RayWing Blitz
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Re-formatting. . . again.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I won't be on to post for approximately a week. I am re-formatting my computer, so, until things level out, and I have all the essential programs installed, no RayWing Blitz. -_-
I am having some problems with a file in my memory that keeps popping up, "Fatal Error". And, to top it off, I have a Trojan Horse virus that I removed, but keeps replicating itself, so, my solution? Re-install Windows.
As of now, I'm busy backing up everything such as my documents, and important items since the re-format will wipe out everything. IF ANY OF YOU KNOW HOW TO SAVE YOUR ONLINE FAVOURITES TO A FLOPPY OR DISC, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!! Because I dunno how. -_-
Anyways. Here's a survey for the road...
Name: Gabrielle
Nicknames: Pacsun (that’s a loooonnnng story)...
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Of course. ;o)
Last dream: I was getting attacked by a big spider made out of noodles, and it bit me, but then I squished it. (I know, weird.)
Last good cry: Like, sad cry? When my friend died in a car wreck.
Last Missing Library Book: I can’t remember... lol
Last Item Bought: Pants, I think.
Last CD played: LotR Soundtrack: The Two Towers (I LOVE number eight.)
Last downloaded song: None...
Last disappointment: When friends fail to be friends.
Last time dancing: Today, looking like an idiot. ;o)
Last concert attended: Poor Man’s Riches, Disciple and Staple all in one concert. It was awesome. I got to meet them, and talk to them. :o)
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you? Hmm... Tell me I was the world to them.
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone else? I dunno. Ask them... lol
What was your first concert? The Dixie Chicks
What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars? Too many... too many.
What pets have you had in your lifetime? Let’s see... Shadow, Molly, Shiloh, Lily, and cats and fish… too many. ;o)
If you could eat dinner with and "get to know" one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? C.S. Lewis would be cool. Or Marilyn Monroe.
How many states have you been to, which are they, and which is next on your list to visit, assuming you haven't been to all 50? Oregon, California, and South Carolina
What's your favorite color nail polish? Black :o)
What's your favorite store? Kohl’s!! I wish I could shop there.
Who is the prettiest girl you know? My best friend. She’s purdy :o)
Who is the hottest guy you know? How shallow!
What shampoo do you use? Sheer Blonde
Who's the most outgoing person you know? My best friend.
Who's the person that smiles the most? lol, I dunno.
Who's the person that laughs the most? My best friend and I. We laugh ALL THE TIME. That’s usually the majority of our conversations. Laughing.
Do you have long eyelashes? Yes, I do.
First Movie you ever saw in the theatre: Can't remember!
Fav movie as a kid: Can’t remember!
Movie that made you cry as a kid: Dumbo, Bambi…. Bambi was terrible…
Fav 80's teen Movie: Is Grease one? I love Grease.
Movie that makes you cry every time you see it: A Walk to Remember, Return of the King…
Favorite villain in a movie: Darth Vader!!! He amuses me, for some reason.
Do you own any plaid clothing: I don’t think so….
Do you own Converse shoes: YES!! I love me converses. :o)
Do you have braces: No… I’m getting them soon though.
Do you own a bandana: I think I do.
Are you amused by safety pins: Uhh… worn on clothing, yeah
Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them: Yes! I do.
Do you say "rad": ALL the time. :o) And ‘narly’ too.
Pick up the nearest book and write a sentence at random from it: The epistle to the Galatians is my epistle. I have betrothed myself to it. It is my wife. – Martin Luther
Peace out!
- RayWing Blitz
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Friday, October 8, 2004
OOF. It's been a while. Sorry -_-
I started school last week... not that school is really considered 'good news'.
My message board is so active!! The members are posting their poems and chatting, and all that stuff. It's great. You should join! Clickie here.
I hope my best friend comes into town today... if she doesn't, then... well, I won't have anyone to hang out with at youth group -_- ... it's lonely and boring.
Hehe... SSJ chooses to set up a livejournal so she can rant her head off about me (probably)... why are people like that!?!? I can't stand it. I mean, it's like she's afraid to confront me or something. I'd rather her yell to my face then yell to a 'friends only' journal. Oi. <_<
Well, I gotta go... I have a bedroom to clean... NOOOOOOO!!!
- RayWing Blitz
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Youth night was fun. . . .
I had youth group last night, and that was fun. Made some discoveries about a couple people. My Filipino friend Nikki came so I had someone to sit with, and she brought me some copies of her artwork. She does abstract pieces, and they're awesome. ^_^
Looks like SSJ Silver found a new friend. Her name is Lauren, and I used to be friends with her, actually. She doesn't recognize me, I guess.
I don't have much else to write, so, I'll talk to you guys later ^_^
- Blitzy
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
WOW!! I can't believe the change! I love everything... it will take me some time to get used to, though. But it's awesome! ^______^
All y'all who helped with the coding, and sleepless nights... Adam, Justin, ShyGuy, James... I love ya guys. ^_^
Anyways. I just wanted to post about the revamp. :o)
- RayWing Blitz
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Hellllllooooo. . . .
Ohh, I haven't posted in a while. How is everyone? Well, I hope. I'll leave ya with some updates.
I am so excited about the new sites and total revamp of theOtaku!! This Friday, peeps!! ^______^
My mom got back from a three-day conference, and I'm glad she's back. =)
As of late, I've been trying to play the second part of Moonlight Sonata on my piano. It's frustrating, but I'm getting through it.
I talked to a friend today; her name's Nikki. She should be coming to youth group Friday so I'll have someone to hang out with....
I had a worship meeting Tuesday, and went. (Shockingly! LOL!) SSJ Silver was there, and she avoided me the whole time. Meh. Doesn't bother me much.
Anyhoo, here's a quiz for ya....
 You're Chibi Ryou!!!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh chibi are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I lurve Bookie. ^_^ What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?
Ehh, I was bored so I took this one. Never heard of Tokyo Mew Mew.
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Shopping, and Chinese food. . . yay. . .
. . .Well, after a lonnnnng day with Tirrsa, I am very tired and have a headache but thought I'd write in for you guys. ^_^
Well, first, she arrived at my house at 10 am, and we went shopping. I got a poncho/shawl thing, and some really rad jeans. She got some clothes too. After that, we went to a Chinese restaurant, and ate and ate. LOL! It was delish, as always. ^______^
Then, we journeyed to a Christian store, where they have bibles, and books, and gifts... I bought a book called "Following Gandalf" and it's about observing each character of LotR and how they relate to the things that Christian go through.
I had a great time. I'm sooo tired though! I didn't get all that good of sleep last night. Oh well.... I think I'm going to drink some chamomile tea and have a nap. ^_~
See y'all later....
- Blitzy
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Girlish Fun. . . .
Hellu there, peeps. Saturday, I am going out for some girly fun with a close friend. Lunch, shopping, movies (I hope!). Her name is Tirrsa (Tear-suh) and she totally rocks my socks. I love her to death. =P
Other than that, things have been pretty boring. I'm supposed to be making an avatar and signature set for someone, but oh well... I'll get to it today... some time... LOL
I don't really have any news, save for the date with my friend. Oh well, I'll post again and tell you ALL about my day with Tirrsa. ^_^
- RayWing Blitz
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Cold Front!
Yes! It's getting a little cooler here, weather-wise. I've been enjoying every moment of it! Whoohoo. ^______^
My mom returned home safely, for all who might wonder... I'm glad she's back. :o)
Here's a survey. I really love these things, for some unknown reason. =P
Favorite bird: Hmm… I’ve always liked white parrots. I think they’d be perfect to name Marilyn Monroe. :o)
What sucks most - Teletubbies, Furbies or Pokemon? Teletubbies!! Oi, they scare me!
Worst movie: The Blair Witch Project… Talk about stupid. If you wanna good laugh, get that movie.
Favorite album cover: Of mine, probably Kutless’. It’s cool. :o)
Robert Frost or Edgar Allan Poe: Robert Frost
Favorite iced tea? Lipton
What would a movie about your life be called? Confessions of a Teenaged Drama Queen (I know it's taken but it's perfect!)
If you started a band, what would its name be? Hmm… that’s a hard one. Maybe something in a different language. :o)
Are you trendy? As in, wearing tight little shirts with “Hottie” on it, showing my midriff, and wearing belts and Adio shoes? No, not really. I am trendy in my ways.
Strangest offer you ever received? Well, back in Elementary, I was asked out by the bully of the school. (They caught with pot in his shoes, okay?) Could that be considered an offer? And no, FYI, I didn’t take it. ;o)
When you were little, who did you want to be like? I wanted to be like this one girl at my church, who is now 18. She was, and still is, one of my role models.
First job: I went to my neighbor’s every Thurs. morning, and cleaned their bathrooms, and living room. 10 bucks an hour, can’t beat that. :o)
Current job: None
Dream job: Actress
If you were in a classic literature novel, which one would it be? I have no clue! =P
Best Stephen King book(s): The Stand is a great book, although I am more of a R.L Stine and Robert R. McCammon fan. :o)
Favorite t-shirt: As of now, my “Samurai Spirit” one.
Favorite color of roses? Red… sooo classic. :o)
You can go into recording studio with a band of your choice and record 2 songs. Which band, and which 2 songs? I would LOVE to record “Remember When it Rained” with Josh Groban. I would also like to put words to a song someone wrote for me, and record it. :o)
Which person in your life are you the most comfortable with and why? I am most comfortable with my good friends, Shararyah and Tirrsa, and probably a guy named Nick. :o)
What is your favorite article of clothing? What makes it so special? Did something memorable happen while wearing it? Hmm… I love my, “Got Jesus?” shirt, and my “Kung Fu Fighter” one I got at the beach. :o)
You have to give up music or your computer. Which would it be? That is impossible for me to decide!! Ummm… music, ‘cause I can get music on my computer!! =D
What five songs have you felt you have connected with the most in the past month? Come Clean by Hilary Duff. I dunno, I like that song a lot, for some reason. Run, by Kutless. It makes me cry. Those are the only 2, really.
What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Scooby Doo =D And I STILL love to watch it!
In what way would you like to see yourself grow in the next year? In height would be nice. :oP
You’re stuck listening to just five bands for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Josh Groban, Charlotte Church, ohh… I dunno!
What worship songs inspire you, draw you closer to God, speak to you, etc.? My Desire, and there’s this one that makes me cry but I can’t remember the name… shoot!
If you could be anywhere in the world, where would you want to be and why? New Zealand… the land is beautiful, and LotR was filmed there, of course. =P
If you were on any game show/reality TV. show which one would it be and why? Ohh… Fear Factor!!! ROFL =D
How many states have you been to, which are they, and which is next on your list to visit, assuming you haven't been to all 50? I’ve been to South Carolina, Oregon, California, and Mexico… but that’s not a state, rather a country. Next on my list? I want to go to New York. :o)
What is your favorite song to sing and why? Well, right now I love “The Prayer”. It’s so beautiful, and I am the right soprano to sing it! LOL!!
What is your absolute worst fear? My parents dying. Being alone.
What are the last three CD's you purchased? Charlotte Church’s “Enchanted”, and some reggae stuff… I can’t remember!
Describe your room to me. My room focuses upon weaponry right now. I have a bow ‘n arrow, spear, sword… All that GIRLY stuff.
If you could guest star on any TV sitcom, which would it be? Friends. I love that show, for some reason.
What band/artist have you NOT seen in concert, but you really want to? Josh Groban!!
What’s your biggest pop culture pet peeve? I don’t really have one right now…
What was the name of your first crush, how old were you, and what made him so darn special? My first major crush… Hmm… I can’t remember how old I was, but his name was Damien Greener.
If you had to live in a store but had access to everything in it for free, what store would you choose? A candy store!!!
Describe, in great detail, your favorite pair of shoes. My converses. I love them. :o)
If you had to wear a clothing brand for an entire year, what would it be? Kohl’s
What do you like best about where you work? If you could have any job elsewhere, where would it be? I’d love to work at a collector’s store, or a Starbucks. ;D
What's your favorite movie and how many times have you seen it? Lord of the Rings, duh. And I can’t even count how many times I’ve watched it!! LOL!
On a Friday night would you rather cuddle up in your blankies and read a book, or hang out with a big group of friends? Well, Fridays I go to youth group… so friends.
Your family is part of a Survivor type reality series. Which family member is likely to get voted off first? MEEE! I can’t stand bugs.
Flowers or candy: which is the way to your heart? Chocolate… You give me flowers, I would think it was a “it just isn’t working out thing”… chocolate? I’d freak out, and give you a big kiss. =P
What do you like in a guy? Genuine, humourous, caring, and a lovable troublemaker. I love when it’s cold, and he gives you his jacket, carrying you over a puddle, opening doors is a plus) I'm a sucker for those little things :D
Favorite line from a song: I have too many!
Favorite memory(s): Staying up late with good friends, revealing a present to my loved ones.
Which Disney princess would you be? (Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Cinderella, Jasmine) Mulan. I believe in honour.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
I am very relaxed today.
Yes, I am. I've been on my computer the majority of my day, feeling laid back. My mom is outta town for the weekend and it's kinda lonely.
My good, good friend came into town, and I had an awesome time with her last night at youth group. We were talking about "Ranger Danger" (inside joke) and she was telling me that she is auditioning for a role in The Chrismas Carol at her school.
Speaking of school, I will be ordering my books in like, a week! I'm actually excited about starting school. I'm excited that winter is coming too, my favourite season.
Well, I have to clean up the house a bit. I should be posting again in a couple days.
- RayWing Blitz
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Dinner and a movie. . . or rather, lunch. . .
. . .Hey everybody!!
Today, I watched the new movie, "Man on Fire". Whoa. Talk about an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT movie. Some language, and strong violence, but that man went to all measures to save Pita (the little girl). I highly recommend it! It's powerful, that's for sure.
Saturday, I am going out with a good friend of mine, who is 22. We're both going to have lunch, maybe do some shopping. I am really excited, I mean, I haven't seen her in months... she's a missionary. ^_^

find your element
 You get a REALLY good picture of Malik!
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Picture-Getting Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
See ya around!
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