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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Current mood: Confused
Ya know, I just figured out how to enable font and color! Hah! Took me long enough...
Anyway, onto the post subject...I've been visiting a lot of personal profiles and so many young men and women these days are so depressed. I'll keep the usernames hidden, but everyone posts something so depressing and full of anger...why so many people these days don't live life with optimism or to the fullest?? I know that I am a fun-loving and bubbly person who is content with my life now. I'm so disgusted with our society today...teen after teen go, whether it be depression or even suicide. It's unbelievable. I know there are various problems - whether it be drugs, sex, or alchohol...why do so many teenagers go after those things??? They're not going to solve your problems; they're going to make them worse. Sex, for one. Sex will NOT solve anything but loss of virginity, enable abortion which should be illegal and heartache. Most teens are so naive these days, and it's not their fault. It's their parents' faults.
I really felt like posting this. I hope all who read get something out of it.
- RayWing Blitz
Anyhoo, besides the serious stuff,I've got like 10 quiz results that I need to get up on here. ^_^ I'll post them gradually, from 1 to's 2 now...
 You came from the water. Calm and shy, you know what you want, but sometimes are afraid to stand up for yourself.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla

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Ja ne!
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