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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Current mood: Headache
Mae Govannen peepers!
Just for your info, this font color I’m using is the color of a one of my best friend’s eyes. ^_^ Oh my kami…today I went to a birthday party……for a now 3 year-old. Yah, I was essentially an administrator…it was BATTY! Absolutely EVERYTHING was “Strawberry Shortcake”….tooooooo muccchhhhhh ppiiiiinnnnkkkk….eeeekkkkkk. And then, I had to deal with what…? 25 little KIDS!?!?! Oh, and for *6* HOURS!?!?!?!? Crooning boo-boos, on the verge of wringing NECKS, and simply screaming out from frustration…Sitting here at my flat-screen, let me give you some word of WISE advice: NEVER volunteer to order around a whole bunch of brats when they don’t even listen…ugh. O_o***
Other than spending time with the insane play-day posse, today was good. Guess what!?! I got a Legolas…(dramatic pause) ACTION FIGURE!!! It’s uh collectible…^___^ He doesn’t come with a bow, :(…but, he comes with a load of arrows, a quiver, 2 white knives, and some helmet hair. NEVER forget the helmet hair.
Well, I guess I’ll give you some quizzes, and then I MUST go take some major Tylenol. My head is literally…throbbing.
- RayWing Blitz
 The Dreamer
Escapes from society into a daydream where beauty and adventure are all at her fingertips. She still seeks to find aspects of her imagined world in the real one, childlike almost in her perspective, naive at times but genius at others, a thirst for new ideas, new information, new places all in the hope to find what she longs for, but as of yet can only find in her dreams...
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My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
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