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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Member Since
To be filled
Real Name
Asrul Sani
I manage to draw anime but still there's always lots to learn.
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
Densetsu Yuusha No Da Garn, Gundam 0080, Toshio Deimos, Grendizer, Getter robot, Neo Getter robot, Shin Getter robot, Mazinkaiser, FLCL, Tenggen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Manga Artist?
Drawing Anime, Model Collecting especialy Gundams, Classical song.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Out for a while.....
Well as I have told you all in the last post I went back to the unversity for the short course which means that I will be away for one month if you are wondering about my whereabouts. It started this week and well the assignment is quite a lot... Studying statistic in one month is sure not a good idea but still I need to pass the subject so I could get my degree. Yep the degree of Human Resource Management combined with the artistic talent (in development) plus some experience and a good office location, I would be able to achieve my dream by starting my own comic publishing company! Its already set in my mind.. I have marked a potential office in my hometown and the rent I would say cheaper than the one in the city.... I wonder how long it would take for me to achieve that.
And one more thing.... I still need to find a good assitant that could help me in my drawing...Its hard doing it alone, most of my art is done alone and I could feel it really tires me mostly mentally *dreams of a cute assistant*
Since I have the time because it would be long till I put up another post cause of the short course. So what would I want to tell you guys...hmm...
Well I realize some of the Otaku functions have changed.. the adding post thingie also have become a victim... well I still could learn the html about putting links but I don't think everybody likes the idea of doing that....well its becoming info gathering and how would I say it.. less user friendly now..
Well the good thing that I found out on the otaku is the is the rating in the fan art is getting better. No more no voting for lowering the artists rating. I'm feeling happy for those in the top 10 and now the competition feeling is back! Yeehaw! Actually its quite pointless lowering the rating, another new artist will emerge with 80% or more rating and more and more will come out everyday so it is endless and will the trend would not end ... I think those no no no voters learn their lesson good. Well good for you all at least you will not be a nuisance to me and my friends whose submit their art*smiles*

*Pushing Raynear* Step away please! I want to talk too! Well, hello! I would talk about games which now is my specialty after long training and learning. Now I would providec you with some good information of one of Raynears fav game! The super robot wars!
Now the company Banpresto is releasing a new version of the game, the super robot wars mx. Well let me show you some of the pic of the game, Raynear said that you should recognize some of them.. Well I just need to show it to you then....

God Gundam



Zeoymer I hope I spelt the name right.... Raynear also forgot how to spell it.

Oooh a classic... Grandizer
And you could try the watch the movies on the site.. well here's the link to the site
It's the super robot wars link
You could see the demo movie on this site..its in japanese though...
Well if you are interested more on this game how about going to this site?
Its a collection of previous SRW series
Aha... so thats all from me ^_^. Hey Vinedia, you have something to say too right?

Since you pushed Raynear away.. I guess I would be his representative for a while. He would like to tell something about an interesting anime. If my memory serves me right, the title is Midori No Hibi. Quite an interesting story I say, and funny too. There are some nudity but Raynear said its usual in Japanese manga.... Oh well...
he story is about a guy who is a school bully who always got rejected (I could say he share the same fate of Sakuragi Hanamichi of Slamdunk) and one day he suddenly got a girl on his right hand! Its so weird but the story is really funny!
Heres a preview of the comic
Well you can go download the comic on this site if you are interested.
Hmmm... it looks like I'm done here.*smiles*
Cieneval, your turn..

Ehh... I have to talk too? Whatever should I say..*Looks back at the journal*
Its already gotten too long...I suggest what I should say is thank you very much for reading and..oh yeah, Raynear says that since he would be away for some time he rather this post be long... yet more longer but maybe its enough by now for me I'm getting tired of watching those words...
So I guess most of you that Raynear have updated his site a little bit..he's still searching for some good music but I think he got one just now but couldn't upload it.. I could see he still thinking how to put music in it but then again he said that music is not that much of a necessity..
He hope that you all like the new look and bids you all farewell and have a good and jolly day always . He really misses his friend in the otaku but its time to go..Well farewell!
I hate running away.....
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