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myOtaku.com: Razing Phoenix

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

   Busy Days
Hey everyone. *sigh* I've been really busy the past few days. Most of it was good busy, though. Like on I think Friday I resurrected our Game Cube back to life. As it turned out, it was actually our TV that kicked the bucket. It was about ten years old anyhow.

Therefore my sis and I have been playing Tales of Symphonia again! It's so fun. I rock at playing Kratos or Sheena. So we'll be beating the game for about the tenth time. Maybe that's why the TV died... Lol.

Also on Friday it was my high school's homecoming football game, and we won of course; like 54-14! The team did awesome and it was actually fun to watch! I was glad I went.

Next on Saturday I went to church and I had to work at a wedding dance from like 9-12:30 with CYO (catholic youth organization). So needless to say I was tired.

On Sunday mom took us shopping! It was fun too. I got some new clothes and so did everybody else. I even got a new purse. It's so gorgeous! Black and purple with leather-like straps. At least I think it's perfect for my personality. We also ate out for lunch and we got some more groceries, because we were out of almost everything! O_O

Monday was just like any other Monday, only it seemed to go by pretty quickly. I don't know why. Maybe it was just me. Today went by fast, too. Like right now it's really time for me to go to bed, but it doesn't really matter what time I go to sleep because I'll still be tired in the morning on the bus. *ugh*

I haven't even had time to watch any anime lately. Maybe I should read the FMA manga my sister has. You can take it with you, you know? *nods* But if anyone has any recommendations for anime I should watch, just PM me or something. Thanks. ^^"

Well I am also caught up on theOtaku stuff, right? I've given a few comments so if I missed you, just let me know! ^^

So...that's pretty much what I've been up to. Now I'm up to date. How was everyone else's weekend? Good I hope?

~Razi-chan ^^"

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