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Sakuya Kamashi
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Lemonade addict
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Confessing to my parents that i had sex with a 14 year old girl....
Anime Fan Since
The dawn of time......? >.<
Favorite Anime
Revolutionary Girl Utena, Gravitation, and Vampire Hunter D....maybe a lil bit of Real Bout High School
Publishing my first novel and living to see no such thing as criticism of gays and bisexuals....
Writing, reading, raising the phone bill on my hubby, cleaning my room, and sleeping...
i uhm.....can do this...! *touches nose with tongue*
| RazorsAndNeedles
Sunday, November 21, 2004
I stayed up till 2 last night watching the last of hellsing. I didn't get to watch the last two episodes though *sobs*. I was randomly pounced by a cat that wasn't mine today. It was odd....^_^
I bought stuff today! ^_^
I know this may sound childish but i bought a bratz doll *winces* It's really cool though ^_^ She looks loike mana! With the blue and blonde hair and the really weird yet cool outfit that's frilly and black ^_^ I also got a weird painting thingie of a kimono. It looks really cool.
I found out my sister's three months pregnant. It's crazy, she's havin those weird cravings and always has gas. Even though she's only three months in...-_-
I'm goin over to mari's tomorrow to meet greg.....the really hot guy with an irish accent...^_^ I ish so happy! We're goin to border's and i'll be able to buy paradise kiss. Well i'm sorry but i gotta go do stuff so...ja ne!

The Dollmage is the wise woman of Seekvalley. Her gift and power is to make the story of her village because she alone makes the "doll," or miniature of her village. She also makes the "promise doll" for each child born in the village. The promise doll, a small totem worn around the neck, tells the promise of each individual's life.
As the Dollmage's powers weaken and age comes upon her, she knows she must choose a successor. On the day she predicts to be the birthday of her chosen one, two girls are born: Annakey and Renoa. One girl must learn the Dollmage's magic, but which one? The Dollmage does something that has never been done before. She sculpts both girls' promise dolls with the eyes of the Dollmage, but on one doll she carves a smile and on the other a frown. She allows the babies to choose. Annakey chooses the frowning doll, and Renoa the smiling doll. Their paths seem clear. Renoa will be the Dollmage.
But as Annakey grows up, she discovers that she, too, has magic. She longs to create in miniature and desires with all her heart to be a Dollmage. She is forbidden, she is told. She has the frowning promise doll with all its terrible implications.
When Annakey's valley is threatened by outside forces, she is the only one with a plan to save her people. How will she persuade the Dollmage and her people that she has the power to help?
In this richly woven tale of the frightful effects of love, pride, and bitterness, Martine Leavitt once again crafts a fantastic and completely believable alternate world. This is a story that grows in power as each page turns.
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