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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
Saturday, March 6, 2004
Well, mom woke me up this morning at the crack of dawn due to some news: She'd found the sword I'm getting on Ebay for less money! And...still brand new. I was excited...till we got to orderin'. My mom got some frustrated with passwords and such, she gave up..."patience is the key" my lad/lass, never ever forget! I have to wait until the shipment comes and order there...
Anyhoo, how are you all? A lil depressed I am...
You may have noticed my intro has changed from black to a wonderful navy blue...ya know why?? Cuz I'm learning HTML baby! Haha...
 You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...
You're warm, and the most approachable. You have that gentle prescence about you. People can relate to you, and find you easy company. However it's likely you've been hurt in the past and it has left you scarred so things can become rather chilly with you at times. Being the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy and loyal to your friends but prone to depression and negative thinking.
Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
 Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited...You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree, dancing in the rain, or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc...Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage...yeahhh right...
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
Keep your eyes pealed, as I have some delicious resulties coming, a 155 question personality test that some very knowledgeable psychologists (hah! I spelled that right...didn't I?) and one that will surprise you least I CRACKED up when I got the result...
- RayWing Blitz
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