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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
You've entered the land of RayWing Blitz... grab a cup of tea, a box of pocky, and enjoy yourself! Please visit my friends, they deserve it too. Do remember though: leave comments! Sign my guestbook! These things make me happy! ^____^
FanFiction.Net account:
Click Here (Here I've got my fanfics. I write various anime and LOTR.)
FictionPress.Com account:
Click Here (Here is where I showcase my original fiction.)

"Standing on my doorstep in the rain, makeup running down your face, you look so good right now, it's bittersweet." ~ Unknown
Monday, May 9, 2005
Okay, my weblog is officially dead.
I've long since transferred to LiveJournal. Come visit me there! If you tell me who you are, I'll add you!
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Yikes. A month without any updates!
Hey guys! I'm so sorry, but this place went dead for awhile... it's been quite busy around here.
Where do I start!? There's so much to say... I guess. lol
Well umm... Travis and I have hit it off pretty well. We've been writing each other letters so that's been such a great experience. Travvy can't have e-mail or messenger so we went old-style. ;) Hehehe. I love him so much. Loving someone and being "in" love with someone is completely different, mind you. I'm not in love... wish I were, but, I do love him. So it's all good homefry. ^_^
Goliath is getting bigger day by day! Recently I've been training him to come, to sit, and to stay. I love that little squirt. ^___^
Well... that's about it. I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! My life is so boring. Ehck.
Oh, I got the pictures from the youth retreat developed. Only thing is that my scanner is stupid and won't let me scan anything. :(
Well, I'm off to read Proverbs 3. :) Toodles darlin's.
- RayWing Blitz
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Everyone is hot. Hahaha.
Well, youth group last night was very good. I had the greatest time. Although Travis was not there, I reached out and actually hung out with people.
I had promised to sit with Stephen, so, that was cool. He cracks me up. He constantly asks me who I think is hot. Hahaha. During the service, he keeps whispering, "Is he hot?", "Is he hot?" etc. etc. I wanted to laugh but I refrained.
Worship was "dope"... lol... Sam Trett played drums while Steve played bass. Daniel played acoustic (like always) and Brittany sang. They sounded like a band! ;D
Jeremiah and Katie (the youth pastor and his wife) are out of town so Alan (sp?) did the devotion. We were in Judges 16:22, where Samson cracks the pillars and the whole temple comes tumbling down and everyone dies. His message was good, but quick. We were out of the chapel in 10 minutes, seriously. So, of course, there was a lot of fellowship time, which was fun.
Oh yeah, he said something about, "Samson was a he-man but was a she-man" or along those lines. Everyone started laughing. That was hilarious.
5 new kids came. One guy had flaming red hair. It looked gross. There was two other boys and a girl. I think they were from the highschool.... not sure though.
Everybody is dying their hair black and it looks absolutely distasteful. A kid named Caleb did, and now Shawn did. I like Stephen's hair. If they're going to dye their hair, at least dye it something that looks somewhat natural. Geez. They all think that's so cool and hardcore when it's really not. It just looks stupid. I told Sunshine not to do it to his hair and he said he wasn't going to. Thank heavens.
Towards the end of the night, Rhema (the pastor's daughter) and I went out on the front porch to talk until Garet came out. Garet is 16, but he has the mind capacity of a 7 year old. He's also... huge. That was... interesting. He was talking about how he had encountered demons and that he slept in a haunted house once where someone was brutally murdered and that a possessed iron flew through the door and almost hit him. Stephen came walking through the game room and I looked at him through the window and mouthed "SAVE ME" but he didn't get it. He came out, and Rhema and I asked him to sit down so we could have more of a conversation but he had to leave. That was a bummer.
Rhema and I are thinking about starting a band... NOT! Well, not a real one, anyway. Just as a joke, we're going to start a band and write stupid lyrics. We don't know what we'll call it yet, but I have a couple ideas. ;) You know, something gay (there I go again with these teenaged terms) like "Grease Monkeys of Doom", and/or a name that's random and weird. Hmm.
Speaking of bands, Damien's is thinking of a new name. They were going to name it "Death and Decay", and nobody likes it... so, they asked Pastor John and he came up with a fantastic name: Sack-cloth and Ashes. ISN'T THAT RAD!? Okay, I know I spelled it wrong.
Hehe. Isn't it funny that I make these posts about the people I know personally who all of you know nothing about? Oh well.
Anyhoo, that's all I have for now.
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Haha, that was a quickie treat.
Well, tomorrow's my birthday, folks. So, I was talking with one of my good friends last night on MSN named Nikki. She goes to a private school/academy and wanted to know if I'd like her to invite me for lunch sometime at her school. She said, "Mondays and Tuesdays are the best days to come." so I was thinking... could it be as soon as this Tuesday? (Since they have today off for Pres. Day.)
I didn't even realize that this Tuesday is my birthday! I told her that, and she was like, "REALLY!? You should definitely come this week then."
I wasn't planning to do anything for my birthday, except homework and chores. (Lovely, isn't it?) but now I have a lunch date! :D
Travis also goes to that academy, but Nikki isn't going to tell him that I'm coming for lunch tomorrow. I can see him now... "Dude, that girl. I know her!! What is she doing here!?!?" This is going to be really fun.
Speaking of Sunshine (you would have to see his hair to know why I picked that nickname lol)... I talked with him Sunday and it is official... he really likes me. And when I say really, I mean really. He was like, "Oh my God, YES!!!" It was hilarious.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling. See ya later, guys.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Love me gently with your words, lover.
I didn’t like this Valentine’s Day. I never asked him to be mine. I didn’t even give him little Valentine’s candies. Now I regret it.
Love me gently with your words, lover. That is all I request of you.
Okay, I’ll stop being... poetic.
I have been so busy, and things have been sprouting and happening like daisies in the snow! Finally, I get to blog. ^_____^
Well, let’s see... where do I start? Last time I updated was weeks ago! Sorry guys... I mean, who reads this journal anyway? :P
Friday, I picked up my puppy, which I believe that I’ve mentioned before in previous posts. Well, I got him now! He’s adorable, to say the least! But aren’t all puppies adorable?
He’s almost fully black, expect he has white toes and a white chin. He looks like a sunbear!!!
I had intended to name him Pippin (after the hobbit in LOTR) but I didn’t think it fit him too well. After two days of hard thinking, I finally chose Goliath. He’s already growing so fast and I love him to pieces! Except... well... my sleep has been nothing short of CRAPPY for the last five days because he wakes me up nearly on the hour, every hour. I. Need. Sleep. Ack.
I know that I told all of you about Travis, a young man I met at the youth retreat; we’re beginning to become closer friends... and maybe more?? I’m not quite sure yet. This passed Friday I gave him a letter (nothing fancy, just a thank you letter) and he took it extremely well. I had presumed he would think it’s a love letter or something, which it wasn’t. I had never been so nervous in my ENTIRE life, though!! Strangely, after I handed it to him I wasn’t nervous or anxious anymore. Before hand, though, I almost seriously freaked out!! Hahahaha.
Here was our conversation, if you’re interested. If not, then... die:
Me: "I have something for you." I went to go get it, and I came back and gave it to him.
Him: "What is this?"
Me: "It's a letter. Read it when you get home, okay? And don't announce it to the world... it's between you and me."
Him: *looking kind of confused* "All right. I will, I'll read it when I get home."
He ended up asking me what it was about... I said, "Ohh, just things about the youth retreat and some other stuff."
He chuckled and said, "Are you in love with me?" I laughed and did a little dramatic thing with my hand on my forehead, "I am MADLY in love with thee."
He slipped it in his pocket and we continued talking.
Okay, so, I thought it was funny. And so did two others girls. :)
Anyways, Saturday came quickly and I was so exhausted that I just moped around all day and played with my pup.
Sunday morning was... a ride, to say the least. I woke up a bit late so I was trying to get ready so I could arrive at the church earlier. Travis got there, and we didn’t get to talk at all before service. After service, though, we had a nice, long chat for about a half an hour. First thing out of my mouth was, “So, the letter... ??” and he told me that it was “so sweet.” I kind of got teary when he said your welcome and hugged me. He didn’t think it was a big deal (that I had to thank him for being so friendly towards me up at the retreat) but I told him why it was. He also said that he may write me back later in the week. I hope he does. But, one thing he said to me I will never forget:
“You’re not an outcast. People should get to know you because they’ll love you. Like me.”
I totally melted. My knees got weak and I stared at him straight in the eyes and replied, finally and shakily, “Really?” He just smiled and nodded.
Everybody thinks we’d make a cute couple; yes, some boys at the church told me this. I dunno though... I mean... he’s good looking, he has a kind, mature personality and I think he likes me. But, I’d have to do some serious praying.
Well, those are the most recent things happening in my life. Please keep Travis and me in prayer as we seek a strong relationship (friendship) in Christ.
Oh, happy belated Valentine’s Day everyone. Although, I absolutely hate the holiday when you have no valentine. ^_~
- RayWing Blitz
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Featured Quiz Result:
Isn't he darling!?
That sounds a lot like me... pretty accurate. ^_^
Bookie!? Yay ^_^