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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Just a note!
I updated my styles. I know... it's kinda girly, huh?
What do you guys think??
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Online Quizzes Galore!
....I'm in a weird "must take online quizzes" mood. So, here you go.
I AM 72% GEEK!  Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend. |
^^ Isn't it true!? Geeks kick. ^^
 You have the Rossetti girl look. You are the kind of girl pre-Raphaelite painters admired; tall, slender, and fair as a lily flower. The pre-Raphaelite girl had dramatic beauty; long neck, large soulful eyes, full shapely mouth and masses of wavy hair. The pre-Raphaelites painted girls like this, they showed them in dramatic situations dressed as famous characters in legends, plays and poetry. The favourite colours of the artists were russet, green and gold. The following artists would have loved to paint you; Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Edward Burne-Jones, William Morris and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You? brought to you by Quizilla
^^ That was a really fun quiz. I recommend it! ^^
What herb are you? brought to you by Quizilla
^^ I'm good for dandruff? Umm... I'm... honoured... o___O >_<
^^ Norma Jean = Great band :D ^^
ANYWAYS!! Sorry, just thought I would post a couple of them. Well, goodnight ^_^
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Anybody know of deviantART?
Just wondering if anyone had a deviantART account. I've had one for a while, but haven't submitted any art. There's a artist there that I absolutely adore! Her name is BlueBlack, and some of her amazing work is in my favs. Oh yeah, lol, I'm located here. ^_^
Also, I have noticed that some myO's have little boxes within each post that the text is displayed in. I dunno how to do that, and if you do, please e-mail me, or tell me in a comment. Thanks =)
So, how is everyone doing? Good? I am doing okay - and I can't believe it's almost Christmas! The year of 2004 has flown by so quickly!
Speaking of Christmas... I'm getting Paint Shop Pro 9!! YAY!! PSP is a graphic program, by the way. I am also saving up my allowance for Legolas' white knives.
Also - please say a prayer for my friend Shararyah... her play is coming up (as I mentioned in other posts) and althought I think she'll be just fine, stage fright can happen. So, just let that run smoothly!
Weeeeellll... later. XD
- Blitzy
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Crazy weather!
Man... the weather here is crazy! One minute it's sunny, the next it's cloudy... and guess what? They say it might even snow! In the desert! Haha.
Anyways, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was great, to say the least. I was so stuffed! ^_^
And to ruin it all, I have a dentist appointment this Monday... Grrrrr!! I hate dentists. Good thing, I should be getting braces very soon.
On December 13th, best friend has a play at her school. I am so excited to see her perform! They're doing The Christmas Carol, one of fav stories. She's playing Mrs. Cratchit. =D Pray for her, it's her first time on stage, although I think she'll do wonderfully. Ya know, she isn't a shy person. Very bold, loud, and outgoing.
I am also anticipating when I recieve my pup... that's going to be fun. Yes, for Christmas, I'm getting a puppy... Pomaranian, if you'd heard of them. Poofy, little fuzzball dogs. Hehe ;)
Egh, I'm tired. Gonna hit the sack earlier tonight... well, goodnight folks =)
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
My goodness. . . a year ago. . .
Can you believe I've been a proud citizen of theOtaku for a year!? Wow... and look, this was my first post:
Turkey Consumin' Day!
Hola everyone!
Today's turkey day, and my family and I are going to a friend's house! Can't wait til I get to scarf all the food up... :)
Anyways, thats about it for today, and remember: Sign my guestbook on the way out!
- RayWing Blitz
A year ago! Dang! Well, thought I'd leave you guys a note. Last Wednesday, at Women's Group, we had an assignment - write a letter to someone you're mad at. Then, we throw them at each other, and without giving names, reading each person's letter. Then, we discuss them, let go of our anger, and burn them. Well, I wrote a loooooonnng letter to SSJ Silver. My emotions were really carried out in it, and I started crying. I miss her friendship... but... ya know, things in life happen for a reason. Thankfully, I'm not angry at her anymore. Rather, I feel more umm... what's the word... I guess, simply sorry. She pushed away an honest, "thick 'n thin" kinda friend. Her loss, unfortunately, even though she may not realize it.
Anyhoo! I'm very glad the holidays have come around again, as they always do. My dad bought some egg nog and I've already drank half of the bottle... lol!
Well, I'll go now... have a great Thanksgiving. ^_^
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
20 bucks a week isn't too bad. . .
. . .Well, my mother proposed that if I would help my brother with his reading, she'd pay me 20 dollars a week. Cool. ^_^ I'm going to be saving it up to get Legolas's knives, I think. Cool. ^_^
Anyways, I opened up a new anime board, because the old one I was administrator at had a banned member come back (he tweeked into the Admin Control Panel, I think) and totally screwed the place. He's a little punk with a control problem... agh. <_< If you want the URL... well, you'll have to send me a Private Message. He might know about my blog....
Here's a quizzie that I took, and yes, this is A LOT like me. -_- Not that I believe that I had a past life though....
 The Servant
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
See ya! ^_^
- RayWing Blitz
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Women's Group, hamsters, and IMISI
Heya people!!
Hence my title... at my mom's work, every Wednesday at 5:00, they have a Women's Group, where abused women gather, tell their stories, cry together, laugh together - it's a lot of fun. I go there every time, and I always have a blast. They've been helping me with some aspects of my life, and next week... tee hee. ^_^
Hence my title... my brother got a hamster. He's so kawaii! We named him Chewy... (full name Chewbacca). Chewy da Cutie. :P
Hence my title... IMISI is a reggae band coming to my youth group... they have come before, and they totally rocked, so, I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully Shararyah will be in town too.
You could say that I'm feeling a bit better since two posts ago. I mean, I've realized that it's her loss; not mine. So, I'm going to get on with life.
Of which, my gratitude to those who prayed for me... I really, really, aprecciate it. More than you know. :o)
Anyhooo... 'til the Mississippi wears lipstick!
- Blitzy
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Satellite Internet Baby!
Ohh, I'm so happpppy! The KeyOn people finally came and installed it, and then, we had some problems, and needed to install a few drivers and tah dah! Highspeed internet. The curse of dial-up makes me miserable no more! ^____^
Well, I just wanted to tell you guys. Soooo... see ya around. :o)
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Calling out to God.
Hehe... hi everyone. I haven't posted, but I didn't have anything to post about. I don't really right now either, but what the heck. You might start to think I'm "inactive". Sorry! You're not getting rid of me. ^__~
Weeeeelll... where do I start? Yesterday, Sunday, was great, but I was super tired. One thing I can guarantee you - I am ALWAYS tired on Sundays due to going to bed late, getting up early, and then... just... relaxing, really. My pastor's message hit me hard. You know when you go to church (if you do), and the preacher starts talkin' and you just KNOW that God is going to speak to you?... but in a way of getting "beaten up?" Boy. Woke up this morning, dreading homework... although I get done in... 2 hours? :P
While lying in bed last night, I realized how much I had been concerned, and how everything going on consumed my mind immensely. So, I just prayed, and cried, calling out to Him. I prayed how desperate I was, how deeply hurt I was, how confused I was. I am so shaken up; the feeling fills my head, like I'm going to explode. For a few weeks there, I wasn't the Blitzy you knew to be cheerful, optimistic, and hyper. Seriously, I wanted so much to disappear. Wearing black clothing, black fingernails, dark makeup... and just shrink back. I wanted to be alone. I WANTED to feel loneliness like never before. "If it's just me, no one can hurt me." Sad, huh?
Well, since then, I've looked up to the sun, sighing, and with all my might, grasping hope. Not hope of reconciliation, but hope of letting go, and moving on.
Anyways. I'd appreciate your prayers, that through the strength of Jesus Christ, I would smile genuinely; not smile while holding back tears.
Thank you and God bless,
- RayWing Blitz
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Well, I'm back!
Phew. It's been a busy week. I formatted, I almost got DSL... except the little man forgot the receiver! And then, he realized he was out of them. I was highly annoyed, almost to the point of strangling. <_<
Annnnywaaay... there is so much going on, and yet I still find the strength to smile through it all. So much has taken place, so much that makes me feel like freaking dirt. I now know how Jesus felt when he was betrayed by Judas. It's a horrible, horrible feeling. One so powerful, it makes a big knot in your stomach. Amongst that knot, I am extremely disappointed, and just... disgusted. So disgusted I want to puke.
*Inhale, exhale*... Glad I got that outta my system. Hehe, at least I'm open about it.
Shararyah (best friend) should be comin' into town this weekend... cross my fingers! I can go to youth group without being alone.
I don't have any quiz results... sorry! Maybe next time. But for now, gotta jam. Till the Mississippi wears lipstick! ^___^
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