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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
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Friday, August 20, 2004
I feel depressed, insecure, and I'm out of bologne.
. . .Hello, peeps. Yes, I feel depressed, insecure... which is really strange for me. Like I'm carrying the world on my shoulders, and I want to burst out in tears.... And I don't know why! I guess I'm just not in a good mood. PREPARE FOR SOME RANTING AND MAYBE SOME CUSSING. ::puts hard cap on::
First off, my best friend can't come into town for youth group due to the stupidest thing: a HAIRCUT! She can only get one after her dad gets off work and that's around 6:00... I am SO P.O.ed!!! ::sorry::
Then, last night I had to go to a meeting in which I felt absolutely miserable. And I got into the most idiotic, DUMB, argument with a friend about "singing right". (I'm not a worship team, and so we were practicing.) She was all, "I sing to the metronome" or however you spell it when I was just trying to keep on key and UGH!!! AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF... She ignored me the rest of the night, essentially. What is going on!?
Sorry... I know I'm bitching like heck. But I need to... I am about to break out in tears and I NEED to blog.
Today, I've been feeling off. One minute I am feeling okay but kinda blah and then the next minute I am sick to the stomach. Maybe it's just being a teenager.
And I have no support whatsoever... my mom gave me some advice, which no doubt helped a lot, but I feel like I'm all alone and everyone is against me.
Right now, it would suit me best to be a goth. Sounds soothing. I do hope with all my heart this vacation coming up will put my at rest.
I am going to drag myself to youth group though, hoping to have a good time since we are going to Sonic Burger afterwards. I know the Word of God will help me, too.
I'm out of bologne... I'M OUT OF CHOCOLATE!!!!!! ::screams::
Okay, now the tears are streaming down. My day is simple WREAKING HAVOC. Maybe a friend will call. That would be most appreciated.
Well, bub-bye now, and please send up some prayers. I so desperately seek some comfort.
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
. . .Whoa! I really love my new site styles. It's simple, but refined. What do you peeps think??
To update, my mom is feeling a lot better. She's moved on, and besides, we're going to visit her friend's mom in the spring. (I don't think I made it clear that we live practically across the US from each other!)
Again, I've got a long survey for y'all all about... ME! Hehe... how thrilling. ;)
Birthdate: February 22, 19**
Birthplace: USA
Current location: USA
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Golden blonde
Height: 5’3-ish
Righty or lefty: lefty
Zodiac sign: Pisces and I’m either a dog or a dragon… Can’t remember. o.o
Layer Two:
Your heritage: Lets see… Canadian, Austrian, Indian, German… or as I always say: Heinz 57
Your weakness: I can be slightly possessive at times… nothing too serious though.
The shoes you wore today: Shoes? I like being barefoot. ^_~
Your fears: My ultimate fear would be aloneness. I hate it.
Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian…mmmmm….
Goal you'd like to achieve: write a novel and get it published. ^_^
Layer Three:
Your first thought waking up: need… more… sleep…
Your best physical feature: My hands… Luckily, they’re very slender and well-lotioned.
Your most missed memory: Being accepted, I should say.
Your bedtime: Usually ranges between 9-11... I wish I could stay up and watch Adult Swim though. :o(
Layer Four:
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds… Burger King makes me sick.
Single or group dates: Group… those are so fun. But then again single dates are a lot more romantic, I think.
Adidas or Nike: Hmmm… that’s hard but I would have to say Adidas.
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Layer Five:
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: Unless I stub my toe or something…lol…
Sing: I sing along with my CDs and stuff…
Take Showers: Everyday, usually.
Have a crush: Of course! ^.^
Think you've been in love: A couple times…
Want to go to college: Yep, most likely.
Want to get married: To the right guy, yeah…
Believe in your self: Not enough…
Get motion sickness: I’ve never experienced anything like that O_o
Think your attractive: Hmm… my friends tell me I’m pretty, but hey! Let’s put it this way: I’m not the ugliest thing on the earth.
Think your a health freak: HEHE… Yeah right. ^_~
Get along with your parents: Most of the time…
Like thunder storms: I'm one of the few who think they're very neat and pretty ^.^
Play an instrument: Piano
Layer Six - In the past months...
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nope. Besides that would make me sicker than a dog…
Eaten Sushi: Yes!!!
Been on stage: Nah don’t think so.
Gone Skating: Nope
Made cookies: Yep
Gone skinny dipping: Hehe… unfortunately. ^_~
Dyed your hair: Nah…
Stolen anything: Never!
Layer Seven: Ever…
Been extremely intoxicated: Are you kidding? Me? Drugs/Alcohol? Those are for really stupid people.
Been called a tease: Noo… don’t think so…
Got beaten up: Nope
Layer Eight:
Age you hope to be married: Whenever God brings the right guy for me.
Number and names of children: I have names picked out already. ^_^ Hmm… probably two and their names… There’s so many I like!
Dream wedding: Hmm… Probably up in the mountains… yeah.
How you would like to die: Painlessly, please.
Where would you like to attend college: Who knows… The affordable one.
Dream Job: Either Web Designer or Celtic Mythology Expert/Teacher… Or both!
Country you want to visit: Ooh there’s so many…
Layer nine in a guy/girl:
Best eye color: Don’t really care… as long as they’re deep and genuine. ^_^
Best hair color: Don't matter as long as its clean! And umm… make sure it’s not… green… or something.
Short or long hair: Short, please. But then again long hair on some guys just pops my turn on button…
Height: Taller then me...but just a couple feet… I don’t want to be hugging him at the waist, please. O.o;
Best weight: Slim would be nice.
Best clothing: As long as he isn’t stuck in the… 50s or something.
Best first date location: Movies, walk on the beach… ::dreamy sigh::
Best first kiss location: Under the purdyful stars or when he drops me off… ::dreamy sigh::
Layer Ten:
Number of drugs taken recently: Well, I have to take my Epilepsy medication every night…
Number of people I would trust with my life: Good friends, family
Number of CD's that I own: Too many to count!
Number of Piercings: 2… My ears.
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times on the news: I don’t think I’ve ever been on the news. o.o;
Number of scars: ugh… Do you really want me to count them?
Number of things in my past I regret: Can’t think…
And there you go… Me ^_^
- RayWing Blitz
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Hmmm. . . .
I changed the post styles... Do you like? I know it's kinda small but don't go blind on me.
I wish I knew what was going on here! Adam is up to something and I'm very anxious to what it is! ::bites nails:: Hopefully he isn't closing the site or something aye? ::bites nails more::
I'm thinking about changing my styles again... Everytime I log on it hurts my eyes a bit. So if you see a drastic change soon then don't be surprised.
Bad news for you all... My mom's best friend died Saturday. We've all been down for a couple days, when I told myself, "I NEED TO BLOG!" so here I am. But really what I ask from you guys is just to pray for my ma. It's a hard nut to swallow for her.
On a lighter note, we're getting ready for vacation in two weeks. I am getting really excited! We're leaving for the beach on August 27th and not coming back 'til Sep. 13th. So I will not be here to write for a while, okay? Actually, I might be able to leave y'all a note at my uncle's house, since that's where my family and I are staying. On the subject of my uncle... He LOVES Japan and the Japanese culture. He tells me even his living room is designed that way... And, he's been to Japan several times! ^_^
Whoa! Long blog! Well, I needed to anyway.
Love y'all,
- Blitzy
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Geez, it's been a long time again! I do have a life, even though it may not seem like it. Hehe... I am finally posting for you guys!
Anyhoo, what's been up? Well, I do have to announce that I watched an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho and I'll have to say it was really weird. But Kurama was great. :D And so was Hiei, even though he's the epitome of a jerk. .::rolls eyes::.
Kybok also gave me some Rurouni Kenshin manga, and I must get started on that... Sannnnoooo...mmm....*drools*
Oh yeah, we got new couches! They're really fluffy and comfortable... Fluffy... HAHAHAHAHA. I think SSJ Silver (or Kybok) knows what I am talking about. ^___^

Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz
- Blitzy
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Monday, July 26, 2004
Hacker 3.0
Hehe... Like my new myOtaku Life style? I lurrvvve it!! Even though it isn't my own... SSJ Silver had it firstly, and I really liked it so I said... "Once she changes it, I'm going to use it! Mwuahahahaha." Well, well. ^_~
I know, shame again!! I haven't posted in a looooonnng time... Sorry.
My life is pretty boring, so, nothing to earth-shattering to tell you about... Although I did order (online) an official Gundam Wing Illustration book from SINGAPORE. Singapore. HAHA... It's a Pirates of the Caribbean thing. ^_____^
You are Arwen. You are desperately loyal to the ones you love and would sacrifice even your life to be with them. You enjoy peace and the beautiful things in life but still pick up your sword when there is important work to be done. You have a gift for healing and are very good at showing up in places where you are not expected, but you are always welcomed with open arms.
Which Middle Earth Woman Are You?
Well, the road goes ever on and on...
- RayWing Blitz
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Just a lil post. . .
Well...hello. ^_^ Thought I would drop you a little line, since I do have a moment, which is rare for me these days having 3 boards to administrate. Anyhoo, if you care, Kybok and I had a splendid time at her house Friday night! And for your info, we DID stay up till 4:30 am! least I had a good time. O_o I worked on my tan in the pool, and caught quite a lot of sun. It was really relaxing...I lurved it. :D
Oh yes, and to update on my writings, currently I've started a little Gundam Wing fic. It's a Mary Sue/TEARJERKER, I think, since I am one of the main characters. I know so many people hate Mary Sues... oh well, BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT YOU ANTI-MARY SUE MORONS! *deep breath* Glad I got that out of my system.
Still waiting for SSJ Silver to get me the chapters she offered to write for my Gundam Wing-based Choose your Own Adventure. Grrr ^_~
Oh YES!!! And I introduced SSJ Silver to MESSAGE BOARDS and she absolutely loves it, I believe. mission is life is completed. To introduce my best friend to some different kind of web surfin'...umm...I was kidding. That's really not my mission - nevermind.
Man...I had a lot to write about this time!! Which is so unlikely...hehe...just might be my lucky day. ;)
Well, I'll let you go...stop scaring you...Nya!
- RayWing Blitz
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Shame, Shame...WE KNOW YOUR NAME!
Well hello! I know, shame...I haven't written a real hearty post in so long, but I do have a suitable excuse...haha...excuse being administrator on 2 bulletin boards is harder than you would think! Plus, I found some awesome LotR forums that I simple adore...or did I tell you that already?
Things have been great with me, just living my simple, and boring life. Nothing too earth-shattering happens here in my quiet little town.
Oh, and how was everyone's July 4th!? At least for those who live in America, as I do. My 4th was a great one, even though my day wasn't the best of all days. At any rate, Happy BELATED Independence Day...
Rejoicing I am since tonight I have youth group then afterwards spending the night at a best friend's house who happens to be SSJ Silver under my friends list...and I know that will be fun, since we stay up 'til 4 am talking. ^____^
Well, nothing more to tell you about, so I'll yak later.
- Blitzy
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
'Ello there!
Whoa...haven't updated in a while! Phew. I guess because there isn't much I can tell you about...hey! My life is kinda boring.
One thing I am very happy about is that I just found two LotR message boards that I simply adore, so, that's what I have been doing most recently. I'm trying to become a moderator on one of them for the Sindarin section. Oh, Sindarin is a type of Elvish language. I know quite a bit, so...
Guess what? I gotta slambook! So sign it...puh-leeeeeze? ^_~
View My Slambook! |
Sign My Slambook!
Well, I think that about wraps it up...see ya!
- Blitzy
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Control-Freakiness and a Lovely Surprise
Well, yesterday a friend of mine came in town that I have not seen in 3 years, if my calculations are right...we hung out at my mom's work, buzzing about, and ordering around 2 boys (they're both 15, I think), telling them what to do. See, my mom works at a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Intervention Center where they accept community service workers. As I mentioned, we were bossing them around, as they were outside picking weeds, we would go, "Hey, you missed one." So, that was most exciting. ;D
Then, today my mom bought me The Last Samurai...surprised me, of course. I haven't watched it yet, but I was so psyched!!! My poor SSJ Silver, don't think her mom will let her watch it...*just come over to my house, love! We'll watch the night away...*
 Chamomile Tea...
You are Chamomile Tea.
Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and always willing to lend a hand, you take action but not through violence, people listen to you for you have a knack for giving wonderful advice! Many look up to you and you try your best not to let them down. You have many friends steadfast or no who consider themselves lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in the past but you dont let that stand in your way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and try to see the good in people which is an awesome gift!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
- RayWing Blitz
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
As I said in an earlier post, I crave Japanese munchies. Well, my dear friend SSJ Silver brought me a sack of chocolate pocky this morning and I leaped in joy! I finished all of it a few hours ago, but I will always remember this day as "The Day I Finally Ate Pocky".
Well, hope I didn't bore you. ^_~
- Blitzy
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