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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
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Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
A normal day..
The weather is fine today lalala~ It seems today just runs as the usual day except now I start the inking of my art. Maybe I will submit it in the fan art but maybe later. Hm I found an interesting song today.I don't quite know this group but one of their song is so good which reflects the art that I draw.This group goes by the name Rhapsody and their song which is my fav is titled Wisdom Of The Kings. Nice huh?
Shadowlight asks a question about who is the beatiful anime girl that you think. I told her I like Kurumi from the Steel Angel Kurumi anime. Well here's the pic of her. This is the suitable pic I think because its hard to find pic which really shows her cuteness because most are related with sexy and nude pic...(I hope you guys don't see me as pevert.its hard to avoid nakedness in anime..)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a kind of person who falls in love with anime character but I think she's one of the prettiest woman character.I got this pic from Strider geocities site.
And so I continue again with the story, yep the moment you all have been waiting for.^_^
Eve of The Eternals
Part 10:Comrade
It seems I have been resting for a while from the journey.. but not to worry I'm still following her from behind. It seems Vinedia is still walking..Uhh shes turning around!*Lies down under the grass* ...Well, I hope she does not see me. Well lets continue with the story.
So Vinedia walked and walked for many days. Need to remind you that she is now 18 years old. She managed to visit the three sisters for a while and continued her journey back to the city of Hillew where she first arived on the continent. With the knowledge that she have aquired she could use them to prepare her people for the invasion but then she feels that it is hard for her to do that all alone. She needs other who have the knowledge of war to help her but where would she find someone like that?
After a long walk she rested for a while. Then she saw smoke coming out from the distant. Vinedia wanted to see what is happening there but she decide its better for her to rest and have a look there at the next day. So the next day she walked to the location where the smoke was coming from. Upon arriving she saw many dead bodies on the field."So.. this is a battlefield. By the looks of it the battle ended yesterday...." Vinedia is now no longer afraid at the sight of seeing this kind of sight. She have encountered many of this conditions during her journey so she have become acustomed with with this things.
She continues her journey walking through the dead bodies of soldier. She noticed that the battle is related with the Calcaem invasion as she can see dead bodies of Calcaem soldier. At the middle of the field Vinedia suddenly heard voices. She stops for a while to make sure it was really a human voice that she heards."Go away you birds! I should die by the enemies sword, not your little tiny beak! Go peck other dead bodies you little fools!" Vinedia quickly runs to the location where the voice comes from.
When she arrived there, she saw a soldier with thick moustache who looks badly wounded by the scars and scratches on his body and armor. From the looks of his face, Vinedia thinks this man is around the age of 40 to 45.Vinedia quickly helped the man by giving him water."I am so grateful! I thought I was going to die here.." says the man after Vinedia helped him. Vinedia smiled "I never thought I would find survivor here, all the place that I have gone.. only dead bodies are left in the battlefield." Vinedia helped move the man to another place away from the battlefield. She found a large tree and lay the man under the tree.
"So, may I know who you are?" asked Vinedia. "Sir Gelweintall Leintein, the commander of Leintein third trooper division, I was on a mission of protecting a town east of here but was ambushed by the Calcaem army..." answered the man. "I'm Vinedia Raynear, a traveler.So you are a commander.. and your last name is the same as your city name?" Vinedia smiled. Its funny having the last name same as the city name. "Its normal here in our country to name their last name with the name of the city they come from. Its easier to identify where they come from and their nationality."
Vinedia stayed with Gelweintall taking care after him and hearing his stories of involvement in many battles.
Vinedia then thinked of a brilliant idea. She decided to use Gelweintall assistance in helping her to prepare her people. So one day she decided to tell her true identity and stories to Gelweintall. At first Gelweintall laughs thinking it was a joke but then Vinedia able to convice him she was telling a truth. Gelweintall agreed in helping Vinedia and ask her to wait in a village at the south He tells her that he is trying to find his division that he ordered to split up before engaging the Calcaem army. He ask her to wait for one week and if he did not arrive within one week, means that he is dead and Vinedia have to go on without him.
He did came back with 300 soldiers on the fifth day of Vinedia's waiting. Gelweintall and his soldier pledge loyalty to Vinedia and swear to protect Vinedia until their last breath. Gelweintall says this is how he shows appreciation to Vinedia in saving his life. Vinedia was so happy and the addition of 300 soldiers would really ease the burden of teaching the people of her country for preparation of war. They decided to move on the next morning but then Gelweintall decided to delay the marching because Vinedia have no horse.
Gelweintall tries to find horse for Vinedia but there is not one that is suitable to Vinedia."I don't need horse, I can walk" Vinedia tells Gelweintall. "You should ride one, its a disgrace to the soldiers if their queen does not ride a horse. Your soldiers will not move until you ride on a horse." explained Gelweintall. Vinedia explains to him that she don't know how to ride a horse. Gelweintall bursts into laughter upon hearing this but was stopped by Vinedia by a strong knock on his helmet.

Next up, horse riding.. hehe
Well to be continued.. *Runs away while looking at all the horses*
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