..."Vinedia try to object."Do not worry dear, another like me would take care of the situation. Trust in the celestials.."It was the sound of the sea that is in Vinedia's body. Vinedia turned to Elsia and ask her to takes care of Cieneval. Elsia nodded and smiled and said thats what she is doing now.Both of them pretended that they never had the conversation about the disaster. Vinedia hugged Elsia."Take care of yourself too.." Vinedia waves at Cieneval and starts her journey back home. She could heard Cieneval shouting "Don't you worry about us! We can take care here ourselves!" Vinedia waves again and walks away from them."I hope you will.."

And so again the story will be continued.. Heh, finally I was able write it.. phew I think I continue my rest...runs away following Vinedia....
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