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Saturday, November 10, 2007
I Need A Wall....
...So I can bash my head in against it. I'm so stressed right now. Of course, I don't think I have the determination to actually do it but the idea is appealing. I seem to get verbally violent when I'm stressed or upset.
Last weekend, I had a huge Literary poetry assignment. It was 10 poems, a piece of art repersenting each poem, a 100 word paragraph for each peice of art (so 1000 words total), and an in-depth analysis of each poem. And if we just cut and pasted things, we got a C on the project. We only had a week to do the project. It didn't help that we only had class every other day. So I turned mine in two days late (I got a C+ on it and probably would have gotten something close to an A if I had turned it in on time (10% docked for each day late)). I spent 4 days staying up well past midnight doing that project. And what does my teacher give to us today? Another project. Due on Wednesday. We have to act out something like 19 scenes from Oedipus. Not a happy class.
Pride and Prejudice is being performed NEXT WEEK. Everyone is pretty stressed about it. The cast doesn't even have all of their lines down yet. It needs a lot of work. Usually I feel fairly confident about our performances but I'm really unsure about this one. I feel generally useless while I'm there too. I just sat and watched the performance for six hours today. It kinda bums me out, not doing anything.
There seems to be a lot of drama (personal drama, I mean) happening lately as well. My two closest friends decided that they weren't going to be friends any more. One told something he shouldn't have under the trust of my other friend. And for that, they aren't friends any more. And I'm kinda stuck in the middle.
School life isn't that great either. My grades are slipping and and I have requirements to fill that I can't seem to concentrate on.
I'm sorry that I just complained the whole time in this post. I just felt like I needed to get it off my chest to someone. And I can't talk to my friends about it because, well, they're apart of it. You know? I'll try to do better next time.
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