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RayWing Blitz
Planet Earth
Member Since
Professional Bishie Glomper/Fanfiction Authoress
Real Name
When I was 10, I ruled my world. But, I learned the ABCs of life, and let God take over.
Anime Fan Since
About August 2003
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and am growing to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
Publish a best seller, visit many countries in Europe, and become a better authoress!
I really love LotR, and am a Tolkien expert. If you guys have any questions about LotR or Tolkien, leave it in my guestbook! I also love listening to music, eating, (tee hee...) and I'm obsessed with computers...
I play some piano, write fanfiction, and the middle finger and the ring finger on my right hand are the only double-jointed fingers on both hands. Holy mother of God! Isn’t that some true talent slapped down for ya!
| RayWing Blitz
Thursday, March 25, 2004
I need to apologize for not updating in practically a week! I haven't been nuttily busy, but it just seemed I had nothing to updat about!! But I do now. ^_^
Tomorrow morning I have a homeschool fieldtrip at 8:00...going to a museum, so, it should be fun. :) Saturday I have a wedding to go to...ugh. Thats gonna, actually. I haven't gone to a years! oh! oh! Reminds me of..."Wedding? Oh! I love weddings! Drinks all 'round!" - Jack Sparrow -
Anyhoo, I now have a chatterbox, unless you noticed...but no one has commented! Oh well. I guess my site isn't all that...popular. Haha...
I have about 15 quiz results saved to my computer, so, my message is mainly going to be that and maybe a crazy lib or 2.
Anyways. :) Toodles!!
- Blitzy
You are Kristina of Sweden. She was the King of Sweden in the 1600's, and I say 'King' because she demanded it. She was one of the first feminists around; wearing pants, fighting with men, and ruling a country. You have radical ideas and will fight for them. You often understand better than most the hard work that is needed. You most always get your way; by saying something and standing by it. Love really doesn't concern you, nor do good looks. Kristina, in fact, had a disfigured shoulder because she was dropped as a baby. The best word to discribe you is strong. Please rate my quiz.
What famous female ruler are you? (written for the girls) brought to you by Quizilla
The other second, I played what is perhaps the most scaly pinball game I've ever seen. It was called "The Mushy Toothbrushes of Chris the Beetle." The object of the game was to hit the ball with the flippers and the rotating wrench to get it to go through the Embarrassing Tunnel of Bravery, thereby lighting the bonus slugs, which you could hit to enter the Super Pondering Camels Round. Alternately, if you hit the ball into the Cold Ramp, the Gyrating Slimy Exterminators of Desperation would become activated, which earns you big bonus points if you hit all two of the Waffles of Crying within one morning. You can win an extra ball if you kiss the Conniving Shirt of Spitting, but only when all the Drop Drainpipes have been condemned. It was a really pink game, but after playing for a month straight, my nostril was sore for a century.
 Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Aragorn and Arwen! They are the king and queen of Gondor, which makes you a prince or princess. Not too shabby, huh? Youll get to take over the kingdom someday. Look at you, all heir-to-the- throne-y! Oh, did I mention that you are gorgeous? Your Middle-Earth mama is practically a supermodel, while your Middle- Earth dad managed to turn heads at eighty-seven years old. Youve hit the genetic lottery, my friend! Your last name is Telcontar and you live in the city of Minas Tirith.
Your Middle-Earth mama is Arwen Undomiel. She is an elf but gave up her immortality to be with your dad. If you do something bad she will probably lower her head in sorrow and shed a tear or two, which, although it may not be her intention, is major guilt tripping. Through Arwen you are related to Elrond and Celebrian (your grandfather and grandmother) and Celeborn and Galadriel (your great-grandparents). She is also a link to your uncles Elladan and Elrohir, who spoil you rotten.
Your Middle-Earth dad is Aragorn. Since he became king he has been going by King Elessar, but he has a lot of other names too. He is an amazing warrior and will teach you everything he knows. Some dads play football with their kids - your dad gave you your first sword at the age of three! Aragorn is the disciplinarian, and since your grandfather Elrond raised him he is very stern when necessary. Just behave yourself and you should be fine.
Which Lord of the Rings couple would be your dream parents? Pictures and longish answers. brought to you by Quizilla
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